TEDxMahtomedi will provide a focused discussion around our community's changing demographics and dynamic physical environment.
You can find our video playlist at
Mahtomedi High School Black Box Theater
8000 75th Street North
Mahtomedi, Minnesota, 55115
United States
8000 75th Street North
Mahtomedi, Minnesota, 55115
United States
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.
Lisa Cook
A career development professional and single person, Lisa's passion is to connect others seeking stronger social ties and support.Karen Fitzpatrick
Karen is a community activist. As a former educator and member of a religious order, Karen focuses her work on homelessness and hunger issues.Karen Keenan
Karen is president of ConnectWC, a non-profit organization active in developing inclusive community living with intellectual and developmental disabilities.Victoria Safford
Victoria leads the White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church in Mahtomedi. A graduate of Vassar and Harvard, she is interested in creating circles of community across demographic and social boundaries.Cole Harmon
Cole is a high school senior at Mahtomedi High School. With a keen interest in the environment and as an artist, Cole is interested in an education that stimulates creativity and a love of learning.Rebekah Hagstrom
Rebekah is headmaster at Liberty Classical Academy. With degrees in communications disorders and speech pathology, she helped to found this school to bring a classical education alternative to the Twin Cities area.Mark Larson
Mark is superintendent of Mahtomedi Public Schools. WIth a Ph.D. in education, Mark is charged with leading our community schools into the future.Patty Hall
Patty is co-founder of H2O for Life, a nonprofit with a mission to engage, educate and inspire you around water issues, especially in Africa. Patty is a life-long resident of our community and is especially concerned about emerging water issues here in our own community.Dorian Grilley
Dorian is a Mahtomedi resident and is founder of the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota which emphasizes bicycles as an alternative to the automobile for everyday transportation with a special focus on bicycle safety.Davis Grilley
Davis is a high school junior who rides his bicycle on a daily basis. Davis is in the band, on the nordic ski team and has co-written a play.Debbie Johnson-Hill
Debbie is an organic egg farmer living in our community. Debbie is interested in promoting local foods as both a health and economic development initiative.Paul Hoff
As a professional at the MN Pollution Control Agency, Paul work is his avocation. Paul is a co-founder of the Mahtomedi Area Green Initiative.Organizing team
Mary Hoff
Steering Team/Communications/Program -
Jud Marshall
Steering Team/Mayor -
Mary George
Steering Team/Logistics -
Scott Neilson
Steering Team/City administrator -
Annette Sallman
Steering Team/Marketing -
Ron Anderson
Steering Team/Program -
Laurel Karterick
Steering Team/Program -
Kandace Olsen
Program Team -
Allen Holcomb
Program Team -
Peter Reich
Program Team -
Patrick Crothers
Logistics Team -
Cole Harman
Logistics Team -
Claire Belisle
Logistics Team -
Tonya Kostuch
Logistics Team -
Eric Johnson
Logistics Team