x = independently organized TED event


This event occurred on
April 8, 2023
Bodrum, Muğla

In the third year of the TEDx Youth TED Bodrum Conference, which started with a teacher's dream and grew like an avalanche, we are together with Cosmos, a global theme that concerns the agenda.
Well, Why Cosmos? While determining our Theme as a team, the work called Cosmos by the American astronomer Carl Sargan, one of the pioneers of astrobiology, inspired us. We created our roadmap with Sargan, who sheds light on knowledge with this work. While creating this map, our focus was on a mission beyond satisfying the curiosity of learning and discovering the universe. Today, as the entire TEDx Team, we have carried our "x" ideas to an international platform, as the defender of "Universal Peace", which is the most important condition for the continuation of the human race and the preservation and development of civilization, we are happy and hopeful.

Ted Bodrum College Conference Hall
Ortakent Mahallesi Kolej Sokak No:20 Bodrum/Muğla/Türkiye
First Floor
Bodrum, Muğla, 48400
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Bodrum­College events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alex Geddes

MBA Candidate at Geneva Business School
Alex Geddes is a graduate student finishing a Master of Business Administration at Geneva Business School. He is writing a thesis on technology and its impact on education and student learning outcomes. He has started pro-bono consulting alongside one of his classmates in order to gain experience in start-ups and help tackle problems that he otherwise wouldn't be exposed to. After graduation, he plans on continuing to gain international experience and beginning his career in a position where he can contribute to business development and the growth of international companies."

Ayşesu Çetin


Beritan Zorkun Arık


Bora Gök

Merhabalar, Ben TED Adana Bilim İnsanı Yetiştirme Programı 10. Sınıf öğrencisi Bora GÖK. Ben LGS ardından, Adana TED Okullarına burslu olarak kabul edildim.Okulun basketbol takımında spora devam ederken, bir yandan da piyano derslerimi sürdürmekteyim. 9. sınıfta Okulumun çevrecilik kulübüne katılarak bu konuyla alakalı etkinliklerde görev aldım. Şu an ise okulumun MUN kulübünde üyeyim. Bu arada sanat, spor ve sosyal sorumluluk projelerine düzenli katılımın beklendiği Duke of Edinburgh programına devam etmekteyim. İngilizce’ nin yanında, 2. Yabancı dil olarak 6 yıldır İspanyolca öğrenmekteyim. Teknoloji ile alakalı FLL gibi yarışmalara katıldım ayrıca okulumda Tübitak adına proje çıkartmaya çalışmakla beraber Deneyap’ta da çalışmalarda bulunuyorum. Ve YGA’nın bilimle buluş programına girmeye çalışmaktayım. Ayrıca şu an 3 AP dersi almaktayım. Bu deneyimlerime ek olarak Bodrum TEDx konferansında görev almaktan çok mutluyum emeği geçenlere çok teşekkür ederim.

Buse Çolpan

Ben Buse Çolpan. 2006 İstanbul doğumluyum. Ted Bodrum Kolejinde okuyorum. Profesyonel olarak 7 yıldır dans ediyorum. Ayrıca tenis ve tiyatro ile ilgileniyorum. Kitap okumak ve yüzmek ise ilgi alanlarım.

Çağan Özcan

Çağan sees the world as a vast pool of information open to exploration and works every day to benefit from this vast pool a little more. He believes that this pool is the way to nurture the growth-hungry nature of the world. He works in this direction as it knows that the more people it directs to this pool, the more it will contribute to progress. In order to spread this vision, he takes care to participate in all National and International events where it can be heard. He works day and night for this goal he has set himself with his participation in events such as Model United Nations, Student Council and, for now, TEDx.

Can Harma

Merhaba, ben Can Harma. TED Ankara Koleji'nde 10. sınıf öğrencisiyim. 2007 yılında Amerika'nın Maryland kentinde dünyaya geldim. Küçüklüğümden beri teknolojiye ilgi duymakta ve araştırmalarımı sürdürmekteyim. 2015-2016 yıllarında okulumun düzenlediği inovasyon yarışmasında ikincilik aldım. 2 kere Tübitak'a katıldım. Bir tanesinde finalistliğe kadar ilerledim. 2022 yılında da TEDxYouth@BodrumCollege'in Dönüşüm temalı organizasyonunda yer aldım. 7 senedir basketbol oynuyorum. Kış sporlarına ilgim var ve tenis dalında lisanslı bir sporcuyum.

Deniz Kayadelen

Senior 5 times World Champion in Ice swimming - Bestselling Author of Out of Comfort Zone
Deniz Kayadelen is a Senior Manager leading Talent Management Consulting Practice in Switzerland at EY. 5 times World Champion in Ice swimming. Bestselling Author of Out of Comfort Zone. Deniz is a M.Sc. business psychologist, has more than 11 years consulting experience in the area of talent and change management. Currently Deniz is living in Zurich, managing the talent management consulting practice at EY Switzerland. She supports companies in their individual and organizational transformation journey, is specialized in future of talent management, competency development and human psychology. She is a certified change manager, diagnostic expert, innovation trainer, ICF certified coach and moderator. Deniz consulted more than 30 companies, managed more than 40 projects. Beside her career, Deniz is a competitive open water and pool swimmer, World champion in ice swimming. She won 5 gold medals in the past two years and is the first Turkish woman who attended the ice world championship.

Isha Sharma

BCG / Ex - World Bank / World Economic Forum Global Shaper
Isha Sharma is a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, one of the top three world’s best strategy consulting companies. Previously, she worked at the World Bank Group and a non-profit organisation. Isha has lived in seven countries including the US, UK, UAE, Turkey and India. After university in New York, Isha lived in a monastery for two year to discover more about yoga and miedtation. Now, Isha with her consulting work, also teaches meditation and has taught mindfulness to more than 10,000 individuals across the globe.

Javier Gonzalez Nuñez

International University Professor United Nations Consultant
He teaches around the world and sees the reality of education from the perspective of an educational consultant, who pursues making the whole world safe and happy. Then, WHY was he appointed to the board of MBDGs, which delivers systematic mind education to support people trying to achieve SDGs? Because Javier is one of those who understand the importance of sustainability in the effects of education the most. The success supported by education differs depending on the state of each mind. Good education maximizes its effectiveness only when you have a stable mindset. Mindset is not about luck nor type. Not a matter of the environment in which you grew up nor academic ability. It's a certain thing that we can build up with a simple and systematic mind education, and this is the new standard the world needs now. MBDGs was programmed for this to make SDGs sustainably developed literally ,and he is the one who deeply understood the meaning of this.

Pelin Dumanlı

Chef, Gastronome, Food Culture Researcher

Ruth Fuente

Senior Human Resources Specialist
Degree in Psychology passionated for the development of people, with more than 10 years of experience in HR and more than 3 years in Training. I am a curious person, I like to travel to know new cultures, I constantly look for challenges that give me the opportunity to continue learning and develop new skills.

Selin Özgürsoy

Merhaba, ben Selin Özgürsoy. TED Ankara Kolejinde 11.sınıf IB Diploma öğrencisiyim. İlkokul ve ortaokulu sırasıyla BLIS, Amerika (Landrum Middle School) ve TED Ankara Koleji’nde okuyarak tamamladım. Lisenin ilk iki yılında BTEC Girişimcilik ve Bilişim Teknolojileri programına dahil oldum ve başarıyla tamamladım. Okulumuzun Politika Diplomasi Kulübüne başkanlık yapıyorum, TEDMUN’un de Genel Sekreteri olarak rol alıyorum. Kendi kurduğum STEMATICS adlı kulübün başkanıyım ve robotik kulübünün de programlama bölümünde rol alıyorum. İspanyolca diline ve piyano çalmaya ayrı bir ilgim var. Küçüklüğümden beri buz pateni, basketbol ve kürek de dahil olmak üzere birçok spor yaptım, bazılarını profesyonel olarak. En büyük tutkumun kesinlikle bildiğim en ufak bir bilgi ile bile insanlara ve çevreme yardımcı olmak. Kendini teknolojiye adamış bir genç kız olarak, teknolojiyi ve geleceğimizi şekillendirmeye doğru irili ufaklı adımlar atıyorum.

Yaşar Efe Kanat


Organizing team




  • Çağan Özcan
  • Demir Kırımgeri
  • Gürhan Kılıç Kızıltan
  • Mercan Deniz
  • Nazlı Turan