Bernhard Marckhgott
Bernhard Schmalzl
Senior Partner
Dr. Bernhard Schmalzl, has joined the German Airforce, where he was a pilot. Later he has studied Mechanical Engineering (Munich) and Business Administration (Hagen). After his PHD in Engineering he joined Siemens` IT/TK Division and worked for 12 years in different customer facing units and managed up to 300 Employees in Consulting, Sales and technical field service in Germany, in Europe and global as well.
As Senior Partner of 1492 his focus areas are:Eco-System enhancement, relationship building and value modeling Service: Transformation & Optimization, ITIL, Outsourcing/-tasking Organization: Business Models, Strategy, Business Process Optimization, Change Management, KPIs, Customer Satisfaction.
David Rohrmann
David is specialized in Business Ethics and Organizational Development during his Philosophy & Economics studies in Bayreuth.
He furthered his education with International Management and Leadership Development studies in Japan. He’s been member of the 1492 board since 2012, and is the co-founder and dean of the 1492 New School of Business, offering collective intelligence seminars and consulting master classes. He is also a scientific author and publishes the Rethink Series for socio-economic change as well as blogs for the Harvard Business Manager.
David is a speaker and PhD candidate at the University of Bayreuth in the areas of Ethical Leadership, Corporate Social Responsibility and Collective Intelligent Governance.
Katja Bellinghausen
Katja began her career in 1982 as a classical actress in theatre in Germany and Austria, eventually becoming successful in award winning television shows and movies.
Since 2002, she has developed “Shakespearience” at the University of Witten/Herdecke, a methodology that supports leaders in better incorporating and performing their role within their organisation. She conducts leadership programs worldwide in the public and industrial sector, developing authentic leaders through improvement of their stage performance skills, demonstrating how appearance and mindfulness create followership and engagement.
She is the head of coaching at 1492 and an experienced executive coach since 2007. She owns the 720° Sonar coaching certification program for the New School of Business, ,where she is teaching and developing leaders for 21stcentury.
Since 2018 Katja is also a certified teacher at the “Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute” born at Google based on neuroscience. She conducts the program about emotional intelligence, mindfulness and leadership to any organisation.
Manuel Hein
Manuel Hein serves as the Managing Partner to 1492 X Venture Partners GmbH, following his passion of guiding entrepreneurial teams throughout sustained phases of personal and organizational growth – with a particular focus on venture financing.
Manuel began his career as an operations auditor at Mercedes-Benz covering pan-european interior supply chains in the luxury segment. Before joining 1492 X Venture Partners, he raised one of the first search funds in Germany and has since advised numerous small and medium-sized businesses in change-of-ownership situations including business succession, restructuring, venture and growth financing and strategic sale.
Manuel holds an MBA from Columbia Business School. He is a passionate mountaineer, home chef and global traveler. Besides, he serves as a non-executive board member to both for-profit and non-profit start-ups with a social edge.
Maximilian Kammerer
Max has studied Business Administration in Landshut and Munich. After several years as consultant at Roland Berger he joined Apple where he held different European and global management positions.
When he changed to Nokia he lead and transformed the Global Customer Service department as Vice President and then prepared for the roll-out of a company-wide organisational development program. He has long experiences and a proven track record in the holistic development of global Customer Service strategies, general strategy development and execution, as well as the design and implementation of transformation and change programs. As executive advisor, Maximilian Kammerer consults private equity and start-up companies and supports their corporate development.
As the managing partner and head of of 1492 management consultants, he leads several international projects with focus on strategy development and organizational
Michael Hengl
Michael became an entrepreneur at the age of 19 prior to focusing on academia, managing a family business following his career as an Austrian ski racer. His studies include philosophy, psychology and system theory, along with an MBA.
In 1994, Michael founded the 1492 group in Cologne, Germany, to enhance collective intelligence within organizations in balance with global consciousness. He also spent a decade researching social learning at the University of Witten/Herdecke. Today he continues to look beyond horizon, coordinating an interdisciplinary research network in exchange with the MIT Centre for Collective Intelligence in Boston, USA.
Michael is a scientific author, a blogger for Harvard Business and a life coach. He gives keynote speeches to large audiences and is an adjunct professor at several renown business schools and academic institutions around the globe.
Rose Hengl
Rose Hengl studies Philosophy at the University of Vienna. As a part of her High School Diploma she wrote a pre-scientific work paper about women’s economic and social evolution during the 20 century and 2018. After High School Rose spent living 2 months in China in Kunyu Mountain Shaolin Martial arts Academy, where she learned Traditional shaolin martial arts, while connecting with people from all over the world.
Rose is Executive Assistant to the 1492 Board of Management and is coordinating the 1492 Campus Team, creating a holistic and collectively intelligent workflow. Since 2019 Rose is moderating the 1492 Morning University.