A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Self.
Dan Harris
A guide to self-love for skeptics
David Suh
Why body language is the key to self-expression — and hot selfies
Baron Ryan
Confessions of a recovering people pleaser
Simone Stolzoff
How to reclaim your life from work
RuPaul Charles
Bravery, brilliance and RuPaul Charles | On the Spot
Stephanie Pacheco
“where you from?” An ode to the Bronx
Desiree Akhavan
Why you should disappoint your parents
Gary Barker
A reframing of masculinity, rooted in empathy
Mark Hopwood
How to know if you're selfish (and whether or not that's bad)
Francesca Hogi
True love — and the myth of "happily ever after"
Robin Kramer
Are you really as good at something as you think?
Taylor Cassidy
Why real change is about more than just going viral
Maya Shankar
Why change is so scary — and how to unlock its potential
Tina Yong
The rise of the "trauma essay" in college applications
Marcos Salazar
5 steps to building a personal brand you feel good about
Constance Hockaday
The one question every aspiring leader needs to ask