x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 微小的总和 · Doing our bit

This event occurred on
August 13, 2023
Guangzhou, Guangdong


在时隔三载终于回归的 TEDxGuangzhou 大会上,我们将会以「微小的总和 Doing our bit」作为主题,期望深入探索这些微不足道的努力,向所有人展示创造改变并不一定要取得伟大的成就或做出巨大的牺牲。只需做好我们自身的那一点,甚至只是坚守“分内之事”,都能产生深远的影响。

Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510000
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Guangzhou events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

玩具回春堂 Toy Resurrection Clinic

玩具回春堂 独立创作组 玩具回春堂致力于让失落的事物焕发第二春,重新融入人类的世界。 由艺术家一木和林坚硬组成,玩具回春堂将那些被丢弃、遗忘或忽视的物件、梦境、故事和感受重新发掘,并通过艺术装置、绘画、故事、概念玩具和视频等多种形式赋予它们新的生命。他们的作品试图在记忆与情感的细微之处,唤起人们对个体价值与人类命运的思考。 成员林坚硬自 2016 年起专注于独立漫画创作,用诙谐和戏剧化的方式解构社会议题,以独特视角探索宏大主题中的具体联系。而一木自 2018 年以独立艺术家的身份展开创作,善于通过装置、雕塑与诗作,捕捉记忆与宇宙之间的微妙关联,构建充满温度与深意的艺术表达。 Toy Resurrection Clinic Independent Artist Group Toy Resurrection Clinic is committed to breathing new life into forgotten things, helping them reconnect with the human world. Founded by artists Yimu and Lin Jianying, Toy Resurrection Clinic revives discarded, overlooked, or forgotten objects, dreams, stories, and emotions, transforming them into new creations through art installations, paintings, storytelling, conceptual toys, and videos. Their work delves into the nuances of memory and emotion, encouraging people to reflect on individual worth and the shared destiny of humanity. Lin Jianying has been creating independent comics since 2016, addressing societal issues with wit and drama, while exploring the intricate connections between grand narratives and everyday realities. Yimu, an independent artist since 2018, is skilled at weaving together memory and the cosmos through installations, sculptures, and poetry, crafting heartfelt and profound artistic expressions.

章玉萍 Yuping Zhang

章玉萍关注中国数字鸿沟中的信息中下阶层(information have-less)及另类媒介,探索数字化时代边缘群体的困境与可能性。 她是香港中文大学传播学博士,现任广州大学新闻与传播学院副教授。多年来,她将研究重心放在被快速发展的数字化浪潮所忽略的人群:残障人士、流动人口、下岗工人及其他社会边缘群体。 个人经历让她对这一议题有了更深刻的思考:母亲罹患认知症的经历,使她重新审视数字鸿沟对不同人群生活的影响,并提出一个重要问题——在这条鸿沟日益扩大的今天,我们该如何应对? Yuping Zhang studies the information have-less groups and alternative media in China’s digital divide, shedding light on the struggles and potential of marginalized communities in the digital era. As a PhD graduate in Communication from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and now an Associate Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Guangzhou University, her work over the years has focused on people overlooked in the rush of digital transformation: individuals with disabilities, migrant workers, laid-off employees, and other socially marginalized groups. Her personal journey has given her deeper insights into this issue. Her experience caring for her mother with cognitive impairment prompted her to rethink the digital divide’s impact on diverse populations and to raise a vital question: How should we address this growing divide in today’s world?

赵鹿鸣 Luming Zhao

赵鹿鸣 数据可视化设计师 赵鹿鸣通过可视化的方式揭示数据背后的故事,帮助人们理解并参与这个复杂而多元的世界。 他长期深耕于数据、视觉与新闻学的交叉领域。在七年的创作生涯中,赵鹿鸣完成了 100 多篇数据报道,这些作品不仅丰富了信息的表达形式,还被全球知名媒体广泛引用。 作为一名技术精湛的设计师和充满热情的讲述者,赵鹿鸣用数据描绘世界,启发公众更深刻地理解并关注社会议题。他将数据可视化视为艺术、科技与人文的交汇点,值得自己长期耕耘。 Luming Zhao Data Visualization Designer Luming Zhao brings data to life through visualization, uncovering the narratives hidden within and helping audiences connect with the complexities of our diverse world. Specializing in the intersection of data, design, and journalism, Luming Zhao has dedicated seven years to producing over 100 data stories. His innovative works not only enhance how information is conveyed but have also earned recognition from leading global media outlets. A masterful designer and enthusiastic storyteller, Luming Zhao uses data visualizations to portray the world, encouraging the public to think deeply about and engage with social issues. To him, data visualization represents the perfect blend of art, technology, and humanities—an endeavor he passionately pursues.

Organizing team


Guangzhou, China


Guangzhou, China