吳尚洋 Jasper Wu
國際花藝大師 / 妥瑞氏症患者 The World Champion of Floral Award with Tourette Syndrome
妥瑞氏症(Tourette Syndrome)患者吳尚洋,會經常性落枕、不自覺抽搐及發出怪聲,常常嚇到旁人,受盡歧視與霸凌,但他不認為妥瑞症是挫折是阻礙,反而大力擁抱它,把它視為個人特色。因母親擅長花藝,9歲吳尚洋就會自己練習插花,14歲立定以插花為職志,甚至曾在殯儀館的靈堂學插花。18歲拿到美國芝加哥花藝學院文憑,旋即赴歐洲及日本跟隨大師修藝。在2012年勇奪「花界奧斯卡」的法國Piverdie D'OR時尚花藝大賽冠軍。Jasper Wu, the world champion of floral Award, has suffered from Tourette Syndrome and was badly abused. But Jasper didn’t see Tourette Syndrome as trouble, instead, he embraces it and take it as his own personal characteristic. Jasper start practicing flower arrangement at the age of 9 and received a certificate from the American Floral Art School at the age of 18. After visiting Europe and Japan to learn from the other experts. Jasper won the champion of 2012 Piverdie D' OR at France.
施柏宇 Po-Yu Shih
學生代表 Student Representative
施柏宇是國立屏東大學應用化學系大四學生,曾任國立屏東大學學生會會長,大學期間創辦故事表達飛船、米蒂爾音員社,透過培訓課程,讓學生重視且提升演說、口語表達等能力。111年獲得中國青年救國團全國⼤專校院優秀青年代表。Po-Yu Shih was the ex-President of student association of National Pingtung University who founded the Storytelling Spaceship Workshop and the Media Club with a variety of training courses to enhance students’ speaking skills and oral expression. Po-Yu was the representative for receiving the China Youth Corps 2022 National University Outstanding Young Men Award.
李宗賢 Tsung-Hsien Li
海龜醫師 / 國立海洋生物博物館助理研究員 Veterinary for sea turtles
李宗賢致力於海龜復育,因為熱愛動物,求學階段選擇了獸醫系,目前擔任國立海洋生物博物館助理研究員。海生館的「保育類水生生物收容中心」是南部為海龜救傷與照護為主的「海龜救傷收容中心」,主要業務包括受傷海龜之救傷、收容、醫療與野放。因為李醫師對保育工作的熱忱與使命,讓海龜照護成效卓越,多數於復原後已野放成功。Tsung-Hsien Li devoted himself to sea turtle restoration. He chose Veterinary medicine as his major in college and now works as a vet in National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA). With passion and determination that Tsung-Hsien has for animal conservation, the achievement for treating rescued sea turtles is outstanding. Most of the sea turtles are released back to the nature after recovering successfully.
薛丞睿 Hsueh-Cheng Jui
【檸檬大叔UNCLE LEMON】共同創辦人 Co-founder of Uncle Lemon
「檸檬大叔」品牌於2018年成立,使用屏東縣九如鄉種植的檸檬製作小方磚,忠實呈現整顆檸檬的原汁原味、毫無額外添加,打造100%純檸檬磚成功進軍國際市場。2022年初贏得了國際機構的肯定,摘下無添加食品評鑑「A. A.全球純粹品味評鑑」(A. A. TASTE AWARDS)三顆星的最高殊榮。
Uncle Lemon was founded in 2018. Fresh lemons that are cultivated in Jiouru township, Pingtung was used. Uncle Lemon turned 100% fresh lemon juice into lemon ice cubes and entered the international market successfully. The lemon ice cubs were recognized by international organizations, and it received 3-star A. A. TASTE AWARDS in 2022.
蘇明淵 Justin Su
律師 / 創作歌手 Lawyer / singer
生於高雄市,現居桃園。 輔仁大學法律系畢業、臺灣大學國家發展研究所肄業。自1998年律師 高考及格、現為執業律師,於桃 園開設律師事務所。2020 年以「善良的歹人」全創 作台語專輯 獲頒金曲獎最 佳台語男歌手獎,成為台 灣第一位以律師身份拿下 金曲獎之音樂創作人。
Justin Su born in Kaohsiung now lives in Taoyuan. Justin graduated with a law degree in bachelor and an undergraduate study at National Taiwan University with a concentration in Graduate Institute of National Development. Justin passed the national qualification examination and became a lawyer in 1998. He runs a law firm in Taoyuan. Justin was awarded the best male Taiwanese Singer in the 2020 Golden Melody Awards with the song “We all have good nature”.
蘇玉英 Yu Ying Su
越南華裔 / 婦女權益推動者 Vietnam Ethnic Taiwanese
來自越南的新住民蘇玉英,20歲嫁到台灣,在新的故鄉學習與適應生活,為了能夠快速融入新的環境,在家人的鼓勵下,她從屏東的國小開始念起,一直讀到國立屏東大學的教育行政研究所。他持續在屏東的國小、社區開辦越語課程,並安排越南美食、童玩DIY等課程,讓更多孩子及民眾認識越南文化,並協助新住民的孩子對媽媽產生認同。2015年獲頒教育部的「社教公益獎」。Vietnam Ethnic Chinese / Officer, New Immigrant Family Service Center, Pingtung
Ui-Ying, a Vietnamese came to Taiwan at the age of 20 because of her marriage. Although she completed high school education, but her degree was not recognized in Taiwan. With the support from her family, Yu-Ying started with Taiwan elementary education, intermediate school, high school, and apply university with a master degree in Education from National Pingtung University. Yu-Ying was awarded with Social Education Contribution Awards by Taiwan Ministry of Education in 2015.
賴元豐 Paul Lai
大和頓物所主理人 / 驛前大和旅社計劃負責人 CEO of Yamato coffee roasters and Yamato hotel
賴元豐,大和頓物所主理人、屏東驛前大和旅社計劃負責人,同時也是咖啡烘豆師&杯測師。過去曾在傳統產業跑國際業務,秉持著要「做一間屏東人都能拿來說嘴的店。」從零開始開始學習咖啡技能,並考取證照,從每天只賣一杯咖啡,如今已做出口碑,用時間孵化有特色的生活空間,創造出每月平均來客超過3千人的大和頓物所。Paul Lai is the CEO of Yamato coffee shop and Yamato hotel, not only so, he is also a coffee roaster and a coffee cupper. He determined to have a shop in Pingtung that become a topic for people to talk about. With time and good reputation, Yamato coffee roasters became a unique space that accommodate over 3,000 customers per month.