Abdelaziz Belkhodja
Abdelaziz Belkhodja is a Tunisian writer. He obtained in 1987 a master degree in public law and started a DEA of political studies before returning to Tunis. He wrote several articles and then his novel, "the Ashes of Carthage", in 1993, followed in 1999 by a second, "The Stars of Wrath" and, in 2003, a third, "The Return of the Elephant". The narrative art of Abdelaziz Belkhodja uses different types of stories that fascinates the reader.
Atef Hsini
Atef Hsini is a 25 years old traveler, is a UNV Expert Junior in Environment with the United Nations Development Program UNDP. He is a low-budget adventurer and a travel-writer. Nominated as the best volunteer in Italy in November 2016n he is active in national and international civil society with an experience from both an Italian NGO and an Armenian one
Khadija Jallouli
Khadija is the owner of Hawkar, a project co-founded with seifeddine Aissa, centered around a vision for smart electric car for people with reduced mobility. She is active nationally and internationally and a true believer of the power of volunteering.
Mohamed Ben Abdallah
Mohamed Ben Abdallah is a lecturer, trainer and the founder of the company Path of Peace. He had organized several events and conferences. He had been a network marketer since 2011 and an expert in human development coaching.
Noomane Fehri
Noomane Fehri, is the founder and the managing director of an international consulting firm based in Tunisia. He has 20 years of experience in management and business development in the fields of ICT, banking and energy. He had held senior management positions at international companies such as Schlumberger, KPMG Consulting, Sema Group etc.
Sarah Arbi
Sarah Arbi is a young entrepreneur and CEO of G-Dice. she is known for her ability to lead and manage both teams and clients efficiently and in a smooth way. she is a great exemple of a successful inspirational woman that has her own philosophy of life.
Sarah Aribi
Sarah Aribi, is an entrepreneur and CEO of G-Dice. She is known for her ability to lead and manage both teams and clients efficiently. She is one remarkable exemple of a successful woman that has a unique philosophy to the world
A Jendoubian skilled group, composed of 3 talented people share their love to music and to their community.