Using digital tools to create stunning photographic images, Doris Mitsch depicts what lies beyond the range of normal human vision.

Why you should listen

Doris Mitsch began her career as a designer at Apple, where she explored ways to bring together computing and creativity, and where she experimented with then-nascent technologies. Now, even though those tools are more established, she continues to fuse high tech with a keen eye for the natural world, combining the use of cameras and scanners to produce exquisitely detailed pieces. Her photographic prints are intricate renditions of processes ordinarily invisible to the naked eye, illuminating the interiors of flowers and urchins, the flight paths of birds or often overlooked facets of objects when struck by light.

Mitsch’s work has been exhibited widely, including solo shows in New York and the Bay Area and in a group exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Her work has been described as "luminous and tender," a "meditative revelation" and as "interrogating the notions of time, space and our own linear reality."

Doris Mitsch’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Doris Mitsch

Live from TED2023

Ideas that are way, way out there: Notes on Session 4 of TED2023

April 19, 2023

In a session that was by turns soul-stirring, uproariously funny, deadly serious and brilliantly colorful, seven speakers transported the TED audience to a solar engineering project in outer space, a 24-hour concert and performance, a movement to prove that birds aren’t real and more. The event: Talks from Session 4 of TED2023: Possibility, hosted by […]

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