A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Health.
Nazzy Pakpour
What causes lice, and how do you get rid of them?
Sharon Zicherman
What you miss when you focus on the average
M. Alejandra Perotti
You might be surprised by what you'd find in your pores
Kasley Killam
Why social health is key to happiness and longevity
Fei Luo
Collagen's dirty secret — and its clean future
Elizabeth Cox
Would you sell your kidney for $100,000? | Ada, Ep. 2
TED Health
A Healthier You: A cardiologist's guide to protecting your heart
Ethan Kross
Do you talk to yourself? Here’s how to harness your inner voice
Christine Blume
Why daylight is the secret to great sleep
Hei Man Chan
What actually causes high cholesterol?
Mohamed Aburawi
A hospital in the cloud bringing health care anywhere in the world
Irena Arslanova
Does your heartbeat shape your sense of time?
Adam Munder
How AI can bridge the Deaf and hearing worlds
Andy Jarvis
How to feed 10 billion people — without destroying nature
Shannon Odell
Do you really need to take 10,000 steps a day?
Maija Williams
Health care is a right — not a privilege