x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Reset

This event occurred on
May 20, 2023
Brussels, Bruxelles-Capitale, Région de (fr), Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (nl)

A big red button appears in front of you. "Press to restart".

What happens if you push it? What are the risks? What would restart?

What would make you push the button?

- Indignation at a situation you find unbearable?
- Curiosity to see what might happen?
- Fear of the consequences of what is?
- Nostalgia for the return of what used to be, but no longer is.
- Or the optimism of seeing a specific idea that we would like to see deployed in the world?

We decided to tackle the biggest questions of our city and ask those who dream it to share with you their vision of the Belgian capital city.

Reset means to restore something to its original or default state, usually by erasing all settings. Resetting can be done intentionally or as a result of an error or malfunction. The aim of resetting a city is to solve existing problems or challenges and create a more liveable, sustainable and resilient urban environment for its residents and visitors.

How about Resetting Brussels, our global city? In relation to urban planning, infrastructure development, community involvement, public policies or cultural, artistic, technological and scientific initiatives...

We have decided to tackle these big questions by asking those who dream of Brussels to share their Reset for our capital with us. Join us on 20 May at the Théâtre National for the TEDxBrussels 2023 - RESET.

Théâtre National
Emile Jacqmainlaan 111/115
Brussels, Bruxelles-Capitale, Région de (fr), Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (nl), 1000
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Brussels events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Briana Stuart

Performer, Choreographer & Dance Entrepreneur
Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Briana Ashley Stuart is a multidisciplinary performer, choreographer and entrepreneur who received her BFA in Dance & BA in Sociology from the University of Michigan. Most recently her latest work, Moving Meditations, premiered at KVS Brussels. She is interested in interactivity, philosophy, and investigating how movement and sound are directly related to the human condition and expression. Her work has been featured in Together Magazine and BRUZZ.

Dmytro Kyrpa

Cofounder and Head of Partnerships at Repair.Together
Dmytro was born into a Soviet officer family in Weimar, East Germany in 1988, and later moved to Kyiv when he was 7. After studying cybernetics and informatics, he worked in IT for 13 years in different roles, including software engineer, business analyst, and product manager. When Russia started the war in February 2022, he put his IT career on hold and founded Repair.Together with friends, a community that involves volunteers in overcoming the consequences of the war.

Hilde Stenuit

Commercial Space Pioneer for Microgravity Research
Hilde Stenuit is Principal Scientist at Space Applications Services. She holds a Phd in astrophysics from the KU Leuven. With her experience supporting the European Space Agency in facilitating science in microgravity, Hilde is now at the European forefront of pioneering commercial access to space for research and technologies, for the benefit for us Earthlings.

Karen De Sousa Pesse

Senior Executive
Karen Pesse is a Latin-American Executive at a major tech firm, based in Brussels, Belgium, working on key trends shaping the public sector, supporting governments and institutions in their Digital Transformation. As a female business leader in Europe, Karen has a strong personal interest in shining a light on topics such as gender bias in Artificial Intelligence, and the importance of gender perspectives in technology.

Karim Douieb

Data Scientist
Karim Douieb is one of the founders of Jetpack.AI (a full stack data science company based in Brussels). He holds a Phd in computer science from ULB. In addition to his work with Jetpack.AI, Karim is also deeply involved in the world of data journalism. He is passionate about using data to tell compelling stories and is constantly seeking new ways to make data more accessible and engaging for audiences.

Kenza Isnasni

Fondatrice et directrice à la Habiba Ahmed Foundation
Les parents de Kenza, Habiba et Ahmed, sont sauvagement assassinés par leur voisin raciste un 7 mai 2002 à Schaerbeek. Elle décide d’entreprendre une longue quête de vérité, de sens et de connaissance pour faire que ce drame serve de leçon. Durant ses nombreux voyages humanitaires et dans le cadre de ses études, elle nourrit la conviction profonde et la nécessité du travail de mémoire, de la transmission et d’une culture de la paix. 20 ans plus tard, elle a fondé la Habiba Ahmed Foundation.

Laurent Hublet

Entrepreneur in education
Nicknamed ‘the philosopher of tech’, Laurent Hublet is a Belgian entrepreneur, who champions investment in human capital and skills. He founded BeCentral, one of the largest tech campuses in Europe in terms of the number of people (re)trained, with the belief that every citizen, regardless of their age, gender, colour or culture, should have the opportunity to become an actor of the digital revolution. Laurent lives in Brussels and is the father of 2 kids.

Pauline Dubois

Social Impact Entrepreneur
Pauline Dubois is an entrepreneur, passionate for social impact and committed to improving the lives of others. Her first company addressed the needs of the ageing population. Her second company, Microsteps, unleashes the potential of employees in the work environment. Strong believer of the Wellbeing Economy, She volunteers in supporting the human capital’s development in the Brussels’ Réseau Entreprendre for startups facing challenges and as a volunteer board member in a food cooperation.

Virginijus Sinkevičius

Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries at the European Commission
Virginijus Sinkevičius is the Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, at the European Commission. He was from 2017 to 2019 Minister of Economy, and before he was leading the Committee of Economy at the Parliament of Lithuania. Mr. Sinkevičius was elected to the Parliament in October 2016. Prior, he was a Team Lead for Regulatory Affairs at Invest Lithuania.

Youssef Reziki

Youssef Swatt's est rappeur et animateur d'ateliers d'écriture originaire de Tournai. Passionné par la langue française depuis l'enfance, il fait ses premiers pas dans le rap à l'âge de 14 ans et se fait très vite remarquer grâce à sa plume mélancolique et touchante. À 25 ans, il a déjà sorti 5 albums, joué dans des centaines de scènes en Belgique, France, Suisse ou encore au Sénégal. Il a dernièrement collaboré avec des artistes tels que Oxmo Puccino ou le groupe légendaire IAM.

Organizing team


Brussels, Belgium
  • Adiane Mitidiero
  • Camille Maunoir
  • Clarisse D
  • Daria Ortiz Suardy
  • Edward McMillan
  • Marco Pellegrino
  • Marie Loriaux
  • Robin Pétré
  • Tuyet Vân Vu