x = independently organized TED event

Theme: We can reprogram life. How to do it wisely.

This event occurred on
June 8, 2016
6:00pm - 10:00pm CEST
(UTC +2hrs)
Stockholm, Stockholms län

Life on earth is under re-construction. As scientist Juan Enriquez explains, evolution is being overrun by the technique of life coding. We are now taking the step from hybridizing plants to even evolving ourselves. In his talk, Enriquez gives us five guidelines for what the future holds for us: the ability to program life which he calls “the single greatest superpower humans have ever had".

So where on earth are we heading? What kind of problems can we solve through life coding? If we program life to be what we want it to be and ultimately challenge everything evolution has caused - will we end up with some sort of super humans? And, what amazing creations can be created through life coding? Will life coding save the human race? When do we cross the line?

This event is free of charge, but of limited capacity. Make sure to sign up to reserve your spot today.

So what’s the plan?

The Talk. 1830 - 1900
We start off by watching the pre-recorded TED talk “We can reprogram life. How to do it wisely.” together. The talk is in English with Swedish subtitles.

The Debate. 1900 - 1930
After watching the talk we informally debate the topic. How does this topic affect us? Where are we going? What can we do about it? The debate will be lead by two moderators from the TEDxStockholm team, and we welcome all of you to join the conversation, and share your ideas. Let’s spark discussions that matter!

The Networking. 1930-2100
TEDxStockholmSalon is an event created to allow our community to get to know each other. Exchange ideas, build relationships, and grow together. Eat, drink and mingle - with the amazing view overlooking Stockholm from Södra Baren. There will be lighter food available, and drinks can be bought in the bar.

The event will take place at Södra Teatern 8th june at 6pm. Reserve your free ticket today to make sure you don't miss out on one of Stockholm’s best discussions!

Södra Teatern
Mosebacke Torg 1-3
Stockholm, Stockholms län, 116 46
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Stockholm­Salon events

Organizing team


Stockholm , Sweden


Stockholm, Sweden