Come join thought leaders from around Des Moines to watch a livestream of the 2011 TED conference. This year's theme is "The Rediscovery of Wonder" and will feature talks from Bill Gates, Indra Nooyi, Bill Ford, Salman Khan, and the artist known as JR.
Feel free to stay for one session or all four as the Greater Des Moines Partnership will be available for the entirety of the TED lineup on Wednesday. Refreshments will be provided, although we recommend bringing lunch or dinner if you will be attending during a meal time.
While you're at the event you'll also get a glimpse into the plans for TEDxDesMoines in June and offer suggestions for who you'd like to see speak from our community.
Session Title: Deep Mystery
10:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Antonio Damasio, Neuroscientist
Deb Roy, Cognitive Scientist
Maya Beiser, Cellist
Felisa Wolfe-Simon, Geobiochemist
Aaron O'Connell, Physicist
Session Title: Worlds Imagined
12:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Indra Nooyi, Chair+CEO, PepsiCo
Morgan Spurlock, Filmmaker
Bill Ford, Executive Chair, Ford Motor Co.
Ben Newhouse + Terrence McArdle, Inventors
Julie Taymor, Director + Designer
Session Title: Knowledge Revolution
3:45 PM – 6:00 PM
Bill Gates, Philanthropist
David Christian, Historian
Amina Az-Zubair, Development Worker
Bruce Aylward, Epidemiologist
Salman Khan, Educator
Session Title: Radical Collaboration
6:30 PM – 8:45 PM
Edith Widder, Deep-sea explorer
JR, Street Artist
The Surprise, Surprise Guests
Antony, Musician + Visual artist