x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Connect

July 27, 2024
1:00pm - 6:00pm JST
(UTC +9hrs)
Akita, Akita
This event is open to the public.
Tickets are available.

TEDxAkitaIntlU is organized by students at Akita International University in Akita, Japan.
In this world, we are interconnected in various ways. It is the richness of these connections that often sparks wonderful stories. With this theme, TEDxAkitaIntlU aims to serve as a platform for fostering connections among our participants, including the audience, speakers, performers, partners, and TEDxAkitaIntlU staff.

Akita International University
Yuwa, Akita-city 010-1292 Japan, Akita International University
Akita, Akita, 010-1292
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Akita­Intl­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Kazuhiro Nagayama

Singer, Web Writer, Entrepreneur (Skincare Brand)
Kazuhiro Nagayama (永山和宏) joined Higashinaruse Tech Solutions Co. in 2022. After working as a web writer, Nagayama launched “Akaulu”, an all-in-one skincare brand focusing on skin lesions by utilizing hot spring water from Higashinaruse Village. (Crowdfunding is scheduled to start in July and general sales will begin in September.) Nagayama’s vision is to “realize a world where everyone loves themselves and is connected by love”. Nagayama is committed to developing products that resonate with LGBTQ people and people facing other personal challenges. Nagayama also aims for regional revitalization and social inclusion through business initiatives. Nagayama is also active as a singer-songwriter known as “Ai-Fi”. 2022年「東成瀬テックソリューションズ株式会社」に入社。Webライターを経て、現在は、東成瀬村の温泉水を活用した乾燥による赤みに注目したオールインワンスキンケアブランド「akaulu (アカウル)」の立ち上げを行う。(7月クラウドファンディング開始予定、9月一般販売開始) ビジョン 「みんなが自分を愛し、愛が繋がる世の中」を実現するため、LGBTQやパーソナルな悩みを抱える人々に寄り添うプロダクト開発に尽力。事業を通して地域振興と社会的包摂に貢献を目指す。 個人では、シンガーソングライター「Ai-Fi」としても活動中。

Mei Miyamoto

Entrepreneur (Van-life), Influencer
In 2021, Mei Miyamoto (宮本芽依) raised 1.2 million yen through crowdfunding, built her own camping car, and attended university for a year while living in her camping car. In 2023, while studying at Showa Women’s University, she founded MeiMei Co., Ltd, Japan’s first camping car design office. Currently, she is also developing the digital leadership program ‘’LEADING WOMEN’’ and a creativity school for university students called ‘’atelier my vision.’’ 2021年クラウドファンディングで120万円の資金調達をし、自作キャンピングカーを制作、キャンピングカーに住みながら1年間大学に通う。2023年、昭和女子大学在学中に株式会社MeiMeiを設立、日本初のキャンピングカーデザイン事務所を立ち上げる。現在はデジタルリーダーシッププログラム「LEADING WOMEN」と大学生の創造性の学校「atelier my Vision」も展開している。

Tesyu Ri

Entrepreneur (IT)
Ri Tesyu (李哲洙) was born and raised in China, he first came to Japan in 1995 at the age of 29. After building his career in Fukuoka and Tokyo, he started his own business in Tokyo in 2006. Since then, he has been the CEO of C3 Advance Technology Inc. He is currently developing his own online diagnosis business as well as consulting, management, and other businesses related to upstream processes for major companies. 中国で生まれ育ち、1995年、29歳の時に初来日。福岡と東京でキャリアを積み、2006年に東京にて起業。それから現在まで 株式会社C3アドバンステクノロジーの代表を努めている。大手企業を顧客にコンサルティングやマネジメント業等の上流工程に関連したビジネスを展開するとともに、現在は自社のサービスであるオンライン診察ビジネスを展開している。

Yoko Tamura

Freelance Announcer
Yoko Tamura (田村陽子) is a former Akita Asahi Broadcasting announcer. After leaving the company, she joined the entertainment agency, Horipro as part of the broadcasting department. While appearing on programs such as NHK Educational TV, TBS, and TV Asahi, she also hosted events and press conferences for major companies. She currently appears on FM Akita programs as a freelance announcer, MCs events and ceremonies, and continues to promote the joy of reading aloud to people of all ages. She is also Akita’s first instructor certified by the Japan Tongue Twisting Test Association. She graduated from Seikei University with a BA in English Literature. 元AAB秋田朝日放送アナウンサー。 退社後は芸能事務所ホリプロ・アナウンス室に所属し、NHK教育テレビ、TBS、テレビ朝日などの番組に出演の他、大手企業のイベント・会見の司会などを務める。 現在はフリーアナウンサーとしてエフエム秋田の番組に出演の他、イベント・式典の司 会などを務める傍ら、秋田初の日本滑舌能力検定協会認定講師として幅広い世代を対象に音読の楽しさを広める活動を続けている。成蹊大学文学部英米文学科を卒業。

Yukari Nakanishi

Physical Therapist, Influencer
Yukari Nakanishi (中西ゆかり) studied English at Tokiwa Junior College and then studied abroad at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Because of her hearing loss, she was unable to find a job. So, she went to the physical therapy department of a rehabilitation school and obtained a national license as a physical therapist. She worked at hospitals and facilities for 12 years, providing rehabilitation to more than 20,000 people. She retired after giving birth to twins. Currently, while taking care of her children who need medical care, she shares her own experience of living with hearing loss on social media as “a mother of three, living in a world of small sounds”. She works to bring love, hope, and courage to others. 高校卒業後、常葉短期大学英語英文科にてカナダ短期留学コースへ進みカールトン大学(カナダ、オタワ)にて英語を学ぶ。難聴を理由に就職できなかったため、リハビリテーション専門学校理学療法学科へ行き国家資格である理学療法士免許を取得。病院・施設に12年勤務し延べ2万人以上にリハビリを提供。 双子出産を機に退職。現在は医療ケアが必要な子をみながらSNSにて「小さな音の世界で暮らす3児の母」として自らの難聴の経験を伝え、愛と希望と勇気を与える活動をしている。

Yuki Mizuno

Entrepreneur (Pro Basketball Team)
Yukino Mizuno (水野勇気) moved to Seattle to study sports management for a year. Upon returning, he enrolled as part of the inaugural class at Akita International University. After university, he became the president of Akita Professional Basketball Club Corporation (Akita Northern Happinets) in 2009, at 26. The club was promoted to the first division of the B.LEAGUE in 2018, striving to be the best in Japan. He also diversifies his business interests in Akita, involving initiatives like educational programs for children, fitness gym, coppe bread production and sales, craft beer production and sales, a children‘s cafeteria for underprivileged families, and a roadside station project. 高校卒業後シアトルで1年間スポーツマネジメントを学び、2004年に1期生として国際教養大学に入学。卒業後の2009年に当時プロスポーツ界最年少となる26歳で秋田プロバスケットボールクラブ株式会社(現秋田ノーザンハピネッツ株式会社)代表取締役社長に就任。2018年にはB.LEAGUE1部に昇格し、秋田から日本一のクラブを目指しスポーツエンターテイメントの創出に挑んでいる。秋田県をフィールドに、地域の子どもたちを対象としたスクール事業、スポーツジム事業、コッペパン製造販売事業、クラフトビール製造・販売事業、困窮家庭の支援を主な目的とした子ども食堂事業、道の駅事業などといったように事業の多角化を図っている。

Organizing team


Akita, Japan

