Agnes Tvinnereim
Social Entrepreneur
Agnes Tvinnereim is a social entrepreneur who has worked with grassroot movements to create sustainable change, for more than 12 years. She connects the global and local perspectives, and strongly believes that radical change is connected to the inner passion each of us carry. Agnes lives in Bergen, Norway, with her husband, two teenagers, two cats and five urban chickens.
Anders Waage Nilsen
Entrepreneurial activist
Anders Waage Nilsen is an entrepreneurial activist. He believes building impactful services and companies is the fastest way to reshape the power structures and dysfunctional value chains destroying planet earth. Currently he is the product lead for WasteIQ, a platform using mobile solutions and IoT to track the flow of waste and resources. He will talk about the difference between stupid and smart containers, and why we urgently need to upgrade our waste bins.
Birgitta Ralston
Birgitta Ralston is a designer crafting scenarios, products and spaces for a sustainable and inclusive society. She is engaged in decoding the complexity of our sustainability challenges, and turning ideas into action. Birgitta co-founded the Bioregion Institute in Bergen in June 2020 with the ambitious goal to eliminate single-use and fossil based plastics.
The virtual conference room has many environmental advantages, from saving emissions of travel, to cutting use of paper and energy for printing leaflets and brochures
Fredrik Barth
Fredrik Barth has won international acknowledgement of his work within the fields of architecture and sustainable urbanism. Fredrik conceptualized Nordic Circles, an enterprise aiming to implement the circular economy in the building business by upcycling oil rigs, ships and other maritime metal into building materials of the finest Scandinavian design.
Fredrik Salhus
Fredrik Salhus is a head engineer at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design at the University of Bergen. There, he mainly teaches 3D-printing, laser cutting and VR, and has also established a media and technology company where he pursues app and web development. His latest project involves a Thingary – a new system and vision for the sharing of things and how this can reduce both costs and carbon emissions.
Geir Arne Solheim
Geir Arne Solheim is the inventor, founder and CEO of Havkraft AS. He lives in the West Coast of Norway where he has developed the Havkraft Wave Energy Converter. In his work, Geir Arne is searching for technology that can build balance between preservation of nature, an inclusive economic system and fair social development.
Ida Kleppe
City Farmer
Ida Kleppe is the official City Farmer of Bergen. She works to inspire and teach people to grow their own crops in an urban setting. Ida and her partners set out to solve the problem of food waste in Bergen not being composted, but burned. They have created a system that literally takes the waste off citizens’ hands and delivers a new resource: rich nutrient soil.
Inki Brown
Product Manager
Inki R. Brown calculates carbon footprint reports. She also guides organizations towards becoming more sustainable through evaluating, measuring, and managing their impact. She believes that businesses are a crucial piece of the puzzle for solving the climate crisis, and is determined to have them calculate and report on their footprint as a natural part of commerce.
John Kristian Frøisland
Concept developer
John Kristian Frøisland is a concept developer at Fjordkraft – the second largest electricity retailer in Norway. He will present an example of how businesses can take leadership towards reaching the 2030 goals. Fjordkraft has been carbon neutral since 2007, they demand that all their suppliers must become carbon neutral too and have created an online portal where anyone can check the carbon footprint of Norwegian companies.
Simon Neby
Research professor
Simon Neby is Research Professor at NORCE Social Science, and Associated Professor at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation at the University of Bergen. His research interest concerns the politics, policy and polity of climate change transformation. In a conversation with our host, Vibeke Koehler, he will provide some reflections on the presentations at TEDxBærekraftigeliv, and perhaps ask some of the questions we have left out.