Alejandro Quecedo del Val
SciencesPo Student
Alejandro is a young cultural enthusiast. Enjoy this passion in different areas, such as the theatre or radio, where he collaborates in a program of literary diffusion. Alejandro was the first president of Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO/Birdlife) Youth Steering Group, the first body established to reinforce youth climate action in Spain. During his mandate, scholarships dedicated to youth-lead climate action projects were established and the coordination of youth-led climate movements were enhanced. He was invited by the Spanish Prime Minister to act as the Spanish Young Ambassador to the first-ever UN Youth Climate Summit, where he collaborated in the draft of the Global Youth Climate Action Declaration. He was also highly involved in several of the COP25 events. He is an environmental and cultural activist. In 2019 he was awarded with the National Philosophy Olympiad prize, and his book “Cuatro Meses en el Infierno” (2019) commentaries and articles have caused a notable impact.
Anne Desveronnières
Vice President Environment, Energy Transition and Bioeconomy – COMMUNAUTE URBAINE DU GRAND REIMS
Ayant habité quelques années au Maroc et aux Philippines, et les voyages l’ayant changée définitivement, elle espère apporter son point de vue ouvert sur l’autre et sur la différence.
Après avoir géré une entreprise de vente en ligne pendant une quinzaine d’années, elle reprend des études de droit car, si initialement elle avait passé un master de communication, la défense était sa passion. Elle n’avait pas pensé à la défense de l’intérêt général et lorsque le hasard de la vie la voit être élue maire d’une commune rurale, Pomacle, elle découvre avec passion, le rôle de ceux qui souhaitent agir pour le bien être de leur prochain, les élus.
Deux années plus tard, elle devient Vice-Président du Grand Reims en charge de l’Environnement, de la Transition énergétique et de la bioéconomie. Son envie est de transmettre avec ardeur son aspiration à ‘ faire ensemble ‘ et à susciter la créativité que vont nous inspirer les défis que nous avons à mener collectivement, dès maintenant.
Principal Investigator at the Department of Microbial and Plant Biology, the Centre for Biological Research Margarita Salas (CIB) of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Dr. Bertocchini has been working on basic questions related to the molecular mechanisms driving early development of chick and reptile embryos. She added to evolutionary-driven questions in the study of these early developmental mechanisms. At the same time, F.B. developed a parallel line of research driven by the interest for environmental protection and the bioremediation methodology by biological processes. F.B discovered that the larvae Lepidoptera Galleria mellonella are capable of fast biodegradation of polyethylene (PE) the most resilient and also produced plastic in the world. The discovery stood out among three others because of its own feature: the unique speed of biodegradation, faster than any other biological means known so far, and the evolutionary implication within the capacity of the insect, supposedly derived by the capacity of these larvae to eat wax, a mix of complex molecules with resemblance to PE.
Rosalie Mann
Founder and President of No More Plastic and co-writer of the No More Plastic Manifesto
No More Plastic is a nonprofit with the objective of fighting against plastic pollution and protecting the environment, to raise awareness of the public on the pollution of marine life and seek for alternative solutions to plastic products, nudging our society to change their consumption habits.
She is a multi-faceted entrepreneur, artistic director, director, photographer and producer. She was for more than 15 years a marketing and image development strategy consultant in the luxury and movie industry. As mother, as citizen of the world she was shocked by the impact of our consumption on the future of the planet and decided to act in a concrete way.