Advokátka zastupující děti z dětských domovů, které se ocitly v exekuci. Založila organizaci Děti bez dluhů, skrze kterou se snaží o změny legislativy a další kroky, které povedou k větší ochraně dětí před dluhy, které nezavinily.
Alena is a lawyer defending children from orphanages, who ended up in execution. She established the organization Děti bez dluhů (Debt free children), where she strives for legislative changes leading to a better proctection of children from debts they didn't cause.
Jana is an astronomer, the head of Observatories and Planetarium České Budějovice with the Kleť Observatory branch. She is dedicated to the research of near-land asteroids on a worldwide level. She is also chairing one of the commissions of the International Astronomical Union. For her, life means being enthusiastic for learning and discovering.
data analyst
Josef Šlerka vede Studia nových médií na Univerzitě Karlově a od srpna 2017 i Nadační fond nezávislé žurnalistiky. Nejvíce ho zajímá způsob, jak člověk žije symboly a jak tento svět analyzovat, což mapuje jak ve svých sémiotických textech, tak ve vývoji analytických nástrojů. V současnosti se proto věnuje především strojové analýze přirozeného jazyka a nejrůznějším aspektům nejen sociálních médií.
Josef Šlerka leads the New Media Studies on Charles University and starting from August 2017 also the Endowment Fund of Independent Journalism. He is most interested in the way man lives in symbols and in analyzing this world. He projects this into his semiotic texts and also in the development of analytic tools. He is currently focused on machine analysis of natural language and various aspects not only of social media.
Matúš Krátky
Matúš Krátky is a Ph.D. student of the Department of History at Palacký University. As many students, also he fell in love with beer. He started to work in a beer shop, he tasted beers from all over the world brewed from different hopps. Little by little he started to realize, why this golden drink is so unique and why it is so pempered. One day he started his own brewery.
Petr was one of the first volunteers in the anti-corruption organization Transparency International, in the course of time he became the head of the legal counseling in this NGO. Nowadays, he operates in the banking sector with a focus on topics like corruption, ethics, conflict of interests and whistleblowing.
founder of Rekola bikesharing
Vítek is a man of many interests. He is the head of manGoweb, a company creating websites and mobile applications. He loves to ride is bike, even to Paris or Istanbul, and maybe thats why he based a czech bikesharing phenomenon Rekola. He is also a member of the fifth generation of Děsír, a recesist group bringing live into the grey of the streets we all every day.