x = independently organized TED event


July 5, 2024
6:00pm - 9:00pm CEST
(UTC +2hrs)
Bellano, Lombardia
This event is open to the public.
Tickets are available.

Nel tessuto intricato della vita viviamo in un costante gioco di riflessi, sfumature e percezioni.
Ogni giorno scegliamo l’immagine di noi che vogliamo mostrare, e allo stesso tempo siamo abbagliati dai riflessi degli altri e della realtà in cui viviamo.
L’apparenza sa sedurre con i luccichii della superficie, ma quali verità emergono se proviamo a scavare in profondità, alla ricerca della sostanza?
Cosa accade se facciamo cadere la maschera che abitualmente indossiamo?
Ogni giorno scegliamo anche le sfumature secondo cui guardiamo il mondo.
In una società punitiva, che ci spinge agli estremi e in cui essere polarizzati è facile, chi sceglie il compromesso e la sfumatura del grigio si può trovare isolato in una terra di mezzo.
Ma abbracciare la complessità umana significa comprendere che non siamo solo buoni o cattivi, giusti o sbagliati, bianchi o neri. Siamo una miscela di colori, luci e ombre, speranze e paure.
E la verità non è mai così semplice. Allenarci a cambiare prospettiva può essere la chiave di volta per ricercare la verità: provare a vedere le cose indossando occhiali diversi, cercare di percepire la bellezza collaterale, attivare l’empatia.
Solo aprendo i nostri punti di vista riusciamo a riconoscere la realtà, a smascherare i riflessi, ad accettare e accogliere ogni sfumatura.
Fino ad avere il coraggio di esporci per quello che siamo, e di posizionarci per gli ideali in cui crediamo.
VICEVERSA ci invita a ricordarci che il viaggio verso la scoperta e la comprensione di noi stessi e del mondo non finisce mai:
c’è sempre un altro modo in cui vedersi, farsi vedere, guardare gli altri e approcciarsi al mondo!

Orrido di Bellano
Piazza San Giorgio
Bellano, Lombardia, 23822
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Bellano events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Bruno Cerella

Enterpreneur and ex Basketball Player
Bruno Cerella is a former Argentine basketball player. Since 2013 he has been involved in Slums Dunk, a project that aims to improve, through basketball, the living conditions of children and young people living in economically and socially degraded areas of Africa. Sport is a common language that anyone can speak, it is a tool that unites, that knows no limits. Anyone can play basketball: wherever there is a basket, with any ball, with or without shoes, the only thing that really matters is the motivation to jump and go to the basket. Basketball is not just competition but also a tool that can easily be used to transmit culture, values and skills.

Francesco Fabiano

Mental and Business Coach
Francesco Fabiano is a mental coach and a business coach. Trainer, teacher, author, he is considered one of the leading Italian experts in empathic communication, leadership, development of human potential. He has held and holds courses for numerous large companies and is the mental coach of entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, artists and professional athletes. He is considered an "eye opener", for his ability to see and bring out the best in every person.

Giovanni Zagni

Professional journalist
He is director of the fact-checking projects Pagella Politica and Facta. He is part of the executive committee of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) and of the Council of Europe's Expert Group on the Integrity of Online Information (MSI-INF). Together with Carlo Canepa he is co-author of Bugie al Potere. The fact-checking of the Meloni government (Mimesis, 2023).

Karem Rohana

Human rights Activist
Karem Rohana was born in Haifa, to a Palestinian father and an Italian mother, but has lived in Italy since he was two years old. A healthcare professional, he is an activist on social media to talk about the Palestinian cause.

Nogaye Ndiaye

Law graduate, communicator and writer.
Born and raised in Italy, of Senegalese origins. Doctor of Law with a thesis in Philosophy of Human Rights and Pluralism. She has always had a passion for law and social justice, which led her to open a profile on Instagram called leregoledeldirittoperfetto, in which she initially spoke about the difficulties encountered during university and law studies. In recent years, through a path of personal deconstruction and decolonization, she has reconnected to her roots and has begun to spread anti-racist and transfeminist dissemination.

Paola Vassena

Section president of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired
visually impaired since adolescence, she is section President of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired (UICI) ETS APS of Lecco, member of the Lombardy Regional Council of the UICI, of the Lombardy Regional FAND Committee and of the Board of Directors of the Casa del Cieco Foundation of Civate. She has chosen to donate her time to those who, like her, share visual challenges, believing that every minute spent for others contributes to a more inclusive world and promoting empathy and solidarity as guides towards collective and personal growth.

Organizing team


Bellano , Italy
  • Andrea Taddeo
    Team member
  • Andrea Trussoni
    Team member
  • Antonio Rusconi
  • Chiara Rusconi
  • Marco Denti
  • Stefano Calvasina
  • Valentina Rigoli