x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
January 13, 2022
Viseu, Viseu

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu
Rua Maximiano Aragão
Viseu, Viseu, 3504 - 501
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­E­S­E­V events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

André Ribeiro

Business Operations Manager
Recently master’s in Engineering, and Industrial Management at FEUP has been passionate about making bridges, reading books, and creating Greenlights. Trainer and responsible for all the partnerships and synergies of the Seekers, the project has already managed to help more than 3500 high school and higher education students from all over the country take the next step in life. Today, he uses his engineering background in a creative area, seeking to manage and grow businesses as Business Operations Manager at We Are Innov, a marketing and communication agency.

Bruno Cardoso

Commercial & Marketing Manager
Born in Viseu 40 years ago, he completed a 2004 Degree in Social Communication from ESEV - ISPV. After a short stint in journalism, in 2005, he entered the world of Wines, currently Commercial & Marketing Director of UDACA - União das Adegas Cooperativas do Dão, from 2009 to the present. Its focus is on internationalization, which accounts for more than 70% of the company's turnover, so it has professionally visited almost 30 different countries.

Juliana Lobo

Professor at the Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu. Postdoctoral internship student at the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro Researcher integrated to DigiMedia - Digital Media and Interaction Research Center. She holds a Ph.D. in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms from the University of Aveiro (Portugal), with research funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), in the complete doctoral modality abroad. He holds a master’s degree in Multimedia Communication, in the field of Digital Audiovisual, also from the University of Aveiro/Portugal. He has published works in Popular Culture, Political Journalism, New communication and information technologies, and Digital platforms.

Liliana Saraiva

Natural of the Municipality of Viseu. Integrated master’s in Medicine from the University of Beira Interior, 2010-2016. General education physician at Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center, 2017-2018. Intern of specific training in rheumatology in the Hospital and University Center of Coimbra, 2018- to the present. Postgraduate in Statistics and Data Analysis from the Higher School of Technology and Management - Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, 2019-2020.Experience in Emergency Care and Medical Emergency, including expertise with people infected by the coronavirus. Scholarship of the European Society of Lupus - Internship at University Hospitals of Padua, Italy, 2021.

Luís Belo

Graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, and artist. As a photographer, he saw his work recognized by winning awards from Canon, FNAC Portugal, Fujifilm, P3, Gerador, and others. In the illustration, he has six works published under several seals, including Editorial Presença. Co-founded the platform short/age - Shortfilms for a New Age, which promotes and shows the creation of short cinema Portuguese, in continuity with projects of similar content produced (Shortcutz Viseu; Short to Tank). Cumulatively, he has performed more than 180 film shows. He showed almost 770 short films, with about 450 directors/actors present.

Paulo Cardoso

Content creator
He's 21 years old and born in Viseu. In 2016, it boosted the start of the Eco-Schools Program at Alves Martins Secondary School. He has participated in several national and international projects such as the Youth Parliament, the Euro School, and the Participatory Budget Young Portugal. It complements a student’s life as a Young Reporter for the Environment, who has already participated in some missions and seminars promoted by the Blue Flag Association of Europe. In 2021, he completed his degree in Journalism and Communication at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. Currently, he attends a master’s degree in Human Geography, Planning, and Healthy Territories.

Sofia Mesquita

He's 28 years old and born in Viseu. In 2018, he completed his master’s degree in Medicine at the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Porto. He did the public training boarding school at the Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center (CHTV). Now, she is a collaborating physician of the pediatric emergency and health service provider of CHTV in the Integrated Unit of Continuing Care of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Seia.

Sofia Tavares

He is CEO of FDL Method Leader And Master Trainer. He took an advanced course in Education-Graduate School of Education. He has an advanced course in Assertive Leadership, a Ph.D. in English Philology-Department of Philology, and a Degree in Modern-Portuguese languages and Literature. The certified Sales Agent from Franklin Covery Inc. International Certified Coach by ICC (International Coaching Community). It also has the certified Consultant of The 7 Habits of People Highly Effective Version 4.0. Robin Sharma Leadership Program.

Tunadão 1998

Music Artist/Band
It was the year 1998 when the Association of Students of the Superior School of Technology of Viseu, in the person of its president, launched to a former tuno of another academy the challenge of founding an exclusive tuna of the Polytechnic Higher Institute of Viseu to bridge a significant gap in the academic life of this institution. With the collaboration of the Viriato Council and the precious contribution of many first-year students of the Institution (honor be done to them), a journey began with the support of students, teachers, and staff, intended from the beginning to be of great success. Thus, on May 3, 1998, with three months of rehearsals, TUNA do IPV was born with its first public presentation at the XIV Academic Week of Viseu.

Organizing team

Pinto Silva

Viseu, Portugal

