TEDxBlumenau is about Connections. And, most of all, about people. People that believed in something, even in discredit. People that believed in a cause, that shifted that cause into a movement, because it began to gain followers, and who shifted that movement into something that changed the world. We believe that people can break paradigms through connecting with other people. We believe in movements that change the World.
TEDxBlumenau - Connections That Break Paradigms
O TEDxBlumenau é sobre conexões. E, acima de tudo, sobre pessoas. Pessoas que acreditaram em algo, mesmo em descrédito. Pessoas que acreditaram em uma causa, que transformaram essa causa em um movimento, porque ele começou a ganhar seguidores e que transformaram esse mesmo movimento, em algo que mudou o mundo. Nós acreditamos que pessoas podem quebrar paradigmas conectando-se a outras. Nós acreditamos em movimentos que mudam o mundo.
TEDxBlumenau - Conexões que Quebram Paradigmas
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.
Amélia Malheiros
Manager of Institutional Communications and Sustainability at Cia Hering, one of the oldest and most accomplished companies in Brazil, Amélia Malheiros lived the movement of Fashion and Design in Santa Catarina, Brazil, since it's first steps. Now Vice-President, she shares its story with the world.Brenda Maia
One of the creators of Embaixadores de Minas, Brenda believes that a city deserves to be lived through the stories of people who conected to the city, not just by its sightseeing monuments.Carolina Nunes
Carolina is an architect who created an online discussion group about the Urban theme - Urban Acupuncture in Blumenau. The group has the intention of gathering good cases and examples, raising the potential of the city and proposing interventions where a humanized city is always the desire.Fernando Anitelli
Fernando Anitelli is the leading singer of Teatro Mágico, a band that brings together music, theater, circus and poetry. Since it's beginning, Teatro Mágico has been empowered by its own audience, by believing in Free Music and sharing all their songs online for free.Giovani Rocha
Born and raised in Piedade, in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, Giovani Rocha is 23. Despite his young age, he has a long experience as a leader and social activist in his community, where he worked as a volunteer Math and English teacher since he was 14. Giovani was a Youth Ambassador by the US Department of State, Global Changemaker by British Council and represented Brazil in several international youth conferences around the globe, in cities such as Chicago, Barranquilla, Panama City and London. Since 2012, he's the coordinator of (LdA) Líderes do Amanhã, a project that aims at transforming high-school students from public schools of Brazil into agents of change in their communities.Guto Requena
Guto is one of the most recognized Architects in Brazil. After becoming perhaps the most famous one in Interior Design, he changed his focus to reflect on Memory, Digital Culture and Poetic Narratives, in all scales of Design.Ir. Daiene Fontenele
She's the manager of a "Long Stay Home" for the elderly. Gratuated on Social Services, Ir. Daiene works since 2011 with elder people and believes that they have as much to share as any of us, all you have to do is listen.Ivo Mozart
Ivo Mozart is a singer / songrwriter from Brazil who believes playing in the streets for dimes and smiles is just as good as playing in sold out concerts. If he has to choose, the prefers the smiles.Leonardo Aguiar
Leonardo Aguiar is a Plastic Surgeon who believes that, sometimes, surgery is not the answer for a pacient's needs.Marc Kirst
At 20, after taking leadership position on several organizations like AIESEC and Empresa Jr, Marc decided to drop out of Management on College do work voluntarily on social projects. On 2013, he founded Prove, an organization who engaged thousands of young people in Brazil and abroad encouraging and supporting them to discover their real identity and take their roles as Agents of Transformation. In the same year, he was the runner up on Your Big Year, representing Brazil in San Francisco.Ronan Diego de Oliveira
Ronan is a dreamer. Founding President of AIESEC in Paraguay, he live for 2 and a half years as a volunteer, following his dream to make the world a better place, with more super heros.Sávio Abi-Zaid
Sávio Abi-Zard has on his veins, connections to the arts. His grandfather, a merchant, was also a sketch artist, musician, draftsman and dedicated photographer and film-maker by hobby. From this conviviality, came a great passion for music, photography, cinema and visual arts. Following, even unconsciously, the steps of his grandfather, he founded Tao Arquitetura in 1999 and, since them, dedicates his days to making the world somewhere better, cozy and beautifull. In 2010, along with Rafael Silveira and Paulo Priess, the Balbúrdia Collective, aiming to amplify the artistic horizons of the city and its inhabitants.Vitor Belota
Working 8 hours a day and having his second college degree at the age of 24, Vitor decided that that wasn't the life he wanted. He quit his job and went on a volunteer exchange program in Africa. His initial job was to teach English and Math classes, but when he arrived, Vitor realized that the lack of proper lighting in schools harmed the learning process of the thousands of kids.Touched by the problem, he developed, along with a few friends, the Liter of Light project.Organizing team
Fabíola Cordeiro
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Bianca Bona
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Luísa Nascimento
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Alan Boos
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Diego Probst
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Ana Carolina Alves
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Maria Luísa Lange
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
João Vítor Krieger
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Marina de Souza
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Adriano Darosi
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Karina Borguesan
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Alexandre Kumm
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Eduardo Burgardt
TEDxBlumenau Staff -
Ana Clara Souza
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Guilherme Junkes
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Daiane Bocchi
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Cynthia Hansen
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Tatiana Araújo
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Arnon Tillmann
TEDxBlumenau Organizing Team -
Karin Froehlich
TEDxBlumenau Staff -
Malena Grah
TEDxBlumenau Staff -
Gabriel Pivesso
TEDxBlumenau Staff -
Léo Paschoal
TEDxBlumenau Staff -
Carla Stedile
TEDxBlumenau Staff -
Amanda Brandão
TEDxBlumenau Staff -
Maria Helena
TEDxBlumenau Staff -
Amanda Tiedt
TEDxBlumenau Staff