People in Calgary care and they show it with action.
Calgarians volunteer double the amount of the national average. The city is home to more than 5,000 nonprofit organizations. And with a volunteering backbone including 100 years of the Calgary Stampede and almost 25 years of a growing Olympic legacy – ours is a city that volunteers great.
Let's find out if we can volunteer...even better.
Make every hour count better.
Make every effort go farther.
Make every dollar last longer.
TEDxCalgary will act as a catalyst, the speakers will provide the inspiration, you can bring your own motivation and the whole lot of us will leave the room full of determination. By learning from each other's big ideas and inspiring practices, Calgary will continue to lead the country and even the world as the best volunteering community anywhere. Why not aim high?
By learning and adapting, by marshalling resources and by supporting each other our tremendous pool of volunteers, engaged corporate community and innovative nonprofit organizations can accomplish pretty much anything.
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.