We've split TEDxDesMoinesWomen into two opportunities this year, based on feedback from past events. Come for a lunchtime viewing of TED talks introduced by local women leaders, then have the opportunity to tour Dress for Success, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering women.
Hear live speakers in the evening, at a session that puts the ideas of local women on the stage and participate in interactive activities designed to introduce you to other attendees and expand the experience.
Lunch Session
11:30a - 1:30p // Livestream TEDWomen Session from San Francisco
1:30p - 2:00p // Interaction Spaces and Pop-Up Discussion Groups
2:00p - 3:00p // Optional: TEDxAdventure to Dress for Success (319 7th St., Suite 320)
Evening Session
4:30p - 6:00p // Registration Interaction Spaces
6:00p - 7:30p // Live Speaker Session
7:30p - 8:00p // Refreshments, Snacks, and Interaction Spaces
Miyoko Hikiji: Veteran, mother and author of "All I Could Be: My Story as a Woman Warrior in Iraq"