TED Conference

Held annually on the West Coast of North America, the TED Conference is at the heart of TED. More than a thousand people attend this five-day conference about Technology, Entertainment and Design -- as well as science, business, the arts and the global issues facing our world. Over 70 speakers appear on the main stage to give talks and shorter presentations, including music, performance and comedy.

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TED2024: The Brave and the Brilliant
April 15-19, 2024
Vancouver, BC, Canada

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TED Conference membership comparison table

All prices in US Dollars.
Patron Donor StandardVanguard
Price$250,000 $25,000$12,500$6,250
Term (in years) 5 111
Conference attendancex x x x
Workshops and experiencesx x x x
Online networking via our custom appx x x x
Conference video archivex x x x
Access to TED member virtual exclusivesx x x x
Early theater access for all sessionsx x
Priority workshop selectionx x
Additional opportunities to meet speakersx x
Additional special spacesx x
Recognition in the program guidex x
Flexible registration policies x x
Special hotel room allocation x x
Patron concierge services x
Purchase one companion ticket/ year at conference rate x
Tax receipt at end of year x x x x
Tax-deductible xxxx
Support for TED’s mission •••••••• •••• •••••

TED Conference Patron membership

This special 5-year membership category of TED Patron is available for those who wish to further support TED's goals with a more substantial contribution.

Price: US $250,000

Requirements: If you'd like to be a Patron, you must apply for membership to the TED Conference. Please email conferences@ted.com for details.


  • Conference attendance: The five-day program includes 11 sessions of TED’s famous talks, deep dive workshops and activities known as Discovery Sessions, group dinners and parties, comfortable simulcast spaces, exhibits and interactive experiences, plus a few surprises!
  • Online social networking: Join the year-round TED Conference private social network. Interact with other members and new friends.
  • TED Live on-demand access: Revisit your favorite talks and sessions from the conference with the TED Live on-demand video archive. More about TED Live
  • Early access: Get admitted early to the theater to access the best seats for all sessions.
  • Special programming: Additional events, spaces and opportunities to meet speakers.
  • Recognition: Receive acknowledgment in the conference program.
  • Purchase membership for a guest: Option to bring one guest per year at the prevailing membership rate, any time up to four weeks before the conference (subject to TED's approval).
  • Patron Concierge: Dedicated to providing assistance with all conference-related needs throughout the year.
  • Automatic renewal: Your membership automatically renews annually during the five years -- without further payment required -- regardless of any membership price increases.
  • Extended transfer/carryover deadlines: Get more flexibility with regard to transfers and carryover deadlines. (See our Registration policies.)

Tax deductibility:

TED is owned by the TED Foundation, a private 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation registered in the state of New York, US. $235,000 of the TED Patron fee may be tax-deductible; fair market value for TED2024 is US $15,000, and fair market value for TED2025 is US $25,000.

Please consult your tax professional. We issue tax receipts at the end of each calendar year. See our Registration policies page for terms and details.

TED Conference Donor membership

This special membership category of TED Donor is available for those who wish to further support TED's goals with a larger annual contribution.

Price: US $25,000

Requirements: If you'd like to be a Donor, you must apply for membership to the TED Conference.


  • Conference attendance: The five-day program includes up to a dozen sessions of TED’s famous talks, deep dive workshops and activities known as Discovery Sessions, group dinners and parties, comfortable simulcast spaces, exhibits and interactive experiences, plus a few surprises!
  • Online social networking: Join the year-round TED Conference private social network. Interact with other members and new friends.
  • TED Live on-demand access: Revisit your favorite talks and sessions from the conference with the TED Live on-demand video archive. More about TED Live
  • Early access: Get admitted early to the theater to access the best seats for all sessions.
  • Special programming: Additional events, spaces and opportunities to meet speakers.
  • Recognition: Receive acknowledgment in the conference program.
  • Concierge services: Dedicated to providing assistance with all conference-related inquiries throughout the year.
  • Early renewals: Get an opportunity to apply early to renew your membership.
  • Extended transfer/carryover deadlines: Get more flexibility with transfers and carryover options. (See our Registration policies.)

Tax deductibility:

TED is owned by the TED Foundation, a private 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation registered in the state of New York, US. $22,000 of the TED Donor fee may be tax-deductible; fair market value for TED2024 is US $3,000, and fair market value for TED2025 is US $5,000.

Please consult your tax professional. We issue tax receipts at the end of each calendar year. See our Registration policies page for terms and details.

TED Conference Standard membership

Price: US $12,500

Requirements: If you'd like to attend a TED Conference, you must apply for membership. Due to limited space and high demand, conferences sell out very quickly.


  • Conference attendance: The five-day program includes up to a dozen sessions of TED’s famous talks, deep dive workshops and activities known as Discovery Sessions, group dinners and parties, comfortable simulcast spaces, exhibits and interactive experiences, plus a few surprises!
  • Online social networking: Join the year-round TED Conference private social network. Interact with other members and new friends.
  • TED Live on-demand access: Revisit your favorite talks and sessions from the conference with the TED Live on-demand video archive. More about TED Live

Tax deductibility:

TED is owned by the TED Foundation, a private 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation registered in the state of New York, US. $7,000 of the TED Standard fee may be tax-deductible; fair market value for TED2024 is US $3,000, and fair market value for TED2025 is US $5,000.

Please consult your tax professional. We issue tax receipts at the end of each calendar year. See our Registration policies page for terms and details.

TED Conference Vanguard membership


The Vanguard membership invites early-career individuals who have never been to TED to attend the conference at a heavily subsidized price. Vanguard applications are subject to an especially stringent review and approval process; not all Vanguard applicants will be selected, as passes for this membership type are very limited in number.

Vanguard members enjoy all the same privileges and access as Standard members. We encourage Vanguard members to apply for Standard TED membership after their first year.

Price: US $6,250
Early supporter price: US $5,000 (available until August 1, 2023)

Eligibility: The Vanguard membership is open to:

  • Early career, first-time TED conference attendees. We welcome anyone to apply, but focus on early career professionals whose careers are at a tipping point.
  • Professionals in the fine and performing artists, educators, activists, technologists, entrepreneurs and leaders at NGOs, scientists, medical and legal innovators and thinkers.

Important notes on eligibility:

  • We actively seek applicants from all parts of the globe
  • Applications from professionals in traditional for-profit industries (i.e. Investment banking, venture capital, finance) will not be considered for Vanguard membership, however will be considered for Standard membership.
  • Vanguard membership is only applicable for one TED conference. Previous Vanguard attendees will not be considered for future Vanguard membership.
  • Vanguard membership is not available as a companion pass for spouses, partners or family members of existing TED community members.

Requirements: If you'd like to attend a TED Conference, you must apply for membership. Due to limited space and high demand, conferences sell out very quickly.


  • Same as Standard membership (as listed above)

Tax deductibility:

TED is owned by the TED Foundation, a private 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation registered in the state of New York, US. $2,000 of the TED Vanguard fee may be tax-deductible; fair market value for TED2024 is US $3,000, and fair market value for TED2025 is US $5,000.

Please consult your tax professional. We issue tax receipts at the end of each calendar year. See our Registration policies page for terms and details.

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