David Lee
Director & Aerial Photographer|导演及航拍摄影指导
David is one of the most well-known aerial photographers in Nanjing City. He has won DJI's Best of Skypixel twice in a roll and was recently crowned Top 10 Chinese Photographers in the Drone World Congress 2020. His most popular works include 'The Best of Nanjing', 'The Best of Beijing' and 'Daxing Airport', etc. He has now returned to Nanjing and founded InsFinity, an Aerial Photography Studio, to follow his passion and pursue his dream.|李子韬导演是南京本地最知名的航拍摄影师之一,曾两次荣获大疆“天空之城年度影像作品”第一名,并斩获“2020世界无人机大会中国十佳航拍摄影师”的奖项,代表作包括《最好的南京》《最好的北京》《大兴机场》等等。如今,他回到南京,创立悟影传媒,继续从事热爱的职业。
Sally Qin
Coffee Brand Owner & Writer|咖啡馆主理人及作家
Sally, a graduate from drama major, is an all-rounder: she was once a literature writer and has published two books. Now she owns a famous coffee brand called 'fishtank'. It's never an easy journey: she started as a coffee lover, learned everything from scratch til she could mentor, and ends up with this well-known brand. Sally, who is always willing to share her little coffee stories, hopes to make these coffee shops a place where busy metropolitans could enjoy a little bit of joy and peace.|Sally 是一个多面手。毕业于戏剧专业的她,曾经作为文学写手,出版过两本小说;如今,她是鱼缸咖啡主理人,从爱喝咖啡,到学做咖啡,到传授咖啡知识,再到创立自己的咖啡品牌,这是一段精彩的旅程。Sally热衷于分享咖啡的美好时光,致力于让咖啡馆成为城市中的忙碌的人们获取幸福的通道。
Sven Wunram
Executive Chef & Hospitality Professional|行政主厨及资深酒店人
With a career spanning nearly 20 years in hospitality industry across 5 countries on 3 continents, Mr. Sven Wunram, now serves as executive chef in the Ritz Carlton, Nanjing. He was once an agloat young man eager to make a difference in the culinary world-a Michelin-starred restaurant lit up his career path. Now, he is spreading his idea on why desire is outperforming passion whilst working the job you love.|来自南京丽思卡尔顿酒店的行政主厨 Sven Wunram 先生,从事酒店及餐饮行业超过20年,足迹遍布三大洲五个国家。多年前,他也曾是初出茅庐的青年,一间米其林餐厅帮他打开了料理行业的大门。他始终坚信,对待职业生涯的选择,"渴望"远比"热爱"要重要。
Yang Cao
History Blogger|历史博主
Yang was born in Nanjing but has spent almost half of his lifetime in the U.S; thus, he has developed a very diverse personality. With his knowledge of Chinese ancient history edified by the Western modernism, Yang hopes to inspire the young generation to build an interest in the country's bygones. His restored drawings of the Forbidden City of Nanjing and Fengyang have successfully attracted public attention on the internet, some of which are even displayed at those sites.|出生于南京,但曹杨在美国度过了他人生中几乎的一半时间;因此,他具有非常多元化的个性。他的爱好源于对中国古代历史和文化的了解;而西方现代主义的熏陶则让他能够激发更多当代年轻人对中国历史的兴趣。他所绘制的“南京明故宫复原图”和“明中都复原图”在互联网上广泛传播,并被用于部分遗址的展示。
Yiyi Zhao
Bookstore Owner & Innkeeper|书店主理人及旅店店主
Deep down in the peaceful Men Dong Alley, there is a small but cozy hotel called ‘Young Inn’. In the back of the hotel hides a tiny but popular bookstore managed by three little cats. Mr. Yiyi Zhao, the bookstore owner and the innkeeper, has created both spaces in order to accommodate young customers and allow young minds to exchange knowledge and ideas.|在南京老门东的寂静深巷里,有一间叫做“漾应·青春里(Young Inn)”的旅舍。旅舍背面,是一间不到12平米的书店,正是这间书店,让旅店创始人赵祎依为人们所熟知。作为一个年轻的创业者,他的初衷是将自己经营的空间打造成一个共享平台,让更多有想法的年轻群体在此相聚。
Zhe Li
Film Photography Promoter|古典摄影推广人
Mr. Zhe Li, a member of Jiangsu Photographers’ Association, specializes in nature and documentary photography. He’s the owner of “Jinling Iron Printing Studio”, inheriting and promoting traditional photographic techniques. Li believes that photography is a unique art that allows photographers, by playing with light and shadow, to fully express their feelings and boost creativity. To him, photo shooting is a record of the passing of time, an exploration to one’s inner world and the best remedy for self-healing.|李哲先生是江苏省摄影家协会会员,擅长自然风光与人文纪实摄影。他创立了金陵银盐馆,致力于古典摄影工艺的继承与传播。他始终认为:摄影要能体现光影、散发真情、独具见地、牵引想象。对他来说,摄影是一段旅行的纹迹,一些内心的表达,一贴自疗的解药。
Zookeeper & Senior Engineer|动物园园长及高级工程师
Mr. Shen Zhijun has spent more than 12 years serving as director of Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo since 2008. He's not only a zookeeper, but also a leading animal conservationist and zoologist in China. He has devoted his entire career to the zoo in the belief that zoos are more than just an animal habitat; zoos ought to be a place for zoological knowledge and animal protection practices and more importantly, a real animal heaven. |自2008年加入南京市红山森林动物园以来,沈志军园长已经陪伴这座全国顶尖的动物园走过了12个年头。他不仅是一名动物园管理者,更是全国动物研究和保护的带头人。一直以来,他致力于将动物园变成真正的动物天堂。对他来说,动物园不仅是游客获取科学知识的场所,更是动物保护的前沿阵地。