x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
April 28, 2024
Bunkyo-ku, Tôkyô

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Yasuda Auditorium, Hongo Campus
7-3, Hongo
Bunkyo-ku, Tôkyô, 113-0033
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­U­Tokyo events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ayako Kanie

国立の医療機関で認知行動療法の研究に従事。現在は児童精神の診療をしつつ、感情認知VRトレーニングを開発 Currently engaged in cognitive behavioral therapy research at a national medical institution while practicing child psychiatry and developing emotional cognitive VR training.


"The group, led by Tamao Nishiyama and Hazuki Kato, is actively engaged in unrestrained creative activities under the banner of ""Maboroshi wo Miru Monogatari"" (The Tale of Seeing the Maboroshi). Their work demonstrates a strong commitment to exploring new creative avenues and pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. or 直訳 Led by Tamao Nishiyama and Hazuki Kato, the group engages in unrestrained creative activities under the banner of ""Maboroshi wo Miru Monogatari (The Tale of Seeing the Maboroshi). " 西山珠生と加藤葉月を中心とし、「まぼろしをみるものがたり」のもと気ままな創作活動を行う。

Kanda Iori

While studying French literature at the University of Tokyo, she started a private school that specialized in teaching Japanese. She worked as a teacher in the field before becoming a storyteller in her mid-30s. 東京大学文学部仏文科在学中に国語専門塾を起業。在野の教師として活動していたが、30代半ばで講談師に転身。

Kazuki Aruchi

Involved in creating places with books and things to do with books, including the launch of the bookstore "Bunkitu" to meet books, and is working on redesigning the relationship between books and people under the theme of "using" books. He wants to increase the number of options for a way of life in which everyone can continue to be involved with culture. 本と出会うための本屋「文喫」の立ち上げなど、本のある場づくり、コトづくりに携わりながら、“本を「使う」” をテーマに本と人の関係性のリデザインに取り組んでいる。誰もが文化と関わり続けられる生き方の選択肢を増やしたい。

Kei Iwata

Graduated from the Faculty of Letters in 2022. A member of the "Gunjou" group. His collection of haiku, "Hadae" (Fransudo, 2022), won the Tanaka Hiroaki Prize and the Haiku Poets Society Newcomer's Award. 2022年文学部卒。「群青」同人。句集『膚』(ふらんす堂,2022)にて田中裕明賞、俳人協会新人賞。

Masahiko Inami

As a researcher in body informatics, my objective is to augment human abilities by liberating the body and improving skills. 身体情報学研究者、身体やスキルの「自在化」による人間拡張を目指す。

Naoki Yajima

こども園園長 客員教授
Having accumulated seven years of experience as a nursery school teacher in Japan and having completed a two-year graduate program, she relocated to New Zealand. Despite grappling with the English language, she worked as a teacher in various local nursery schools, kindergartens, and elementary schools for a combined total of roughly eight years. Her book titled "Working in a New Zealand Nursery School," published by Hitonaru Shobo, offers a compilation of her experiences and insights in New Zealand. This book was recognized with the 59th Japan Society for Childcare Research Literature Award. 日本で保育士を7年間、大学院2年間の勉強を経てニュージーランドに渡航。英語で苦労しながらも現地の保育園、幼稚園、小学校で教員として勤務(合計約8年間)。ニュージーランドでの経験と学びをまとめた著書「ニュージーランドの保育園で働いてみた(ひとなる書房)」が、第59回日本保育学会文献賞を受賞。

Natsumi Seo

Travelled around the world with the theme of ""unspeakability,"" creating paintings and writings while considering the language of the land and the record of the landscape. “語れなさ” をテーマに各地を旅し、土地の言葉と風景の記録を考えながら、絵や文章をつくっている。

Shoji Takeuchi

Professor at the School of Engineering, University of Tokyo. His specialty is bio-hybrid systems that integrate living organisms and machines. Also known as a cultured meat researcher. 東大工学部教授。専門は生体と機械を融合したバイオハイブリッドシステム。培養肉研究者としても知られる。

Organizing team


Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo, Japan