Dhia Jendoubi
The Co-founder of Rebirth, is a TBS graduate, an expert in neuro-marketing and a NLP certified trainer from the "American Board of NLP" and has an E-MBA from Kingsbridge University.
Dr.Amine Said
From being an engineer to a doctor in the Science of Education specialized in Psychology, as well as a research professor, a certified life coach, a TV & radio presenter, and a Well-being event organizer, Dr. Amine settled for nothing but excellence.
Louay Cherni
An aspiring Youtuber most known as "Must Last", who decided to share his passion for politics and history by being a content creator, a program manager at the NGO Humetna, part of Nawaat Team ,and the founder of EL 7OKKA production
Mehdi &Lilia
Two talented young people blessing our ears with their beautiful music.
Rihab Jebali
Doctor in music therapy, an assistant professor at the High Institute of Special Education in Manouba, and a clinical practice commission member in the World Federation of Music Therapy. She is the founder and CEO of Harmony Center and the founding president of the National Association for Music Therapy.
Tarek Lassadi
This exceptional visionary man who was amongst the first to establish a B2B platform for travel agencies: "e-receptive. Com" in 2001. Starting from scratch, he is now the founder and CEO of the travel agency Traveltodo, and the organizer of the Tourism Awards event Travel D'Or in Tunisia.
Tarek Lassaidi
This exceptional visionary man who was amongst the first to establish a B2B platform for travel agencies: "e-receptive. Com" in 2001. Starting from scratch, he is now the founder and CEO of the travel agency Traveltodo, and the organizer of the Tourism Awards event Travel D'Or in Tunisia.