TEDxUFM is the second event organized by Universidad Francisco Marroquín under TED license. It will feature notable speakers from Guatemala and abroad who will share their know-how and experience in “A New Culture of Learning”.
"The new culture of learning is built upon two pillars. First and foremost, the massive web of information that provides unlimited sources of knowledge about practically anything. And second, an environment designed to nourish and experience learning processes within the boundaries of a particular setting.
The new culture of learning involves a process of cultivating minds, similar to planting seeds so that they will sprout and grow into plants. Before planting, the farmer has to prepare the seeds and the soil. That is, he must create a suitable environment for growth. Now the question remains, how do we cultivate imagination in the twenty-first century and
which environment is best suited to cultivate learning?"
Giancarlo Ibárgüen, UFM’s President.
6 Calle final, Ciudad de Guatemala 01010, Guatemala (Universidad Francisco Marroquín)
Guatemala City, Guatemala, 01010
- Event type:
- University (What is this?)
Organizing team
Giancarlo Ibárgüen
Organizer -
André Schrei
Social Media Manager -
Claudia Hernández
Creativity producer -
Mario Estrada
Video Production Leader -
Sergio Miranda
Stage Designer -
Claudia Ocaña
Coffee break / lounge manager -
Daphne Ortiz
Registration -
Gustavo Chang
Web developer -
Adrián Catalán
Technology Consultant -
Cecilia Castillo
Developer -
Stephanie Falla
Social Media coverage -
Mynor De León
Cameraman -
Diego Chajón
Cameraman -
Dagoberto Grajeda
Art Assistant -
Rudy Girón
Photographer -
Luis Pedro Mirón
Photographer -
Mayra Ramirez
Registration -
Maria Wer
Speakers´ Assistant -
Luis Eduardo Barrueto
Event Program coordinator -
Jorge Sandoval
Volunteer -
Sara Sánchez
Sponsors coordinator -
Luis Figueroa