x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
July 2, 2022
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

City Theatre of P. O. Hviezdoslav
Laurínska 20
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj, 81101
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anastasiia Kuzmichova

Dancer, choreographer and dance teacher
Anastasiia is a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. Her choreographies are ranked first in dance competitions across Ukraine and abroad. She is a scenic dance performer. Through her dance, she expresses various life situations and emotions associated with them. Mila and Anastasia are both from Dnipro, and their joint escape to Bratislava brought them even closer, both as people and artists.

Daniel Špiner

Pianist and composer
Mila is a Ukrainian singer who runs a private singing school in the city of Dnipro. She fled to Slovakia with her 10 year old daughter after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Thanks to a lucky coincidence, she met and befriended pianist and composer Daniel Špiner. "Ever since our first rehearsal with Daniel I have felt that our co-operation has a higher purpose and meaning in this meaningless situation... It is the light that gives hope not only to me, but through our art, to other people who need hope in their own situations." says Mila.

Dominika Valentovičová

Grafická dizajnérka, prieskumníčka nelatinkových písiem / Graphic designer, explorer of non-latin scripts
Dominika vyštudovala vizuálnu komunikáciu. Má blízko ku knihám, symbolom a hlavne k písmu. A tiež rada robí detailné rešerše. Táto kombinácia ju priviedla k vytvoreniu projektu The Script Hunter, v ktorom sa venuje písmam, ktorými píšu ľudia v krajinách mimo Európy. Projekt bol v roku 2018 vybraný do finále V4 Graduation Projekt, bol zaradený do European Design Festival 2019 vo Varšave a v rámci V4 sa objavil aj na Vienna Design Week. The Script Hunter tiež získal Národnú cenu za dizajn v študentskej kategórii v roku 2020. --- EN: Dominika studied visual communication. She has an affinity for books, symbols and writing, and especially for script. She also enjoys doing detailed research. This led her to create The Script Hunter, a project in which she focuses on non-latin scripts written by people in countries outside Europe. The project received recognition at V4 Graduation Project in 2018, the European Design Festival 2019 in Warsaw, Vienna Design Week, National Design Award 2020.

Eva Benková

Molekulárna biologička / Molecular biologist
Molekulárna biologička prof. Eva Benková, prvá slovenská nositeľka prestížneho ERC grantu, vedie výskum hormonálnej regulácie vývoja rastlín v rakúskom ISTA. Podieľala sa na vývoji mikroskopového systému na filmovanie rastu rastlinných orgánov. S videom “Tancujúci koreň” nasnímaným týmto unikátnym zariadením vyhrala v roku 2017 celosvetovú fotomikrografickú súťaž firmy Nikon Small World in Motion. --- EN: Molecular biologist Prof Eva Benková is the first Slovak ERC grant holder and leader of the research group focusing on hormonal regulation of plant development in ISTA (Austria). She contributed to the establishment of an advanced imaging system for filming growth of plant organs. Timelapse of “Dancing Plant Root”, captured by this unique instrument, won Nikon Small World in Motion Photomicrography Competition in 2017.

Gábor Bindics

Kultúrny manažér / Cultural manager
Gábor Bindics študoval alternatívne zdroje energie v Budapešti a neskôr kultúrny manažment v Pécsi. Pracoval v londýnskej National Portrait Gallery, v Paríži založil malé lokálne kino. Je zakladateľom Kultúrneho centra Dunaj a kuriérskej služby Švihaj Šuhaj. Aktuálne vedie projekt Starej tržnice v Bratislave a pracuje na projekte, ktorý má prinavrátiť život kúpeľom Grössling a na projektoch ako Živé námestie alebo iniciatíve Sadni si! - voľného sedenia v meste. --- EN: Gábor Bindics studied Alternative Energy Sources in Budapest and later Cultural Management in Pécs. He worked at the National Gallery in London and founded a small local cinema in Paris. He is the founder of the Cultural Centre Dunaj, the Švihaj Šuhaj cyclo-courier service. Currently he leads the project Stará tržnica in Bratislava and works on a project, which brings Grössling Bath back to life and projects like Vivid Square or initiative Sadni si! (literally “Sit down!”)- free public seating in the city.

Jakub Nagy

mladý vynálezca, vedec a podnikateľ / young inventor, scientist and entrepreneur
SK: Jakub Nagy je študentom na strednej škole, no zároveň vedie tým mladých výskumníkov, ktorý pracuje na vývoji ultraľahkých sond na monitorovanie atmosféry. V tomto prepája skúsenosti s vývojom hardvéru a softvéru spolu s vzdelávaním. Vo veku 17 rokov už pracoval na projektoch pre Ministerstvo školstva SR, ale aj americkú armádu. V súčasnosti pracuje na vytvorení komunity podnikavých študentov. --- EN: Jakub Nagy is a high school student, but he also leads a team of young researchers working on the development of ultralight probes for atmospheric observation. He combines experience in hardware and software development together with education. At the age of 17, he has already worked on projects for the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, as well as for the U.S. Navy, and is now working to create a community of student entrepreneurs.

Ľuboslav Beňa

Transplantológ / Transplantologist
Ľuboslav Beňa od ukončenia štúdia medicíny pracuje v Univerzitnej nemocnici Louisa Pasteura v Košiciach, v súčasnosti ako jej riaditeľ. Intenzívne sa venuje problematike transplantácií orgánov, je prezidentom Slovenskej transplantologickej spoločnosti, členom Odborného konzília MZ SR pre transplantácie od geneticky nepríbuzných a vzdialene geneticky príbuzných darcov. --- EN: Ľuboslav Beňa s working at the Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Košice since graduating from medical school, currently as its director. He deals intensively with the issue of organ transplants, is the president of the Slovak Transplant Society, a member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic for transplants from genetically unrelated and remotely genetically related donors.

Marianna Richtáriková

IT manažérka / IT Manager
Marianna Richtáriková sa profesne venuje sieťovým technológiám a aktuálne pôsobí ako IT manažérka. Vo voľnom čase pro bono koučuje na platforme Lemon coaching. Je mamou dvoch dospelých detí. --- EN: Marianna Richtáriková works professionally in network technologies and is an IT manager. In her free time, she is a pro bono couch on the Lemon coaching platform. She is a mother of two adult children.

Mila Medvedovska

Mila is a Ukrainian singer who runs a private singing school in the city of Dnipro. She fled to Slovakia with her 10 year old daughter after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Thanks to a lucky coincidence, she met and befriended pianist and composer Daniel Špiner. "Ever since our first rehearsal with Daniel I have felt that our co-operation has a higher purpose and meaning in this meaningless situation... It is the light that gives hope not only to me, but through our art, to other people who need hope in their own situations." says Mila. Anastasiia is a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. Her choreographies are ranked first in dance competitions across Ukraine and abroad. She is a scenic dance performer. Through her dance, she expresses various life situations and emotions associated with them. Mila and Anastasia are both from Dnipro, and their joint escape to Bratislava brought them even closer, both as people and artists.

Oto Kóňa

Konzultant / Consultant
Oto Kóňa je konzultant pre malých podnikateľov a inovácie. Vyštudoval politický marketing na Masarykovej univerzite v Brne a podnikal v gastronómií (Regal Burger, NYC Corner). Posledné roky sa snaží malými krokmi pomôcť takmer 600 000 malým podnikateľom a živnostníkom na Slovensku, aby sa im žilo ľahšie, menej byrokraticky a efektívnejšie. Bankám, telco operátorom a poisťovniam na druhú stranu radí ako robiť zmysluplné kampane a produkty pre nich, aby využili svoju silu a peniaze s pozitívnym dopadom. --- EN: Oto Kóňa is consultant for small businesses and innovations. He studied political marketing at Masaryk University, founded well-known hospitality companies (Regal Burger, NYC Corner). He is trying to make life easier and more effective for almost 600 000 small businesses and self-employed in Slovakia. On the other hand he is advisor for banks, telco operators and insurance companies on how to make meaningful campaigns and products for them.

Pavel Petrovič

Pharmacist and a fan of The Beatles and Paul McCartney
Palo Petrovic, alias KIRO, is a pharmacist and a fan of The Beatles and Paul McCartney. He performed at many concerts in the band The Chrobaky, which brought people closer to the beauty, energy, and fantastic music of the legendary Liverpoolans. With his performance, he wants to pay tribute and congratulate probably the greatest composer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist of this time on his 80th birthday. The Paul project is Paul's personal chamber expression of gratitude for Paul's great music.

Petra Kotuliaková

Propagátorka diverzity v IT / Promoter of diversity in IT
Petra Kotuliaková je zakladateľkou neziskovej organizácie Aj Ty v IT, ktorá vzdeláva dievčatá a ženy v IT oblasti, motivuje ich k štúdiu informatiky a zamestnaniu sa v sektore technológií. Na Fakulte informatiky a informačných technológií STU sa začala venovať téme nedostatku dievčat a žien v IT sektore. Získala titul Female Role Model of the year by CESA Awards a bola ocenená Britským veľvyslanectvom cenou Women TECH Inclusion Award. --- EN: Petra Kotuliaková is the founder of the non-profit organization Aj Ty v IT. The organization provides girls and women with education in the IT field and motivates them to study computer science and pursue a career in the information technology sector. Later on, at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies of STU, she began to focus on the lack of women in the IT sector. As a result, she received the title Female Role Model of the year from CESA Awards and she was awarded the European Women TECH Inclusion Award by the British Embassy.

Štefan Karak

Ultra trailový bežec / Ultra trail runner
Vášňou Štefana Karaka sú dlhé behy v horách. Vo veku 62 rokov absolvoval jeden z najťažších pretekov na svete UTMB (166km s prevýšením 9 400 m). O 3 roky neskôr ako najstarší účastník pretekov úspešne dokončil Lead Ville Trail 100 v Colorade (160 km). Zúčastnil sa 6 Majstrovstiev sveta v behu do vrchu a je držiteľom niekoľkých slovenských rekordov. Dnes vo veku 70 rokov stále trénuje a je odhodlaný naplniť si svoje ďalšie bežecké ciele. --- EN: Štefan Karak's passion is long trail runs. As a 62-year-old ultra trail runner, he completed one of the most difficult races in the world - the UTMB (166 km with elevation gain of 9,400 m). 3 years later, as the oldest racer, he successfully completed the Lead Ville Trail 100 in Colorado (160 km). He participated in 6 World Championships in hill running and holds several Slovak records. Today, at the age of 70, he still trains and is determined to achieve his next running goals.

Tomáš Jahelka, Roman Jančiga

Politológovia / Political Scientists
Roman Jančiga študoval politológiu na Trnavskej univerzite. Je predsedom občianskeho združenia Communio Minerva, ktoré sa zaoberá výskumom a publikovaním z oblasti slovenských politických, kultúrnych a sociálnych dejín. Pôsobí vo verejnej správe. Tomáš Jahelka prednáša na Katedre politológie na Trnavskej univerzite. Zaoberá sa dejinami slovenského politického myslenia a v súčasnosti pracuje na druhom diely monografie z tejto oblasti. --- EN: Roman Jančiga studied politics at the University of Trnava. He is the President of the Communio Minerva, a civil organisation focusing on the research of Slovak political, cultural, and social history. He works for the public sector. Tomáš Jahelka is a lecturer at the School of Politics at University of Trnava. His research focuses on the histoy of Slovak political thought and is currently working on the second volume of his monograph in the same field.

Veronika Vitazkova & Diana Macalova

Hudobníčka / Musician
Veronika Vitázková je profesionálna flautistka, ktorá predstavuje tradičné polozabudnuté nástroje. Jej video ako hrá na slovenských ľudových nástrojoch má viac ako milión videní. Veronika je pravidelne pozývaná hrať a koncertovať s významnými telesami a dirigentmi, akými sú Wiener Volksoper Orchester, Viedenský komorný orchester a ako aj s legendou filmovej hudby Ennio Morriconem. Novú energiu vnáša do mnohých filmových soundtrackov (napr. pre Netflix, Disney, HBO či BBC) ako sólová aj orchestrálna hudobníčka. -- EN: Veronika Vitázková is a professional flutist who performs on traditional, half-forgotten instruments. A video of her playing Slovak folk instruments has over 1 milion views. She is also regularly invited to play with prominent ensembles and conductors such as the Wiener Volksoper Orchester, the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, and the late Ennio Morricone. She brings new energy to numerous soundtracks (such as Netflix, Disney, HBO and BBC) both as a solo and orchestral musician.

Zuzana Šidlíková

Historička módy a dizajnu / Historian of fashion and design
Zuzana Šidlíková vyštudovala Vedu o výtvarnom umení na Filozofickej fakulte univerzity Komenského a Odevný dizajn na Vysokej škole výtvarných umení v Bratislave. Dlhodobo sa venuje výskumnej, publikačnej a pedagogickej činnosti v oblasti dizajnu a najmä téme odevnej kultúry. Je autorkou viacerých kníh o móde a módnej fotografii. --- EN: Zuzana Šidlíková studied Fine Arts at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University and Clothing Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. She has been engaged in research, publishing and pedagogical activities in the field of design and especially the topic of clothing culture. She is the author of several books on fashion and fashion photography.

Organizing team


Bratislava, Slovakia


Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Dominika Kašiarová
  • Jana Solčianska
  • Jozef Paulišin
  • Peter Jancar