Jason Youssef
Jason Youssef is a junior at Moorestown Friends School. In his free time, he enjoys reading, running, and playing tennis. He believes that addressing inequalities in society are an important first step in improving the human experience for everyone.
Luke Iacono
Luke Iacono is a senior at Moorestown Friends School. Outside of class, he enjoys playing guitar, writing creatively, and reading philosophy. At school, he serve as class president, Model UN co-captain, and facilitator for the Students with Disabilities Affinity Group. His talk will be centered around the impact his stutter has had on his work in extracurriculars, his time in the classroom, and his experience as a teenager. he’ll be focusing on his journey to balancing perseverance with the requesting of accommodations with the ultimate goal of offering a new perspective on struggle, success, and how we perceive the simple, yet oftentimes incredibly difficult, act of asking for help.
Madelyn Calixto
Madelyn is a senior who has been passionate about many fields. Although most of her studies have been about sciences, she has taken many art classes within the school. Her talk about Talent vs. Genius will challenge the idea that people who are “good” at art should be praised for their hard work rather than intrinsic talent.
Mason Levens
Mason Levens is a senior at Moorestown Friends looking to study mathematical economics. he currently serves as a leader in student government, captain of cross country, and president of investment club. He is also incredibly passionate about teaching mathematics analytically and promoting socioeconomic diversity in education. he was fortunate to have had the opportunity to author a book “Analytical Approaches to Mathematics Instruction” which details how teachers can promote conceptual understanding in the classroom. his TedX presentation will discuss the importance of teaching mathematics analytically, and how equity in education has been incredibly important to his life.
Maya DeAndrea
Maya DeAndrea is a senior at Moorestown Friends School looking to pursue a future in international relations with a focus on environmental policy. She currently interns for the Fulbright Association’s Commission for Educational Exchange between the U.S., Belgium and Luxembourg, where she engages with the global Fulbright network and serves as a TA for Fulbright courses, and for Saddler’s Woods Conservation Association, which allows her to engage with her passion for environmental sustainability at the local level in her own community.