The subjects discussed in the scheduled panels and lectures are linked together by the event’s main underlying theme; a unified set of concepts which might not be fully noticed by the audience in the beginning. But the principal theme of this series tries to challenge the audience and invites them to think about it and make an effort to find a common ground between all of the lectures and panels.
TEDxATU’s chief motif "Hope and Responsibility".
By discussing desires, aspirations, and visions of society, we also bring the issue of the mutual co-existence of each person as a member of a particular society into light. This desirable living condition has different exigencies, but the most important ones are "Development" and "Happiness": Development and happiness are some of the key factors of a satisfactory life. They are rooted deep inside every human being. However, we can't ignore that the surrounding environment and society’s conditions and qualifications can affect them.
Now, we believe that the development of a society is more of a matter of the "inside" than something which is heavily dependent on our outside set-up, and that it needs the effort of each member of the aforementioned society to strive for personal development.; this effort itself needs a belief to be fostered inside people: To believe in some sort of "Social Responsibility". The kind of responsibility that each member feels to be necessary with regard to the other members and makes an effort to act upon it.
And to meet this belief, we need "Hope", specifically, hope for amelioration. It is hope which gives birth to responsibility, and responsibility itself, makes way for development and it is that which results in welfare and a society favorable to the majority.
Through our hardships and struggles, as we watch everything we've ever known to change and while we put a big part of our lives on hold, we are here to grab on to hope and to awaken our responsible self; to change the world for better, into a more hopeful and responsible one.
Online Event
Tehran, Tehrān, -
- Event type:
- University (What is this?)
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.