NPSIS Singapore Youth
x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
August 17, 2024
Singapore, Central Singapore

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

NPS International School - Scotts Secondary Campus
25 Scotts Rd, Singapore 228220
Singapore, Central Singapore, 228220
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­N­P­S­I­S ­Singapore ­Youth events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anwesha Putatunda

As an aspiring medical student with an inquisitive mind and a penchant for falling down rabbit holes online, Anwesha has always wondered about the seemingly endless content surrounding mental wellness created by influencers on different social media platforms. In pursuit of the true reality behind those making these posts, Anwesha explores the impact of "Tiktokifying" mental illness in our society, questioning how serious medical diagnoses became our next big fad. When not busy terrorizing people nearby with abysmal puns, Anwesha can be found defending a somewhat questionable taste in classic literature, sipping coffee at unwise hours of the night, or sketching yet another portrait while blasting MARINA on repeat.

Atreyi Roy

Aspiring Public Policy Student
As an avid lover of economics, Atreyi has always wondered about the inherent volatility of societies and the individuals within them. What steers our choices? What causes our world to function the way it does? In the quest to answer these questions for both herself and others, Atreyi explores the way heuristics can extend to both the individual and the world, driving both our decisions and global events. In her free time, Atreyi can be found annotating her IB Economics textbook, or reading literary classics from White Nights to The Bell Jar.

Menaha Gagroo Jain

Aspiring Law Student
Menaha is an extremely passionate speaker with a flair for the dramatic. With a love for debate and ethics, Menaha frequently questions the unsaid rules governing our society and the generally overlooked moral dilemmas we face daily. Her most recent trip to Vietnam’s War Remnants Museum led to a spiral of introspective thoughts that sparked the idea for her Ted Talk on photojournalism. She is thrilled to be given this platform to voice her thoughts and opinions and hopes that others enjoy her talk as much as she enjoyed making it!

Samaira Tibrewal

Avid Academic
From an early age, Samaira has been deeply passionate about math and science. Recently, however, she has become intrigued by psychology, and when she saw the intersection with free will: It was love at first sight. She explores what free will truly means, why this idea persists in human thought, and its implications for the functioning of our world. In her dynamic and captivating TED Talk, Samaira hopes to inspire others with the same curiosity and enthusiasm she feels for the enigma that is free will.

Tanvi Nadgir

Tanvi Nadgir is an aspiring engineering student, hoping to become a woman in STEM in the near future. Despite any and all of her academic interests revolving around the subjects of Physics and Chemistry, her extracurricular passions lie in public speaking and fitness. While she enjoys the thrill of numerous debate conferences, sports such as skateboarding and badminton, alongside the gym, are her sanctuary. This conflation of interests inspired her to use the revered TEDx platform to challenge the misconceptions that intertwine the concepts of health and beauty, exploring the meaning of health beyond past and present physical ideals.

Viraj Malhotra

Student & Founder of Romainder International
Viraj is extremely passionate about the law, ethics, and the environment: 3 disciplines that come together in his TEDx talk to reveal the hidden environmental cost of our choices. Deeply passionate about the economics behind the way the world works, Viraj is convinced that empowering students and harnessing the energy of collective youth action can drive social change. Through his work across various youth organisations, he aims to mobilize a new generation of leaders to champion a more sustainable future.

Yogansh Phadke

Aspiring Lawyer
Yogansh is an aspiring law student with a passion for public speaking and debate. He is fascinated with the role of morality and philosophy in shaping the legal world that encompasses us, which has inspired him to speak about the role of the structural defects of the law in shaping the mental health of those who involve themselves in the law. He hopes to address this and provide concrete solutions to this otherwise unrepresented problem.

Yohaan Master

Aspiring Software Person
Yohaan is a STEM major, but spends a significant portion of his life absorbed in the liberal arts instead. Between the hundreds of hours he spends playing Celeste and the number of new albums he listens to every week, it's a miracle that he manages to get through a full IB schedule. His speech focuses on the types of addiction, and how companies have drawn from them in the digital age.

Organizing team




Singapore, Singapore