Caspian University
x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The contemporary young people's concerns: Maneuvering through present-day anxieties.

This event occurred on
April 30, 2024
Almaty, Almaty

Welcome to Caspian University's TEDx event, where we explore "The contemporary young people's concerns: Maneuvering through present-day anxieties."

In this thought-provoking and inspiring event, we delve into the intricacies of what truly drives students to succeed in their academic pursuits and beyond. Through a series of captivating talks by distinguished speakers, we uncover the hidden factors, personal stories, and innovative strategies that contribute to students' achievements.

Our speakers, ranging from educators and psychologists to successful entrepreneurs and students themselves, share their unique perspectives and experiences on what it takes to excel in today's dynamic world. From mastering time management and overcoming challenges to embracing creativity and fostering resilience, each talk offers valuable insights and practical tips for unlocking the potential within every student.

At Caspian University's TEDx event, we believe that by uncovering the secrets of students' success, we can empower individuals to reach new heights of academic excellence, personal growth, and fulfillment. Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery, inspiration, and transformation.

Caspian University
85 Dostyk ave
Dostyk hall
Almaty, Almaty, 050010
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Caspian ­University events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Erzhan Yessimkhanov

Юрист, блогер и спортсмен-любитель. Увлекшись в 32 года марафонским плаванием, он стал первым представителем Казахстана, который переплыл Гибралтарский пролив из Испании в Марокко, а в июле 2019 года за четырнадцать часов переплыл пролив Ла-Манш из Англии во Францию.

Neha Neha

Student of Caspian International School of Medicine

Oxana Perekrestova

Student of Caspian University

Акмаржан Кушербаева

Почетный посол ЮНФПА в Казахстане

Афина Аманатиди


Бауржан Амангельды

Преприниматель, основатель АО «Экотон+» и автор книги «Река жизни»

Илья Китанин

Ученый, руководитель преакселератора, Фонд развития интернет-инициатив

Карина Сарсенова

Психолог, писатель, поэтесса, телеведущая, сценарист, драматург, галерист, продюсер и бизнесвумен

Леонид Смехов

Профессор Caspian University, тренер по ораторскому мастерству

Мария Хавронская

Преподаватель, лидер образовательной программы Caspian University

Олеся Китанина

Дизайнер, основатель Kit home

Organizing team


Almaty, Kazakhstan