Alexandre Modonezi
Secretary of Subprefectures of São Paulo;
Antônio Stroski
Municipal Secretary of Environment and Sustainability of Manaus;
Armando Junior
Deputy Secretary of Economic Development, Labor and Tourism Department;
Carlos Fernandes
Carlos Eduardo Batista Fernandes é Secretário Executivo de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável e presidente municipal do Cidadania na capital paulista.
Nasceu em Santos no dia 20 de julho de 1961, é casado, pai de dois filhos e mora desde criança nos bairros de Perdizes e Pompéia.
Vindo de família comunista, Carlos já nasceu no meio político. Sua avó Elisa Branco Batista era militante popular e fez parte dos movimentos feminista e pela paz, bem como seu pai, Annibal Fernandes, que foi advogado trabalhista e um grande militante sindical.
Carlos também foi militante do movimento estudantil e nos partidos PCB, MDB, PMDB, e PPS. Trabalhou na Câmara Municipal e na Administração Regional de Santana no governo Covas e foi Superintendente de Fiscalização da SPTRANS durante a gestão Serra/Kassab.
No intervalo de sua carreira política, trabalhou no setor gráfico, mas nunca abandonou por completo sua atuação política, participando durante muito tempo de movimentos populares e assumindo em 2002 a presidência municipal do PPS.
Seu trabalho na Subprefeitura Lapa começou durante a gestão da Subprefeita Soninha quando ele, em Janeiro de 2009, assumiu a Coordenadoria de Administração e Finanças. Pelo destaque de seu trabalho, em abril de 2010, Carlos Eduardo Batista Fernandes foi nomeado Subprefeito da Lapa. Em Dezembro de 2011, Carlos deixou o cargo de Subprefeito.
Em Abril de 2012, Carlos Eduardo Batista Fernandes assumiu o cargo de Secretário Adjunto de Gestão Pública no Governo do Estado de São Paulo.
Em janeiro de 2017 retornou à gestão da Lapa, sob a nova nomenclatura de Prefeitura Regional, implantada pela gestão do prefeito João Doria, onde permaneceu até janeiro de 2019, quando deixou o cargo para se tornar Secretário Executivo de Abastecimento e Agricultura da Secretaria Municipal de Subprefeituras, função que exerce atualmente.
Carlos Ribeiro
Engineer and lawyer Carlos Ribeiro has been a career employee at the Recife Secretariat for the Environment since 2008. Specialist in Soil Conservation, he is active in the field of Environmental Law. Currently, he presides over the National Association of Municipal Environmental Agencies - Pernambuco Section (ANAMMA / PE) - and is a member of the national direction of the Caatinga Biome. Carlos Ribeiro was in charge of the Executive Secretariat for Environmental Licensing and Control of the Recife City Hall, between 2013 and 2020, and worked as an environmental analyst for the Government of Pernambuco for a decade.
Carol Lafemina
Deputy Secretary of Subprefectures;
Elisabete França
Architect (FAU-UFPR), Master in Urban Environmental Structures from the University of São Paulo and PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
Between 2015 and July 2018 she was the Planning and Projects Director at the São Paulo State Housing and Urban Development Company. Professor in the Architecture and Urbanism course at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) and in the specialization course in Planning and City Management, at the USP Cidades studies group.
Between 2010 and 2012 he was Housing Secretariat and between 2005 and 2012 he was Housing Superintendent of the Housing Secretariat of the City of São Paulo, where he coordinated the preparation of the Municipal Housing Plan and several housing programs, with emphasis on Urbanization of Favelas, Urban Recovery and Environmental in Springs and Recovery of Tenements in the central region of the city.
She was coordinator (2004-2007) of projects linked to financing from the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and UN-Habitat in several countries, with emphasis on Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and East Timor. Between 1993 and 2000, she coordinated the Urban and Environmental Recovery Program for the Guarapiranga basin, the first large-scale slum upgrading program implemented in the city of São Paulo.
Organizer of several publications, including the New Neighborhoods of São Paulo Series, which received the Primer Prize at the Bienal de Arquitectura de Quito (2012), in the Category Theory, Historia y Crítica de la Arquitectura, del Urbanismo y del Paisaje.
Flavio Maranhao
Graduated in civil engineering from the University of Pernambuco (1999), Master's in Civil Engineering from the University of São Paulo (2002) and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of São Paulo (2009). He is currently a PhD professor at the University of São Paulo, a civil engineer - Construtora Norberto Odebrecht - Headquarters and a professor at the São Judas Tadeu University. Has experience in Civil Engineering, with an emphasis on Construction Materials and Components, acting on the following subjects: granite, coatings, flooring, mortar and facade. In addition, I have worked professionally and as a researcher in the area of infrastructure works.
José Valverde
Executive Coordinator of the Solid Waste Committee of Sao Paulo state;
Lucas Padilha
Chief of Staff of the Municipal Secretary of Rio de Janeiro.
Luciano Paez
Secretary for Climate Change in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro;
Marcos Poiato
CEO at Poiato Recicla;
Maria Teresa Diniz
Technical Advisor to the Department of Mobility and Transport.
Marina Helou
State Deputy in São Paulo and Vice-President of the Environment Committee;
Marta Suplicy
Municipal Secretary for International Relations. She was Senator of the Republic, Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mayor of São Paulo and Federal Deputy.
Normando Sales
Secretary of the Environment of Rio Branco, Acre and Coordinator at CB27;
Pinheiro Pedro
Executive Secretary for Climate Change
Roberta Kronka
Architect and Urban Planner from University of Sao Paulo and Head of the Technology Department at University of Sao Paulo;
Rodrigo Ravena
Infrastructure Secretary of the São Paulo City Council
General Secretary of the City Council of São Paulo
Municipal Secretary of Green and Environment
Chief of Staff of the Secretariat of Green and Environment of São Paulo
Túlio Barrozo
Amlurb Planning, Rules and Regulation Manager