x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
October 14, 2023
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Dewan San Choon, Wisma MCA
163, Jalan Ampang
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, 50450
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Azzaha Ibrahim

独立研究员、艺术家兼绘测师 Independent researcher, artist, and architect
Azzaha Ibrahim,独立研究员、艺术家兼绘测师。他专于研究古代王朝、建筑、艺术和文明。对他来说,吉兰丹拥有独特的文化艺术,其中狼牙修 (Langkasuka) 的建筑艺术令他着迷。狼牙修是一个 2 千年前存在的王国,这由女性所统领的王国,强大得不曾被侵略。1998 年开始,Azzaha 深入研究古代文明,透过手绘、访问、实地考察、3D 绘图等记录古人的智慧,为后代留下了重要的资料。身为历史守护者,他为了现在而研究过去,为了未来而留下史料。 Azzaha Ibrahim is a multidisciplinary artist based in Kelantan who works with different media including photography, video and installation. Trained as an architect in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), he is also an independent researcher focusing on Nusantara art and cultural heritage. The unique culture and art of Kelantan, especially the architecture of Langkasuka fascinates him. Believed to be founded over 2,000 years ago, Langkasuka was once a formidable matriarchal kingdom. As the guardian of history, Azzaha has conducted in-depth research on ancient civilizations since 1998, capturing the essence of ancient wisdom through artworks, interviews, field investigations, 3D drawings, etc., leaving a meaningful and lasting legacy for future generations.

Yusuf Hashim

探险家、作家兼摄影人 Global explorer, author, and freelance adventure photographer
Yusuf Hashim,77 岁的探险家、作家兼摄影人。他曾在世界第二大的石油公司 Shell 服务长达 32 年,最后的职位是董事经理一职。 然而在 1999 年,53 岁的他决定提早退休追寻他的第二人生。他开车横跨地球,穿越 6 大洲超过 120 个国家,曾 7 次航行到南极洲,他 68 岁时取得了飞行脚踏滑翔伞的资格,成为最年长的脚踏滑翔伞飞行员之一。他用自己的行动证明了年龄并不是限制,其冒险、创新和学习的精神是后辈的典范。 77-year-old Yusuf Hashim is a global explorer, author, and freelance adventure photographer. He was the Managing Director at Shell Chemicals, where he worked for 32 years before electing to retire in 1999 at the tender age of 53. Since then, he has gradually checked off items on his bucket list, including driving across 120 countries on 6 continents; sailing to Antarctica 7 times, and becoming the oldest person to obtain a paramotor flying qualification at 68. Yusuf proved that age is not a hindrance to achieving goals. His adventurous spirit and desire to continue learning make him an exemplar to the younger generation.

丁源森博士 Dr. Ting Yuan Sen

天体物理学家 World-leading astrophysicist
丁源森博士,天体物理学家,现任澳洲国立大学副教授。 他在天文学和电脑科学两个部门进行教学与研究工作,并使用机器学习技术,研究天文大数据的统计和推理。 2017 年他在哈佛大学获得天文学和天体物理学的博士学位。之后,他成为了第一位在普林斯顿大学、卡内基科学研究、NASA 哈勃和普林斯顿高等研究院获得联合奖学金的学者。他是 NASA 恒星科学兴趣小组的联席主席,参与领导未来的多个光谱巡天项目。迄今,他已经参与编写了超过 160 篇的学术论文。 Dr. Ting Yuan-Sen is the world-leading astrophysicist, and one of the youngest Associate Professors in astrophysics and computer science at Australian National University (ANU). He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2017 and was subsequently granted a four-way fellowship from Princeton University, Carnegie Institute for Sciences, NASA Hubble, and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. With more than 160 academic publications, he jointly heads the UniverseTBD collaboration, an initiative aimed at combing through the extensive corpus of astronomical literature and aspired to uncover the mechanisms behind scientific breakthroughs by fine-tuning existing foundational models.

余家和 Yii Kah Hoe

马来西亚著名作曲家,兼笛子和箫的即兴创作者 Renowned composer and Chinese dizi and xiao improviser from Malaysia
余家和,马来西亚著名作曲家。他的音乐被认为是大胆且前卫的,他的作品在亚洲、美国和欧洲广泛流传。曾任美国克莱蒙学院 (Claremont Colleges) 联盟的短期特聘教授,2013 与 2014 年被英国伯明翰音乐学院邀请做短期访问的学者,现为梳邦再也世纪学院的音乐系高级讲师。他曾是富布莱特驻校学者 (Fulbright Scholar) 奖助计划的学者,到美国华盛顿州立大学进行研究,并制作结合自然元素的声音景观,希望增强人类对环境保护的意识。 Yii Kah Hoe is a renowned composer from Malaysia. His music has gained wide recognition across Asia, the United States, and Europe, establishing him as an exceptional artist. He has served as a short-term visiting professor for the Claremont Colleges consortium in the United States and was invited as a short-term visiting scholar by the Birmingham Conservatoire, UK in 2013 and 2014. Yii Kah Hoe is also a Fulbright Scholar in Residence at Washington State University in the United States, where he conducted research and created soundscapes blending natural elements to raise awareness about environmental conservation. His music is considered bold and avant-garde, using the sounds and rhythms of many traditional instruments from different ethnic cultures.

李智源 Lee Zhi Guan

科技教育工作者 Practitioner in technology education
李智源,科技教育工作者。2016 年他独自前往中国和台湾打工,体验不同的教育体制,深受启发。2019 年他加入科技教育领域,领悟教育之美,看到科技教育创变未来。有感马来西亚科技教育与世界有差距,于是回国致力于填补空白,而激情和使命驱使他积极推广科技教育,为学生创造机会。他期望马来西亚学子在科技领域有出色的表现,并取得辉煌的成就。李智源选择凸显了他对教育和科技的理解,积极贡献社会。这不仅让他找到职业方向,也为马来西亚未来奠基,将科技教育融入体系,为学生成长铺平道路。他的努力将塑造更有活力、创新力的社会。 Lee Zhi Guan is a practitioner in technology education. He was inspired by the education systems in China and Taiwan and realized how education could change someone’s life. Hence, he is motivated to advocate for technology education in Malaysia and to bridge the gap between technology education in Malaysia and abroad. Zhi Guan hopes to lay a foundation for Malaysia’s future by integrating science and technology into our education system. His wish is that Malaysian students can thrive and succeed in the field of science and technology.

欣彦 Z Yan

马来西亚女歌手 Malaysian female singer
欣彦,马来西亚女歌手。她声线纯熟且感性,90 年代末她在民歌餐厅驻唱,2007 年发行了个人第一张华语流行专辑《心愿》。虽然她始于流行乐,但后来她发现她最爱爵士乐和芭莎诺瓦 (Bossa Nova)。因此,她成为了第一个将芭莎诺瓦曲风结合于中文流行乐的女歌手,拥有 “芭莎公主” 美称。 Z Yan is a Malaysian female singer. She possesses a mature and sensual vocal style, which she honed by performing at folk music restaurants in the late 90s, eventually releasing her first Mando pop album Xinyuan (Wishes) in 2007. Although she started as a pop singer, she eventually discovered her true passion in Jazz and Bossa Nova. As a result, she became the first Chinese singer to blend Bossa Nova into Mandarin pop music, earning her the title of “Bossa Princess”.

洪光明 John Ang

马来纺织品收藏家 Collector of Malay textiles
洪光明,马来纺织品收藏家。他毕业于美国密西根大学中国艺术史硕士,他先于《日本时报》负责艺术报道,尔后在台湾成立了艺术馆近 30 年,深谙亚洲艺术。他在 2013 年于峇厘岛初次接触马来纺织品,引起好奇和兴趣,更为其美丽文化折服,次年开始收购马来纺织品,至今收藏逾 5千件。他耗资 100 万令吉,在 2022 年 7 月于吉隆坡举办马来世界织品展,展出 12 种不同工艺的马来纺织品,以及 700 多件珍贵织品,引起极大回响。 John Ang is a collector of Malay textiles. He holds a Master’s degree in the History of Chinese Art from the University of Michigan. He initially worked as an art reporter for the Japan Times and later established an art gallery in Taiwan, where he spent nearly 30 years, gaining profound knowledge of Asian art. In 2013, during a visit to Bali, he first encountered Malay textiles, which sparked his curiosity and interest. He was deeply impressed by the beautiful culture associated with them. The following year, he began collecting Malay textiles and has since amassed over 5,000 pieces. In July 2022, he invested 1 million Malaysian Ringgit to organise the Malay World Textile Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, showcasing over 700 valuable textiles representing 12 different techniques.

章芳俊博士 Dr. Charles Fang Chin Cheng

食品公司总执行长兼财务官 Group CEO cum CFO of a local food-tech and multigrain company.
章芳俊博士,食品公司总执行长兼财务官。他曾任联合国工业政策与经济统筹精算顾问、阿曼商务工业投资部副部长总经济事务专员等职 10 年,协助中亚及非洲 7 国策划国家重点工业战略与政策,以实现可持续工业发展。他在澳洲莫纳什大学商学院考获会计、经济与商务精算统计本科学士学位, 22 岁获颁澳洲新南威尔士大学国际研究生国家奖项深造银行与金融博士学位,目前是北京大学新结构经济学研究院的研究员。他希望能借由食品科技,解决世界粮食危机。 Dr. Charles Fang Chin Cheng is the Group CEO cum CFO of a local food-tech and multigrain company. He has more than 10 years’ experience with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as an Actuarial Advisor and was also the lead Economic Affairs Advisor to Oman’s Vice-Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion. He assisted 7 countries in Central Asia and Africa in formulating key national strategies and policies to achieve sustainable industrial development. Dr. Charles holds a Ph.D. in Banking and Finance from the University of New South Wales, Australia. He is devoted to tackling the global food crisis through food science and technology, and bringing positive environmental impacts to the local population and the world community.

罗炜雄 Loh Wei Hoong

伟事达私董会企业总裁导师 Corporate Coach and Chair at Vistage, the world’s largest executive coaching organization for small and midsize businesses
罗炜雄,伟事达私董会企业总裁导师。他毕业于加拿大戴尔豪斯大学经济学学士和硕士学位。曾任著名会计事务所毕马威 (KPMG)的营销总监,也曾在上市集团和金融公司负责石油化工、电信、投资融资等项目。 现担任多家商学院的工商管理学客座教授。他强调学以致用和生动教学,培养许多卓越的企业领导者。 同时也对槟城政府官员战略管理能力提升做出贡献,提升当地教育体系改革和其市场思维,因此在 2010 年获得槟城政府的品行褒扬的勋衔。 Loh Wei Hoong is a Corporate Coach and Chair at Vistage, the world’s largest executive coaching organization for small and midsize businesses. He graduated with an MA in Economics from Dalhousie University, Canada. Having worked at KPMG as a Marketing Director, Wei Hoong also has extensive industry experience with listed companies and financial firms, where he was involved in petrochemicals, telecommunications, and investment projects. Wei Hoong has also contributed to the Penang government, which he improved its strategic management capabilities and enhanced the reforms of the local education system. He was awarded the PKT (Pingat Kelakuan Terpuji) Medal of Commendation in 2010 by the Penang government for his effort.

苏维佳 Clu Soh

Exping 地图创作工具的创始人兼产品设计师 Founder and product designer of Exping, a mobile app to create personalised maps
苏维佳,从一名创作者,成为现今创业者。已居中国广州 7 年,过去是一名平面设计师,如今是 Exping (地图创作工具) 的创始人兼产品设计师。在受国际品牌 “Apple 苹果” 启发下,希望透过设计去改变世界。因此转向应用产品设计之路,曾参与设计东南亚运会应用以及为全球常旅客服务的漫游服务设计,并设计了智能购物车,智慧零售等方案,目前已有 6 个设计发明专利。擅于从微小的事物挖掘,并将其转化为设计方案,再把创意融入实用的应用产品中。相信通过创造美好的事物,可以改变世界。从探索到体验,最终将创造的成果呈现给这个世界。 Clu Soh is the founder and product designer of Exping, a mobile app to create personalised maps. A designer-turned-entrepreneur who has been based in Guangzhou, China for 7 years, Clu is inspired by tech company Apple to change the world through design, which led him on the path of application product design. Clu was involved in the creation of the SEA Games app and the service design of a roaming company for their frequent flyer customers. His portfolio also includes smart shopping carts, smart retail solutions, and he even has 6 design invention patents. Clu is adept at transforming minute observations into design solutions and believes that one can change the world through the creation of beautiful designs.

蔡俐贞 Chua Li Cheng

“Colllab 社计手”成员之一 A member of Colllab, an independent architecture research, innovation and fabrication lab.
蔡俐贞,Colllab 社计手成员之一。她毕业于马来西亚思特雅大学 (UCSI) 建筑系,目前是助理建筑师。她与一群有志的建筑师走进社区协助居民执行了各种社区建造活动。她以自身专业帮助有需要的群众,并改善社区生活质量,包括建筑设计及教育居民维持社区建筑,打造更好的社区环境。她与团队完成了多个社区项目,包括在雪兰莪州的 Kampung Dato Keramat 社区图书馆, 以让每个儿童有机会阅读;以及柔佛州的 Kampung Belemang 乡村儿童游乐园,让孩子有个好地方接触大自然环境、快乐成长。 Chua Li Cheng is a member of Colllab, an independent architecture research, innovation and fabrication lab. She graduated with a degree in architecture from UCSI University. Together with other aspiring architects, they venture into communities to assist those in need by implementing various community outreach programs. Using their professional knowledge, they contributed to projects such as educating the community on the operation and maintenance of community buildings, and how to create a better community environment. Some of the projects Li Cheng and her team have completed include the Kampung Dato Keramat Library in Selangor and a children’s playground in Kampung Belemang, Johor.

郭于珂 Kuik Yi Ke

自由记者兼摄影师 Freelance journalist and photographer
郭于珂,自由记者兼摄影师,毕业于台湾政治大学新闻系,目前是台大人类学所研究生。她曾获得星洲日报《花踪文学奖》报告文学评审奖,曾入围亚洲出版业协会 (SOPA AWARD) 2021 年“卓越人权报道奖”。其摄影作品曾在台北国际摄影艺术交流展展出。她也曾担任电视台记者兼棚内导播。她把自己形容为一个生在钢骨森林,却心系热带雨林的女子,至今已勇闯马来半岛多座深山野林,喜欢与原住民为友、水蛭为伍,只为记录原住民的生活,体验原住民的生活方式,并致力于记录他们的声音和形象,让更多人知道,在森里与山河之间,住了一群看似遥远却与我们唇齿相依的朋友。 Kuik Yi Ke is a freelance journalist and photographer. She is currently a graduate student at the Department of Anthropology at National Taiwan University. She was also shortlisted for the “Excellence in Reporting on Human Rights” category at the 2021 SOPA Awards organised by the Society of Publishers in Asia. Yi Ke was formerly a video journalist and studio director at Astro TV Station, a prominent content and entertainment company in Malaysia. Yi Ke is an intrepid explorer of Malaysia’s natural wonders. She has explored numerous remote mountains and forests across the Malay Peninsula. Her mission is to document their lives, experience their way of life, and preserve their voices and images.

锺嘉怡 Chong Kah Yee

环境教育不只是环保 Environmental Education: More Than Just Recycling
锺嘉怡,Let’s RE 环境教育工作室创办人,身兼永续社区协会 (SustainableX) 的秘书与活动策划。现任吉隆坡循人中学 “社会时事 - 环境保护” 课程讲师。毕业于台湾国立师范大学环境教育研究所,擅长以浅显易懂的知识,结合线上内容和线下活动的方式积极推广环境教育,以期唤醒大众对地球的关心。她希望透过环境保护,重新拉近人和自然环境的关系,一起守护美好,并从中得到启发,一起实现人类与自然环境和谐共存的目标。 Chong Kah Yee is the co-founder of Let's RE, an environmental education workshop. She graduated from the Institute of Environmental Education at National Taiwan Normal University, specializing in promoting environmental education through easy-to-understand knowledge, online content, and offline activities to alert the public's concern for the earth. Kah Yee hopes to bring people closer to nature through her efforts in environmental protection. By protecting nature's beauty together, she hopes to achieve the goal of realizing a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

陈姝利 Tan Sueh Li

Huruf 创办人兼字体与平面设计师 Founder and typeface designer of Huruf
陈姝利,Huruf 创办人兼字体与平面设计师。她热衷于在排版和字体设计中探索多语言性,希望在排版和字体设计中找到马来西亚的独特身份,为此创办 “Huruf”。她在 2021 年凭着 “Grab Community" 字样获得纽约字体指导俱乐部 (Type Director Club Awards, New York) 的字体设计组别奖。她希望带大家一起到街上走一趟看招牌,从字体细读其中的在地美学、文化意义和人文故事,并分享这些年来 “走街看字” 所学习到的和被启发的。 Tan Sueh Li is the founder and typeface designer of Huruf. Driven by her passion for exploring multi-script typography and font development, Sueh Li founded Huruf with a desire to discover a unique Malaysian identity in typography and type design. Grab Community, a type family she co-designed for the superapp Grab, received a Certificate of Typographic Excellence in the 2021 Typeface Design Competition from the Type Directors Club in New York. Sueh Li hopes to take us on a journey of discovering local aesthetics, cultural significance, and stories by looking at signboards on the streets and sharing with us the inspiring lessons she learnt from these observations.

陈然致法医 Dr. Tan Ran Zhi

法医,马来西亚雪州双溪毛糯医院法医部的副主任 Deputy Director of Sungai Buloh Hospital’s Department of Forensic Medicine
陈然致法医,马来西亚雪州双溪毛糯医院法医部的副主任。他积累了超过 10 年的法医学工作经验,已经解剖了超过千具遗体,为司法提供了宝贵的证据。为了普及化法医学知识,他撰写博客、专栏、接受媒体访问、甚至开课等,让更多人了解法医工作的复杂性和重要性,并消除对解剖学的误解。他希望提高社会对法医学领域的认识,鼓励更多人积极参与和支持这一关键领域的工作,以确保公正地执行法律。 Dr. Tan Ran Zhi is the Deputy Director of Sungai Buloh Hospital’s Department of Forensic Medicine. With over 10 years of experience in forensic science, Dr. Tan has autopsied more than a thousand bodies, providing valuable evidence for justice. Dr. Tan has also been invited to speak on the topic of forensic science on radio stations, given interviews in media, written about it in blogs and columns, and even organised forensic science courses. He aims to educate the public about the complexity and importance of forensic science and to dispel the misconceptions about autopsy via multiple platforms. Dr. Tan hopes to raise society’s awareness about the field of forensic science and encourage more participation and support in this field to ensure justice and enforcement of the law.

陈颖豪 Stefano Chen

马来西亚著名声乐导师、配唱制作人、男高音兼音乐制作人 Professional opera tenor, vocalist, vocal coach, vocal producer and music producer based in Malaysia
陈颖豪,马来西亚著名声乐导师、配唱制作人、男高音兼音乐制作人。他曾受邀指导国内外多位著名歌手的专辑配唱工作,并曾制作及策划超过十张蜚声国际的高端发烧人声专辑,因此被誉为最懂人声的配唱制作人。他曾制作的专辑包括《神秘之歌》等。此外,他也致力推广马来西亚古典音乐,参与不少音乐座谈会,通过教学、演出和制作等多种途径,推动着音乐文化的传承与发展。 Stefano Chen is a professional opera tenor, vocalist, vocal coach, vocal producer and music producer based in Malaysia. Whilst in China, Stefano became recognised as the first male vocalist to record and produce a one-of-a-kind jazz album, Bop Within. This non-classical piece on his musical repertoire gained rave reviews from the Chinese media in 2000. In 2002, Stefano assisted China’s television station, CCTV, in producing a promotional music album featuring Chinese and English songs for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Bidding campaign. He has been the vocal producer for renowned local and overseas singers, as well as the producer for more than ten world-class hi-fi albums for audiophiles. Now back in Malaysia, Stefano is committed to promoting Malaysian classical music through teaching, performance and production.

颜永祺博士 Dr. Deric Gan

资深戏剧导演、新纪元大学学院博士生导师兼木卡空间艺术总监 Senior theater director, Tutor of Doctor Degree New Era University College and Art Director of Muka Space
颜永祺博士,资深戏剧导演、新纪元大学学院博士生导师,也是木卡空间艺术总监。他是首位在中国获得戏剧博士学位的马来西亚人,迄今出版了 8 本戏剧著作。他在国内外编导近 50 部戏剧作品,演出场次多达 1500 场,获得7次马来西亚戏剧奖项的最佳导演。除了戏剧,他也担任中国诸多大型文旅演出的戏剧导演,也是 2008 年北京奥运会的体育展示导演和 2022 年杭州亚运会开幕式的戏剧导演。2022 年,被北京戏剧家协会等权威机构评为“中国当代小剧场戏剧 40 年”最具影响力导演之一。 Dr. Deric Gan is a director, playwright, composer, set designer, as well as an acting and directing instructor. He is the first Malaysian to obtain a Ph.D. in Performance Art from the Central Academy of Drama in China. He has written 8 theatrical plays, choreographed and directed nearly 50 theatre productions locally and abroad, performed in 1,500 plays, and won the Best Director 7 times in the ADA Drama Awards. Besides theatre, Dr. Gan also directed the after-competition shows at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games. He was named one of the most influential directors by the Beijing Theatre Association in its 2022 list of “40 Years of Chinese Contemporary Small Theatre”.

Organizing team


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia