Andrea Yang
Andrea is a student, athlete, and artist at SHSID.
Barbie Chen
Barbie is a student at SHSID and a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Recipient.
Chiyori Zhou
Chiyori is a SHSID student and dedicated volunteer, creator of a medical Q&A chatbot.
Eugene Chen
SHSID Senior, Sustainability Entrepreneur
-2023 ISEF First Place in Sustainable Materials and Design, Peggy Scripps Award
- Gienkee Energy Company Founder
-Participant in Wietec, China's largest international exhibition for environmental protection and energy-saving solutions
SHSID Senior, Food Safety Entrepreneur
Harrison Tang is a Taiwanese-Canadian high school senior and youth advocate invested in the fields of food safety and historico-cultural studies. Being diagnosed with peanut allergies, Tourette’s Syndrome, and severe nasal rhinitis at a young age, Harrison deeply understands the importance of safe and healthy eating and aims to promote equitable access to safe, secure, and sustainable food systems for all. He is a Gold Medalist in History and Biology Olympiads, First Place Award Recipient in Biochemistry at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), and a Prudential Spirit of Community Award Recognized Social Advocate. His newly published book Axis of Obscura: Moral Lines and Cold Divides, which focuses on the socio-tech controversies and obscured historical perspectives, is a local bestseller and has raised over $1K for Christian Mountain Children’s Home in Kaohsiung.
Kelan Ji
SHSID Student, Ballet Dancer
-Learned ballet for over 8 years
-Second professional level of the European Qualifications Framework
-Various international ballet competitions
-2023 National Cheerleading competition second place
Ming Lei
哈佛大学生物物理学博士, 上海精准医学研究院执行院长
Miranda Sun
Student at SHSID, Swimmer
- Began Swimming at the age of 7
-Multiple National Awards in both 50m and 100m swimming
- MVP of Women's U8
Ryan Thorpe
Founder of Inkwell, Professor at University of Michigan-SJTU
Associate teaching professor of writing
Writing Center Director, University of Michigan
Director of Inkwell Literary Group
Sergio Giovanny Rea Sanchez
Medical Expert, Founder of the ALPINE Heath Group
-Lecturer in China for a rehabilitation hospital
-FIFA certified Chiropractor
Sophia Fang
Sophia Fang is a student at SHSID and core member of the SHSID Model United Nations Team.
Teresa Zhao
Teresa is a student at SHSID who holds a passion for playing trumpet and piano.
Zhi Zhong Li
Zion Wang
Zion is a student at SHSID as well as the Captain of the Hong Kong U18 Ice Hockey National Team.