Changyou YE
Papercut artist + teacher
Fei YE
Physicist + Professor
Professor Fei Ye studied in Tsinghua University and received BS degree, MS degree, and PhD degree successively. He worked in National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, and became regular research in 2008. He worked in School of Materials Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology as a full professor from March 2010 to June 2018. He joined Southern University of Science and Technology as a teaching professor in July 2018. His research interests include fuel cell materials, phase transformation and microstructure design. He has published more than 100 journal papers, 1 academic book, and 3 textbooks.
Hongxin LIN
Landscape engineer
Jianjun WEN
Professor + Curator
《Hello 2019,来自莫高窟的问候:敦煌艺术沉浸式影像展》
Qingsong LIU
oceanography researcher + Professor
His scientific interests focus on the geological application of rock-, environmental-, and paleo-magnetism. He investigates different types of synthetic magnetic minerals to determine their magnetic properties and underlying mineral magnetic mechanisms. He systematically investigates aeolian dust signals recorded by the Chinese loess and by marine sediments from the North Pacific Ocean by integrating different methods. He is also interested in constructing chronological frame for marine sediments. His recent studies involve in investigating the striped magnetic anomalies in the ocean floor and paleoceanographic conditions of the North Pacific Ocean.