x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Cidadania - Ação e Reação

This event occurred on
August 27, 2016
Blumenau, Santa Catarina

Exercer plenamente a cidadania é muito mais que ter conhecimento dos direitos e deveres. É ter consciência de que ações individuais afetam a sociedade como um todo.
E podemos ir muito além: é entender a importância de construirmos e nutrirmos a cidadania através de novas relações e consciências.

Toda interação na forma de desastre ou injustiça, que acontece no mundo, recebe de volta uma força transformadora de igual proporção, exercida por cidadãos conscientes da mudança que podem causar.

Offcina Coworking
R. Iguaçu, 209 - Itoupava Seca
Blumenau, Santa Catarina, 89030-030
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Blumenau­Salon events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Amanda Rahra

Co-Fundadora da Énois Inteligência Jovem
Amanda Arahra is the Co-Founder of Énois, Youth Intelligence. A School/ Journalism Agency that graduades people from 15 to 21 years old, from the slums. Graduated in Journalism, she and her friend Nina Weingrill created a journalism workshop at the NGO Casa do Zezinho in 2009. After that, both of them changed everything in their lives to dedicate themselves to listen to young people, hence, understand the future. She enjoys being in contact with people, wether to gather resources, make partnerships or even to promote the projects of the young journalists from the journalism school.

Ana Letícia Knuth

Criadora do App Vote Consciente
Architect and Urbanist by degree, urbanism masters' student in UFSC and creator of "Vote Consciente" app. Much more than that, Ana Letícia is a person with a huge heart full of hope, faith and love, that fights daily for a more democratic, fair and happy world. Someone who believes firmly that you should be the change you want to see in the world and that believes even more that we can change the Brazil of tomorrow by changing the way we look at politics today.

Fernando Rosenbaum

Co-Fundador da Bicicletaria Cultural
Patricia and Fernando are the founders of Bicicletaria Cultural, a strategic space for cultivating cycle mobility and a fertile land for art.

Joice Toyota

Diretora Executiva da Vetor Brasil
Joice is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Vetor Vrasil. Graduated in Electrical Engineering, with a MBA in Education at Stanford. Joice worked on strategic consulting for 7 years, in financial services, agrobusiness, aviation and public education. She also worked in the Education Department of Goiás and on Teach for America (in the US). Joice is a Lemann Fellow, Education Pioneers Fellow and Person Of the Year Fello on Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce.

Patrícia Valverde

Co-Fundadora da Bicicletaria Cultural

Organizing team

Cardoso Filho

Blumenau, SC, Brazil


Blumenau, Brazil
  • Adriano Dorow Darosi
    Post production
  • Amanda Tiedt
  • Carla Mereles
  • Guilherme Hostins
  • João Gabriel Krieger
  • João Vitor Krieger
  • Karina Borguesan
  • Maria Helena
  • Maria Luisa Lange
  • Marina Sousa
  • Stefanie Piaskowy