Abbey Shumsky
Abbey Shumsky is a rising 10th grader at the National Cathedral School in Washington, DC. She loves to travel, play field hockey, row crew, watch Marvel movies, and cheer on her beloved Washington Nationals and Washington Capitals. Abbey is passionate about politics and has participated in student government since second grade. In her spare time, she reads about politics and was recently inspired by the book A Promised Land by Barack Obama. Among the issues she cares deeply about are climate change, the quest for racial justice, and voting rights.
Anita Li
Anita is a senior at National Cathedral School. When I’m not sharing ideas worth spreading, you can find her getting boba with friends or binge-watching SNL sketches. She is super excited to give this TEDx talk!
Dr. Catherine Crosland
Medical Director for Homeless Outreach Services and Director of Homeless Outreach Development
Dr. Catherine Crosland has dedicated her medical career to advocating for and delivering high quality health care to vulnerable populations and combatting structural racism and the resulting health disparities. After graduating from Harvard Medical School and completing her residency in Internal Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital she began her career as a primary care physician at San Quentin prison where she helped to improve the medical standards at a time when the California prison system was put into Federal receivership. For the past twelve years she has worked for Unity Health Care as Medical Director for Homeless Outreach Services and Director of Homeless Outreach Development where she provides clinical care for people experiencing homelessness in a variety of clinical settings ranging from shelter-based clinics to street outreach medicine and manages over ten homeless outreach clinics.
Dr. James Ellenbogen
Chief Scientist for Nanotechnology and Emerging Technologies
Dr. James Ellenbogen is Chief Scientist for Nanotechnology and Emerging Technologies at the MITRE Corporation, where he joined the technical staff in 1984. There, in addition to his other technical and entrepreneurial efforts, he co-founded the MITRE Student Program in 1989. As part of that program, during the past 33 years he has helped hire thousands of high school and college students into enriching summer technical positions, while personally mentoring and guiding the careers of approximately 200. Many of these have since gone on to leadership roles at major U.S. universities, in industry, and in government, as well as to outstanding achievements that are having great positive impact upon the nation and the world.
Dr. Ellenbogen received his M.S. in Chemical Physics from the University of Wisconsin in 1972 and his Ph.D. in that area from the University of Georgia in 1977.
Nia Brown
Nia Brown is a senior at NCS. She is the proud president of the BSU as well as a bagel enthusiast. Nia enjoys poetry and other forms of creative editing and hopes to be a future author some day. Nia is super excited and so honored to give this TEDx talk!