David Kittay
Dr. David Kittay specializes in teaching courses on Buddhism and on Eastern and Western philosophy at Columbia University, most recently, “Technology, Religion, Future,” “Interpreting Buddhist Yoga,” and "Law and Religion." He is the President of the Tibetan Classics Translators Guild of New York, and serves on the boards of Tibet House U.S. and The Clemente Course in the Humanities, Inc. He also writes and lectures on the subject of compassionate lawyering, and serves as a trial and civil rights lawyer, federal bankruptcy trustee and a receiver for the Securities Exchange Commission. He is founder of and teaches moral philosophy at the Harlem Clemente Course, bringing humanities to underprivileged people in Harlem on a full scholarship basis - harlemclemente.org.
Deborah Acosta
Deborah Acosta has been called a number of things during her career – commercial lending officer, economic development professional, dark fiber and innovation maven. She refers to herself, however, as a passionate and persistent “dot-connector”. No matter what industry she has worked in, from her early days in banking to her current role as the City of San Leandro’s Chief Innovation, Deborah credits much of her ability to inspire transformational change to her creative connections. “Innovation usually happens through the shared collision of ideas, whether big or small. Sharing allows connections that may otherwise lie dormant – and when dots become connected, new worlds of innovation can emerge!”