PFH Goettingen
x = independently organized TED event

March 1, 2025
2:00pm - 9:00pm CET
(UTC +1hr)
Göttingen, Niedersachsen
This event is open to the public.
Tickets are available.


Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zum ersten TEDx-Event an der PFH Göttingen – einem inspirierenden Tag, der ganz im Zeichen der Philosophie von „Ideas Worth Spreading“ steht! Tauchen Sie mit uns ein in eine Welt voller innovativer Ideen und spannender Perspektiven. Unser Programm verspricht eine vielfältige Mischung aus Themen und Rednern – von renommierten internationalen Experten bis hin zu Menschen aus dem Alltag, die ihre ganz persönlichen Geschichten und Erfahrungen mit uns teilen.

Freuen Sie sich auf Vorträge, die Sie zum Nachdenken anregen und neue Blickwinkel eröffnen. Wir beleuchten die Herausforderungen der Pflege ebenso wie die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Robotik. Ob gesellschaftliche Themen, technologische Innovationen oder menschliche Geschichten – bei TEDxPFHGöttingen ist für jeden etwas dabei.

Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, sich in inspirierenden Gesprächen mit den Rednern und anderen Teilnehmern auszutauschen. Lassen Sie sich von den Ideen anderer beflügeln und nehmen Sie frische Impulse mit nach Hause. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie an diesem besonderen Tag begrüßen zu dürfen!


We warmly invite you to the first TEDx event at PFH Göttingen – a day filled with inspiration and ideas worth spreading! Join us for an exciting journey into a world of innovative ideas and diverse perspectives. Our program offers a rich variety of topics and speakers, ranging from renowned international experts to everyday individuals sharing their personal stories and experiences.

Look forward to talks that will challenge your thinking and open new perspectives. We'll explore the challenges in healthcare, as well as the latest developments in robotics. Whether it's societal issues, technological innovations, or human stories – TEDxPFHGöttingen has something for everyone.

Take the opportunity to engage in inspiring conversations with speakers and fellow attendees. Let the ideas shared by others ignite your imagination and bring fresh insights into your life. We look forward to welcoming you to this special day!

PFH Göttingen
Weender Landstraße 3-7
Göttingen, Niedersachsen, 37073
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­P­F­H ­Goettingen events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg

Zukunftsforscherin & Unternehmerin
Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès von Hattburg, an internationally recognized expert in sustainability, innovation, and leadership, is described by Hypovereinsbank as "one of Germany's outstanding managers and entrepreneurs." A futurist, speaker, journalist, and founder, she is the CEO of Sustain Plus, Managing Director of the Berlin SRH Institute for Sustainability Management, and a Professor of Communication, succeeding Dieter Kronzucker. From an early age, she has been committed to human rights and environmental protection. Today, she continues her efforts as a co-founder of World Cleanup and GreenBytes, a board member of Plant for the Planet, President of the Club of Budapest Germany, and at the International Embassy for Economic Affairs.

Prof. Dr. Markus Quirin

Psychology Professor
Markus Quirin is a distinguished Professor of Psychology and acclaimed author, renowned for his pioneering work on personality, motivation, and stress. His research and practical applications utilize a complex dynamic systems approach to deepen our understanding of the human psyche, with significant contributions to education, mental health, and workplace well-being. Markus is also at the forefront of integrating social emotion into robotics, bridging the gap between psychology and technology. Beyond academia, he draws profound insights from Eastern philosophy and channels his creativity as a singer-songwriter in the retro rock band "The Munyks."

Robert Tomoski

Psychologist & Startup founder
Robert Tomoski is a Psychologist and startup entrepreneur working at the intersection of psychology and artificial intelligence. He focuses on developing AI-driven solutions like training programs and surveys that help organizations improve their practices. As a lecturer, Robert enjoys sharing his knowledge, making complex topics understandable for all. His interests range from mindfulness and robotics to quantum physics and other unconventional areas, reflecting his curiosity about both technology and the human mind.

Organizing team

