Amber Hammond
Amber Hammond is a 24 year old residing in Menasha, Wisconsin. She graduated from UW-Oshkosh in 2021 with a degree in Public Relations and Marketing. While studying at UW- Oshkosh, Amber received; the Chancellor's Award of Excellence, Titan LeadHER Award, and was an I- Rise Award Winner in 2021. During 2021 commencement Amber was chosen to deliver the commencement address. She is currently the Assistant Director of The Grand Oshkosh. She aspires to become the Director of a non- profit organization in the future. She serves as Chair of the Public Relations/Fundraising Committee on the Board of Directors for UW Oshkosh- Fox Cities Foundation and is the President of The Menasha Friends Of The Library. In September of 2022, Amber gave a Tedx talk at Nicolet College on the topic of invisible disabilities.
Andrew McPherson
Andrew is a 22 year-old living in Northern Wisconsin, and has a deep appreciation for the outdoors and being in nature. Through transferring schools multiple times he has gained invaluable insight and a wide range of certifications from Spanish, to Arts, and a Welding Certificate.
Bryn Lottig
Bryn Lottig is the co-founder of Kikori, an app for educators that aligns experiential education activities with teaching and social emotional standards. Bryn is a sought-after expert in experiential education and an Adventure Program Coordinator at Arbor Vitae-Woodruff, an Expeditionary Learning school. She received her Master's degree in Adventure Based Experiential Education from University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. She started her career leading extended wilderness trips canoeing, kayaking, and backpacking. And although she has over two decades of experience working with youth, she really refined her facilitation skills by working in the Leadership Program at Camp Manito-Wish YMCA. Her passion is to deliver meaningful programming to school and corporate groups alike, using the Challenge Course and Wilderness Experiences as a medium to focus on Social Emotional Learning outcomes. Bryn regularly provides Professional Development for schools and businesses, speaks at regional, national and international conferences. In addition to her ACCT Level I & II, and CCM certifications she is also a certified private pilot, PADI Advanced Scuba Diver, holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu and can be found frequently participating in Wild Cold Water Immersion. She lives with her husband, two children in Northern Wisconsin. To learn more about Kikori and their work, visit
Dan Hagen
Dan lives in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin and works as assistant news director and evening anchor for WJFW Newswatch 12.
Debbie Merkel
The gift, the voice, the woman…Debbie is a wife, mother, social worker, and inspirational speaker. Debbie has worked in the mental health field for over twenty two years and is an individual with lived experience. Debbie has demonstrated resilience and courage as she met numerous challenges throughout her life. In an effort to inspire others
K. Woodzick
K. Woodzick (they/them) is a theatre artist and journalist currently residing in Northern Wisconsin on Anishinabek land. They hold an MFA in Contemporary Performance from Naropa University, and their writing has appeared in Theatre Topics and HowlRound. They are the founder of The Non-Binary Monologues Project and produce and host the rebooted Theatrical Mustang podcast, distributed monthly by American Theatre. You can see their work onstage as the Artistic Producer of the Nicolet Players. More at
Matt Steingraber
I grew up on a farm learning to work hard at an early age. I spent many years applying hard work and character traits to academics and athletics to strive to be the best. After years of education, I have taken what I learned about character development and applied it to leadership roles in my employment, volunteering, and most importantly with my family. I am a proud husband and father to two wonderful children.
Nate Sheppard
Nate Sheppard is an award winning composer, filmmaker and multimedia performing artist based in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. He is passionate about the development of small communities, specifically as it relates to fostering the arts. He was the 2019 recipient of the Northern Arts Council’s Individual Artist Grant and has worked on a wide range of projects including directing and composing music for a feature-length documentary, creating an online arts festival to provide income to artists during the pandemic, producing a growing collection of dance films, and designing multimedia art installations. Learn more at
Saga Erickson
Sage Erickson lives with her husband, Dan Roesingers, in Northern Wisconsin, where they seek to live with as small a resource footprint as possible.