
TEDSummit attendees

TEDSummit gathers the most engaged members of the global TED community for community brainstorms, discussions, performances, workshops, outdoor activities and an eclectic program of mainstage talks – in beautiful surroundings.

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TEDSummit 2019

A community beyond borders

July 21-25, 2019
Edinburgh, Scotland

Many people see TED through a lens of talks and content. We see it as a global community of people who are interested in ideas that can improve the world. Every few years, TEDSummit gathers over 1000 members of that global community for five days of brainstorms, performances, workshops, outdoor activities, future-focused discussions and an eclectic program of mainstage TED Talks. Three years after the first event in Banff, Canada, TEDSummit 2019 gathered that community beyond borders in beautiful Edinburgh, Scotland.

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TEDSummit Conference membership

Requirements: You must apply for TEDSummit membership. TEDSummit is only open to existing members of the TED community -- TED friends, TED Fellows, TED-Ed educators, TEDx organizers, and past TED speakers.


  • Attending the TEDSummit Conference: The five-day program includes seven sessions of TED’s famous 18-minute talks, comfortable simulcast spaces, group dinners and parties, workshops and activities, the TED Gift Bag, plus more.
  • Online social networking: Join the year-round TED Conference private social network. Interact with other members and new friends.
  • TED Live on-demand access: Revisit your favorite talks and sessions from the conference with the TED Live on-demand video archive. More about TED Live

Tax deductibility:

As TED is owned by the TED Foundation, a private 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation registered in the state of New York, US, any amount you pay over $3,000 on TEDSummit membership fees may qualify as a tax-deductible charitable donation. Please consult your tax professional to find out how much is deductible. We issue tax receipts at the end of each calendar year.

Please see our registration policies page for terms and details.

Watch talks from past TEDSummit events

TEDSummit photo highlights