Emergent Designer/Maker
TEDxFountainHills Title: Wearing Your Heart on a Light String
Cody Matthieu is the founder and owner of Navajo Mermaid, Arizona. Born in Flagstaff, raised in Phoenix, Cody has learned to grow and appreciate the state he’s from! In school, he spent his time learning each and every technicality of what it means to be a professional in the textile/ garment industry. Currently he is in collaboration with many other brands in efforts to help other designers gain the proper footing needed to establish themselves into the fashion scene!
Fashion Influencer
TEDxFountainHills Title:How To Become A Fashion Insider From The Outside
TEDxFHSalon Fashion Speaker 2017, Dustin Hoyman is a self-describe suburban punk. Growing up meant fighting the fashionable elitists. Dustin is now considered a leader in the local fashion industry.
In this Talk, Dustin will touch on his story how he went from fashion hater to fashion influencer!
Dustin’s Story
Unlike most people who love Fashion, Dustin didn’t discover this at an earlier age. In fact, he despised fashion until he was into his twenties. He felt that the people who loved clothes and cared about style only participated because it was their way of buying identity; they couldn’t create it on their own.
Dustin was a punk song writer who played songs titled “Destroy The Fashion Revolution,” and actively avoided fashion participation until he snuck into Phoenix Fashion Week as a coup to make business connections. He thought he had tricked the world, but really he had been tricked.
TEDxFountainHills Title:The Weave of Light and Life
“The Weaver of Light and Life” TEDxFH Speaker 2017 Heather J. Kirk demonstrates how threads from her experiences, studies and passions criss-cross with careers, cultures, and countries to form a beautiful tapestry. A seemingly wandering path brings her to this stage in her life and to the TEDxFountainHills stage to share her purpose, or as she believes, one of many purposes. While the complete image woven into the tapestry is not complete, and not even clear, until the journey is done, every thread and detail play an important part in the tapestry, designed by the Great Weaver in the Sky.
Heather’s Story
Heather sees things from a global point of view, where dignity, inter-connectedness, and freedom are ideals to be lived out, not just talked about. Heather states:“Every person has the right to live a life free of oppression, whether it is by the hand of others, by the circumstances of poverty, or by something as out of connection.
Fiber Artist
TEDxFountainHills Title:Cultural Design in Native American Sheep Herding Traditions
“Cultural Design in Native American Sheep Herding Traditions ” TEDxFH Speaker 2017 Lisa Takata shares the story of her interest in finding Arizona grown wool for her fiber arts projects and how it led to her volunteering for an annual wool buy to help Native American families receive fair prices for their wool and continue their sheep herding traditions. Lisa’s passion for learning about fibers and indigenous peoples traditions have inspired her to tell her story of how her life, travel, and passions have been woven into this incredible story of hope for the continuation of indigenous peoples art and how it has shaped her own.
Lisa’s Story
Lisa Takata is an artist from Phoenix, Arizona who has completed two National Park artist residencies and taught workshops at national parks and monuments. She traveled extensively through Ecuador and Peru to study indigenous pottery and other art.
Engineer/ Modern Tech Maker
TEDxFountainHills Title:The Lost Art of Time in Fashion
TEDxFHSalon Fashion Speaker 2017, Moheeb Zara is passionate about finding out how art and technology are coming together to democratize and change the fashion industry. He wants to explore how we got here and what the next fashion revolution might look like!
In this Talk you will journey back into the ages, jump into revolutions, and merge with the engineers mindset and style all to end in a technology democracy!
Moheeb’s Story
Moheeb is a true renaissance man. He is a hardware hacker, activist, maker, artist, roboticists, and world traveler… Moheeb’s life’s purpose is to explore the intersection of the arts and sciences as well as enabling others to find their passion and cultivate potential. Moheeb has an interest in wearables and does a lot of robotics and electronics engineering. He’s built many props and replicas and a number of interactive art installations. He is very aware of the growing trend of art and engineering.
Co-Founder of FABRIC/ Designer
TEDxFountainHills Title:There’s Never Been a Better Time to be a Designer
“There’s Never Been a Better Time to be a Designer: A Fashion Entrepreneur’s Dream Come True”
#HauteAZ #AZFashionDirectory #GrowAZFashion #FABRIC
TEDxFHSalon Fashion Speaker 2017, Sherri Barry believes there has never been a better time to be a fashion designer. She will explain how her passion for fashion and entrepreneurship has led her to help create Arizona Fashion Source. The struggles and ultimate failure of pursuing a dream to launch a fashion line in 2006 came full circle in 2016. To succeed it takes a perfect recipe of the right partners, timing and tenacity, combined with unique solutions for entering an industry in massive disruption that insiders are still trying to figure out and emerging designers are jumping into exploit.
Taryl Hansen
Taryl Hansen understands what it means to be a contributor to a learning space. She is an educator and Board Certified Teacher holding an Ed.D in Leadership and Innovation from Arizona State University. She is a highly skilled graphic recorder and trained provider of professional development and has presented at local, state, and national education conferences.