Bratislava Women
x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Two steps forward

This event occurred on
October 28, 2023
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj

The road to inclusion and gender equality can be long and definitely not straight forward. And so we would like to celebrate those that walk the road with their heads up high. Whether they are pioneers or try to bring their big ideas to reality, they remind us of our past that we should not be repeating or look for new ways for us to have more empathy and solidarity with each other.

Come walk this road with us. It starts with not one but TWO STEPS FORWARD.

Slovak National Gallery
Rázusovo nábrežie 1
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj, 815 13
Event type:
TEDxWomen (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Bratislava ­Women events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Eva Lilly

[sk]Eva Lilly is an astronomer at Planetary Science Institute specialising in planetary defense and research trans-neptunian objects. She worked on two NASA space missions and on the PanSTARRS project at the University of Hawaii. [en] Eva Lilly is an astronomer at Planetary Science Institute specialising in planetary defense and research trans-neptunian objects. She worked on two NASA space missions and on the PanSTARRS project at the University of Hawaii.

Eva Škorvanková

[sk] Eva Škorvanková pôsobí na Katedre všeobecných dejín Filozofickej fakulty UK v Bratislave, kde prednáša moderné dejiny 19. a 20. storočia, dejiny Balkánu a v rámci výberových kurzov a seminárov aj dejiny žien v stredoeurópskom priestore a rodové štúdiá. Píše o vzdelávaní žien, politickej emancipácii a populačných politikách v rôznych historických obdobiach. V roku 2020 vydala knihu "Strážkyne rodinných kozubov", v ktorej sa podrobne venuje idealizácii a stereotypizácii žien ľudáckym režimom. [en] Eva Škorvanková works at the Department of General History at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. She lectures on modern history of the 19th and 20th centuries, history of the Balkans and, as part of elective courses and seminars, women's history in Central Europe and gender studies. She has written on women's education, political emancipation and population policies in various historical periods.

Katarína Sokolová a Júlia Choleva

Agile Coach and Linguist
[sk]Katarína Sokolová je aktivistka a najstaršia hráčka ženstva FK Kozmos od roku 2020. V pracovnom živote sa venuje rozvoju mäkkých zručností (soft-skills) a nastavovaniu agilných spôsobov práce vo firmách. Júlia Choleva je v Kozmose od jeho vzniku ako zdravotníčka, vyberačka vstupného, no najmä ako aktívna členka fanúšikovského kotla. Hráčsku kariéru aktívne započala v 7. mesiaci tehotenstva a doteraz v nej pokračuje. Pracovne sa venuje jazyku a jazykovede. [en]Katarína Sokolová is an activist and the oldest female player of FK Kozmos since 2020. In her professional life she is dedicated to developing soft-skills and setting agile ways of working in companies. Júlia Choleva has been in Kozmos since its inception as a nurse, admission fee collector, but most importantly as an active member of the fan club. She actively started her playing career in the 7th month of pregnancy. Professionally, she is interested in language and linguistics.

Laura Weng a Kunzo

[sk] Ako speváčka a vokalistka vystupovala Laura Weng od roku 2014 už na rôznych pódiách a festivaloch. Debutovala v roku 2021 singlom "Boy on the street" a o dva roky vydala svoj prvý album AURA. Petra Kunza pozná slovenská hudobná scéna najmä ako sidmana. V roku 2023 však prvýkrát vystúpil na Pohode s vlastným projektom Plantasia s aktuálne nahráva svoj debutový solo album "47." [en]As a singer and vocalist, Laura Weng has performed at various stages and festivals since 2014. She debuted in 2021 with the single ""Boy on the street"" and released her first album AURA two years later. Petr Kunz is known to the Slovak music scene mainly as a sideman. In 2023, however, he performed for the first time at Pohoda with his own project Plantasia and is currently recording his debut solo album "47."

Niko Nagy

[sk] Niko Nagy pracuje v ľudskoprávnej organizácii. Pôsobí v kvír spolku LIGHT*, venuje sa ľavicovému aktivizmu v oblasti ľudských práv a sexuálnemu vzdelávaniu v OZ Prirodzene. Tie najpálčivejšie témy spracúva do podoby slam poetry, s ktorou vystupuje v rámci letných umeleckých stretnutí LETAVY. [en] Niko Nagy works for a human rights organisation. He is active in the LIGHT* quiz club, is involved in left-wing activism in the field of human rights, and in sex education in OZ Prirodzene. He works out the most pressing issues in the form of slam poetry, which he performs in the summer art meetings of LETAVY.

Ondrej Lunter

Governon of Banska Bystrica region
[SK] Ondrej Lunter, predseda Banskobystrického samosprávneho kraja, vyštudoval podnikovú ekonomiku a politológiu na Masarykovej univerzite v Brne. Spoluzaložil projekty Demagog.SK a Demagog.CZ. Ako prvý komunálny politik otvoril pálčivú tému menštruačnej chudoby a jeho pričinením majú stredoškoláčky v banskobystrickom kraji dosah na bezplatné hygienické potreby. [EN]Ondrej Lunter - Governor of Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region. Ondrej has a Master’s Degree in Political Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Economics from Masaryk’s University in Brno, Czech Republic. He co-founded an NGO project Demagog.SK and Demagog.CZ, a platform for transparency and accountability of the public sector. He was the first municipal politician to raise the burning issue of menstrual poverty, and thanks to him, secondary school girls in the Banská Bystrica region have access to free sanitary products.

Soňa Jánošová

[sk]Soňa Jánošová je redaktorkou denníka SME od roku 2017. Dovtedy učila na strednej škole, pracovala ako asistentka osobe s mentálnym postihnutím aj ako inšpicientka v divadle. Vyštudovala divadelnú vedu na VŠMU a Liečebnú pedagogiku na UK. Možno aj to ju predučrilo, aby sa ako novinárka venovala sociálnym, kultúrnym, spoločenským témam a komentárom. Päťkrát ju nominovali na Novinársku cenu a dvakrát ju aj získala. [en] Soňa Jánošová has been an editor of the daily SME since 2017. Until then, she taught at a secondary school, worked as an assistant to a person with intellectual disabilities and as an inspector in the theatre. She graduated in Theatre Science at the Academy of Performing Arts and in Therapeutic Pedagogy at Charles University. Perhaps this is what pre-disposed her to pursue social, cultural and social issues and commentary as a journalist. She was nominated for the Journalism Award five times and won it twice.

Organizing team


Bratislava, Slovakia


Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Andrea Hrnčiariková
  • Barbora Bončová
  • Jana Solčianska
  • Jozef Paulišin