x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
July 22, 2023
Kinshasa, Kinshasa
DR Congo

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Le Béatitudes Hôtel
Bangamelo 1, Lemba Kinshasa
Conférence hall
Kinshasa, Kinshasa, 01015
DR Congo
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Lemba events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Belinda Lumingu Dongo

Social Leader / Entrepreneur
Belinda Lumbingu Dongo holds a BTS in business management Ms. Belinda Dongo is the executive director of the Shaluus Foundation. Committed to the promotion and empowerment of women as well as the promotion of the so-called single-parent woman's chief, Ms. Belinda L. Dongo is a member of the Pan-African Empowering Women International (EWI). It is also the National President of the Young International DR Congo Chamber, an international 18-40 youth organization whose mission is to promote youth development opportunities to create a positive change. Professionally, Ms. Belinda Lumbingu Dongo is entrepreneur, saru director Virtual MASQ DRC that offers events, document translation, communication and other services for companies. She is also the founder of African Natural Beauty an organization that advocates the natural return by fighting against depigmentation and straightening and promoting 100% natural products adapted to all types of skins and black hair.

Divin Bonté

Social Change Maker
BONTE KURU DIVIN of Congolese nationality, having followed a normal course of education through which I graduated in Chemistry-Biology. In 2013 I obtained a degree in Telecommunications and Computer Network Engineering from the Ecole Supérieure des métiers informatiques et des commerces (ESMICOM) in Kinshasa. Following this diploma, I gained a great deal of experience as an IT specialist, so in 2015, with a local NGO partner, we set up a computer training program for the deaf and blind, called COMPUTER FOR DEAF, financed by the Millicom Group and Reach For Change, The aim of this project is to provide computer training for the deaf and blind, but also to facilitate their integration into professional environments. Thanks to this, in Kinshasa we have already trained over 3,000 deaf people in computer skills, and I have created the first African computer dictionary in sign languages to facilitate understanding of this program,

Elsie Lotendo

Advocate fo women rights
Ms. Elsie Lotendo is the founder and Coordinator of the Feminist Movement " Bisobasi Telema" advocating for women's rights in the DRC. She is an Engineer in computer's maintenance and network. She is a trainer in Digital Security and Cyberbullying. She is also a Digital Auditor. Ms. Elsie Lotendo has been a committed to advocate for women's rights for over 7 years. She defends human rights in general and the rights of Congolese against all forms of violence against women. Ms. Elsie fights for an egalitarian and complementary society. A society in which women's rights are respected and enforced. Ms. Elsie Lotendo is a former Fellow and member of the Safe Sisters Program, which is a program set up by Internews which aims to train women human rights defenders and journalists to help them improve their digital skills.

Erick Kayembe

Erick Kayembe est un cinéaste congolais qui est également le patron de la société Cinecongo, de son sigle, "Un cinéma pour le Congo". Il a également été coordonnateur des Mongita Awards, un festival qui récompense les talents du cinéma congolais. Erick a acquis une expérience solide dans le domaine du cinéma, aussi bien derrière la caméra que dans le choix de projets de qualité pour sa société de production Cinecongo. Il a travaillé sur plusieurs projets cinématographiques et télévisuels, tels que "Moziki", "Nguya", "l'Agence", "Article 15", "Robes de pixels" et "Elikya ma part d’ombre", pour ne citer que quelques titres. Il a également participé en tant que conférencier et membre du jury dans plusieurs rencontres de cinéastes et de professionnels de l'audiovisuel, partageant ainsi ses connaissances et son expertise dans le domaine. En dehors de sa participation dans le secteur du cinéma, Erick Kayembe est également chargé de communication pour plusieurs festivals et community manager pour certaines structures locales et internationales. Il reste donc un acteur clé dans la promotion de la culture et des arts en République Démocratique du Congo et au-delà.

Jean Barnabé Mila

Professor Milala Lungala Katshiela. Head of Department of Philosophy at the University of Kinshasa. Honorary Rector of the University of Bunia in Ituri. Secretary Rapporteur of the Association of Professors of the University of Kinshasa. Doctor of Philosophy from the Catholic University of Congo. Coordinator of the Ministerial Province of Ituri of the Minister of the Way (The Way International).


Public Information Expert
Kraus Mulaya is a social and education leader and author of two books. A program & project development senior specialist and public information expert as well as a sworn translator, Kraus founded the “Collège Kanku Mulaya's” schools (kindergarten, primary and secondary), to improve children’s education, especially those coming from poorer backgrounds. His aim is to ensure that impoverished children have access to quality education. As a coach entrepreneur, he is also the founder of “Community Development Actions – Bwino” and “Mulaya Global Services Consulting” with which he provided in 2015 materials for the route rehabilitation of Opala-Kisangani, in the Tshopo Province (Eastern-DRC) in partnership with the Belgian Agency for Development (CTB-RDC). Currently Doctor Ph.D. Student in Library and Data Management at the Bircham International University, Kraus holds an MBA in Leadership and Sustainability from the University of Cumbria and an MA (DUSIB) in Library and Information

Manou Molosa

Digital Marketer
Manou Molosa, of Congolese nationality, is a Digital Marketing Manager at Pygma Communication. He is a former student of Saint Joseph "Elikya" College where he obtained his state diploma in Literature (Latin Philo) in 2005. He obtained his professional license in Marketing Communication at the prestigious business school "Sup Management" in Fez in 2009. He continued his apprenticeship in several foreign countries France, England, Morocco, South Africa where he obtained a degree in Advertising Management (2012). Being a man of vision, he feels obliged to be up to date, and specialized in Digital Marketing at Stellenbosch University where he obtained a certification in Digital Marketing (2015). Manou is passionate about new technologies and communication, he has held several positions of responsibility (Media Manager, Digital Manager) and has worked in several multinationals including: Vodacom, MTN, Heineken, Ogilvy and Pygma.

Organizing team


Kinshasa, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the


Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso