Ákos Csertán
Ákos Csertán is the co-founder and managing partner of the strategic design studio Frontìra, and the design theory researcher of MOME University of Art and Design. Started out as a psychologist, he has been working as a UX-er, service designer and design leader for over a decade. Currently he is working with multinational companies designing customer-centric services in Berlin and Budapest.
Ben Zweibelson
Ben Zweibelson is a retired US Army Infantry Officer with multiple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He is the program director for the JSOU 'SOF design and innovation' family of courses, and is also completing his doctoral studies focused on military design philosophy at Lancaster University, UK. Ben is one of the leading military theorists and design educators in the world today, regularly providing sophisticated design facilitation, theory and practice for military units in the U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Space Command, NATO, international militaries, war colleges, academia and major industries. Ben resides in Tampa, Florida with his wife and three children. He is a graduate of the US Army School of Advanced Military Studies, as well as the Air Command and Staff College, LSU, and the University of Connecticut where he earned his undergraduate in graphic design primarily in oil painting/illustration. He has earned the Master Jumpmaster Badge, Air Assault Badge, Pathfinder Badge, Combat and Expert Infantryman's Badges, the Ranger Tab, the Bronze Star with 3 OLC among other awards and citations. Ben is widely published on design in over fifty military journals, books, monographs, and other related projects.
Brian Rivera
Brian “Ponch” Rivera
Author, Speaker, and Organizational Performance Coach.
Co-creator of The Flow System
Brian “Ponch” Rivera is the co-creator of The Flow System, founder and CEO of AGLX Consulting, and a former F-14 instructor and demonstration team member and current Commander in the Navy Reserve. His 24-year military career includes roles in NATO, Air and Space Operations Centers, three Geographic Combatant Commands (EUCOM, PACOM, AFRICOM) and a stint as a Foreign Area Officer.
He is a Cynefin Foundations Trainer and has co-led complexity workshops with the co-creator of the Cynefin framework, Dave Snowden. “Ponch” has worked with the co-creator of the Scrum framework, Jeff Sutherland, and the co-creator of Lean Kanban University, and has led several high-profile digital transformations. He often speaks at global Agile, Scrum and Performance conferences on the topics of High-Reliability, Leadership, Teamwork, and Complex Adaptive Systems.
Following the U.S. Navy’s 2017 incidents at sea, “Ponch” put his civilian career on hold and volunteered to be a member of the 2018 Strategic Readiness Review Industry Best Practice and Learning Culture team where he led engagements with academics and executives on the topics of complexity, leadership, innovation, teamwork, safety, and culture. As a result of his combined civilian and U.S. Navy expertise, in early 2019 he was asked by U.S. Navy leadership to help transform the Naval Safety Center using the same concepts found in The Flow System.
Along with an former executive from Toyota and a Team Science professor from the University of North Texas, "Ponch" is the co-author of the forthcoming book, “The Flow System.” The Flow System connects scalable methods and frameworks from the military (i.e. Mission Command, OODA loop, Cynefin framework, Human Factors, Red Teaming, Psychological Safety, Wardley Maps, etc.) to the Toyota Production System and the Toyota Way.
Dave Snowden
A Cognitive Edge alapítója és tudományos vezetője. Számos nemzetközi projektben vesz részt, kormányoknak és ipari szereplőknek segít stratégiaalkotásban és döntéshozatalban. A Cynefin módszertan megalkotója (A Cynefin döntési modell alapján négyféle környezetbe kerülhetünk - nyilvánvaló, bonyolult, komplex és kaotikus. Minden környezetben másféle döntési mechanizmust kell alkalmaznunk. A Cynefin modell segít abban, hogy egy adott problémára melyik megoldási módszert használjuk). Népszerű és szenvedélyes előadó, jól ismert cinizmusáról és tekintélyromboló stílusáról.
Grant Martin
Lieutenant Colonel Grant Martin is a U.S. Army officer and a Ph.D. student in Public Administration at North Carolina State University. He has over 22 years of experience in special operations and has served in Afghanistan, Korea, and throughout South America. His current assignment is to the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School where he is the Special Forces Branch Proponent Director. His work has been published in the International Journal (Canada), the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Military Review, and the Small Wars Journal, and he has authored or co-authored chapters in three books: Mission Command: The Who, What, Where, When, and Why, Millennial Spring: Designing the Future of Organizations, and The Sociology of Military Science: Prospects for Postinstitutional Military Design.
Imre Porkoláb
A Kaliforniai Stanford Egyetemen vállalati innovációt tanult, amelyet a NATO Szövetséges Transzformációs Parancsnokság parancsnokának (SACT) képviselőjeként a Pentagonban átültetett a gyakorlatba is, hiszen az amerikai védelmi innováció szervezeteinek fejlődését nyomon követve segítette elő egy nemzetközi innovációs ökoszisztéma építését. Jelenleg a Honvédelmi Minisztérium nemzeti fegyverzeti igazgatójának kutatás-fejlesztésért és innovációért felelős helyettese. A különleges műveleti képességfejlesztés kapcsán szakértője a gerillaharcnak és a terrorellenes hadviselésnek, az ehhez kapcsolódó hagyományostól eltérő vezetéselméletet, a V.U.C.A. környezetben is sikerrel alkalmazható változásmenedzsmentet, a szervezeti átalakítás innovatív módszereit, és annak az üzleti életben való alkalmazhatóságát kutatja. Rendszeresen publikál, illetve hazai és nemzetközi előadásokat tart ezekben a témákban. Első könyve Szolgálj, hogy vezethess! címmel 2016-ban jelent meg, második könyve „A stratégia művészete” pedig 2019 májusában látott napvilágot.
Martin Grant
Lieutenant Colonel Grant Martin is a U.S. Army officer and a Ph.D. student in Public Administration at North Carolina State University. He has over 22 years of experience in special operations and has served in Afghanistan, Korea, and throughout South America. His current assignment is to the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School where he is the Special Forces Branch Proponent Director. His work has been published in the International Journal (Canada), the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Military Review, and the Small Wars Journal, and he has authored or co-authored chapters in three books: Mission Command: The Who, What, Where, When, and Why, Millennial Spring: Designing the Future of Organizations, and The Sociology of Military Science: Prospects for Postinstitutional Military Design.
Ofra Graicer
Dr. Ofra Graicer is co-instructor of the Israeli Defence Forces Generals Course;
Paying forward her exper@se in Strategic Operational Design (SOD), Special
Operations and Defence Systems. For the past 20 years she has been working
with Government Agents and NGO Executives towards creating strategic
focus and operational efficacy, in Israel and abroad. Ofra is an activist in the
fields of Alternative National Security and occasionally freelances as a
publicist on current affairs. She is educated in Art and Film, Political Science
and Security Studies. Served as a Snipers Officer in the IDF. Married+3 and
transitions culturally between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Péter Langmár
Peter has 3 current roles, including Co-founder at Green Fox Academy, Founder, Director at Lab.Coop, and Co-Founder, CEO at Brickflow. He obtained his master's degree in Paris and worked for ArtScience Labs Harvard. His startup, Brickflow took part in the Estonian and Chilean accelerators. He is a tech entrepreneur with SAAS, education, engineering consulting, VC and NGO companies in his portfolio.
Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard
Dr Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and both a BA and MA in Political Science: International Relations and Foreign Policy from the Université du Québec à Montréal. He has just completed a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada postdoctoral fellowship at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa.
Philippe Dufort
Philippe Dufort holds a PhD from the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) of the University of Cambridge, UK. He is an Associate Professor at the Elisabeth-Bruyère School of Social Innovation at Saint Paul University, Ottawa. He studies the epistemological underpinnings of strategic innovation, with a particular interest in the translation of reflexive military knowledge into forms that are useful to the public sector and civil society. He is an associate researcher at the Colombian Superior School of War. He acted as an Associate Editor of the Cambridge Review of International Affairs (CRIA) from 2009 to 2013 and was the founding director of the Elisabeth-Bruyère School of Social Innovation in 2015. Apart from his experience in academic research, he has previously worked as an infantry officer, a Human Rights observer in conflict zones, and a contractual analyst for the Canadian Mission to the European Union in Brussels.
Zsolt Winkler
Winkler Zsolt, termék és szolgáltatás fejlesztő. Pályafutását informatikai és távközlési majd tanácsadási és üzletfejlesztési területeken végezte, de több mint 6 éven keresztül vezette a Kitchen Budapestet ahol ötletek inkubációjával és startupok felkarolásával is foglalkoztak. Jelenleg a Telenor digitális termékek tervezését és fejlesztését végző csapatot vezeti.