TEDxMahtomedi brings Mahtomedi area residents together for learning, information sharing and networking. TEDxMahtomedi encourages community discussion of important trends and issues.
Tickets will go on sale on February 15.
Organizing team
Laurel Karterick
Steering/Hosting Committee -
Mary Hoff
Co-Chair, Marketing, Communications, Program Committees -
Jud Marshall
Mayor, Steering Committee -
Ron Anderson
Steering / Sponsor /Hosting Committees -
Scott Neilson
Steering Committee -
Annette Sallman
Steering/Program/Sponsorship Committee -
Davis Grilley
Steering/Program Committee -
Debbie Johnson-Hill
Steering/Host Committee -
Vic Ward
Steering/Program Committee -
Jeralyn Jargo
Steering/Program Committee, Master of Ceremony -
Melinda Coleman
Program/Hosting Committee -
Margie Grilley
Hosting Committee -
Bill Coleman
Co-Chair, Program/Sponsor Committee