x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Resonance

This event occurred on
November 24, 2023
Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Théâtre Croisette - JW Marriott
Entrée : 3 rue Frédéric Amouretti (au niveau du 50 Bd. de La Croisette)
Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, 06400
Event type:
Countdown (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Baptiste Laurent

Expert in resilient urban greening
(-- ENGLISH --) The world is warming up, the temperature is rising quickly... Even more quickly in cities, with a phenomenon called heat island. How to refresh? There is a solution: nature. Nature is the simplest and most powerful urban air conditioner. But nature is struggling to gain ground in the city... Why? What are the restraints? How can we accelerate its development? What solutions can help? Baptiste Laurent is passionate about entrepreneurship and innovation serving the common good. Concerned about the adaptation to climate change in cities and aware of the urgency that confronts us to act; Baptiste is keen to restore the value of rainwater in the city. He created the startup Vertuo which manufactures the first water sufficient greening solution for the city.

Cédric François

(-- ENGLISH --) To meet the technological challenges of the company he founded, Cédric François seeks to involve his teams in an ethical and practical way. He relies on resonance, the active principle of the technology, to develop a management style that combines control and letting go, availability and sensitivity, verticality and horizontality. A way of revisiting the keys to team commitment: resonance as a new way of looking at management. Driven by the desire to create and undertake, and after an initial career in the fields of humanitarian aid, sales and international marketing, Cédric created a design agency in 2003 where he experimented with eco-design and design thinking. Aware of the limits to growth, he founded Equium in 2017 to serve life and humanity by using the biomimetic thermal effect of acoustics in a incredible entrepreneurial journey.

Francesca Casagli

Environment scientist
(-- FRENCH --) Ce talk porte sur la recherche de solutions pour épurer l'eau contaminée par les activités humaines et atténuer le changement climatique. En combinant des approches de modélisation mathématique et d'intelligence artificielle, il est possible d'associer une série de micro-organismes, y compris des microalgues, et d'offrir une nouvelle génération de procédés recyclant plus efficacement des ressources précieuses, telles que l'azote et le phosphore. Francesca Casagli est une scientifique de l'environnement, chercheuse au sein de l'équipe Green Owl au Centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur et lauréate du Prix L'Oréal - UNESCO Jeunes Talents 2022 "Pour les Femmes et la Science" pour son travail sur les bioprocédés innovants pour la remédiation des eaux usées. Elle se spécialise dans l'intelligence artificielle et la modélisation mathématique des biotechnologies pour lutter contre les bouleversements climatiques.

Imogen Napper

Marine Scientist & National Geographic Explorer
Dr. Imogen Napper is a Marine Scientist, National Geographic Explorer and Re.Generation Fellow with The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. Her research investigates different sources of plastic pollution into the environment; this has helped to influence legislation banning microbeads in facial scrubs, investigated how we are polluting the planet through washing and wearing our clothes, demonstrated that biodegradable plastics bags could still hold a full load of shopping after being submerged in the ocean after 3 years and found the highest microplastics on Earth near Mt. Everest summit. Her research shows how small changes can make a big difference and that larger environmental commitments are needed by industry and governments globally.

Jean-Baptiste Landes

Water resource sharing specialist
(-- ENGLISH --) Climate change is disrupting the water cycle, and humanity urgently needs to adapt. Cities, home to most of the world's population, are at the heart of this challenge. How can we accelerate our transition to a new model? Could the evolution of the cactus be the key to successful collective adaptation? Jean-Baptiste Landes discovered the magic of water, the basis of life, through his experiments with rivers. He also realized that this precious resource was not being given due consideration. Thanks to his talent for innovation, he is developing projects to preserve and make better use of water. With his company, Cactile, he is determined to improve rainwater management in urban areas and buildings.

Justine Lipuma

(---FRANCAIS---) Et si l’enjeu crucial de l’agriculture était la protection des sols nourriciers ? Selon l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), 24 milliards de tonnes de sol fertile disparaissent chaque année : le sol, source de vie, ne peut être laissé à l'épuisement. Dans ce talk didactique, Justine Lipuma décrit les enjeux du sujet et explique comment garantir la durabilité de notre alimentation en préservant nos sols et ressources naturelles. Justine Lipuma, Docteur en microbiologie, entrepreneur et co-fondatrice de MYCOPHYTO, révolutionne l’agriculture. Cette start-up DeepTech utilise des champignons mycorhiziens comme «engrais naturel» pour aider les plantes à s'adapter à la sécheresse, réduire les besoins en engrais chimiques et augmenter les rendements. Produire plus et mieux avec moins voilà la devise portée par la co-fondatrice.

Lucas Buchholz

Promoter of a regenative future
Lucas Buchholz works towards a regenerative future. As an author, founder and speaker, he inspires how the modern world can learn from indigenous cultures and wisdom traditions that have lived regeneratively for millennia. Drawing from his experience with the Kogi people in Colombia, Lucas founded the Indigenous Wisdom Online Academy.

Lucie Monticelli

Chercheuse et cofondatrice de start-up
(-- ENGLISH --) Chemical pesticides that damage human health and the environment are gradually being banned in favor of biocontrol: the use of living organisms to combat crop pests. Who are these useful arthropods? What are the limits of biocontrol? And what innovations have been developed to increase its use for the benefit of sustainable agriculture? An ecology researcher specializing in biocontrol, Lucie Monticelli worked for 9 years at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment) before setting up the company Evolutive Agronomy with her partners Antoine Pasquier and Nicolas Desneux. Her aim is to develop natural and effective solutions to enable farmers to combat crop pests in a sustainable way.

Maxime Blondeau

(-- ENGLISH --) Why should we change our views on the world? Human relationship with life and resources is dysfunctional. It has become vital to improve territorial awareness. Is it possible to change our views on the world? Yes, such events happened several times as a result of technological and cultural revolutions through human history. How can we change our views on the world? Through cosmography. A profound reinvention of our views on space and time. A new map of the world. Maxime Blondeau questions human perception through cartography, imagination and data. He teaches at Sciences Po Paris, exploring the relationship between technology and territory. His daily posts on Linkedin and "Geoconscience" exceeded 100 million views since 2023.

Melanie Marshall

(-- FRENCH --) Dans notre monde polarisé, il peut être difficile de croire que nous puissions apporter des changements significatifs. Melanie Marshall y croit. De manière peut-être contre-intuitive, le fait d'avoir visité les endroits les plus fascinants et souvent les plus risqués de la planète, du Moyen-Orient à l'Ukraine en passant par la Chine, lui a donné un sentiment d'optimisme quant à notre avenir. Ce talk à la fois franc et drôle explore la manière dont vous pouvez trouver les points de connexion qui conduisent à un changement positif. Journaliste à la BBC depuis plus de 20 ans, Melanie Marshall est internationalement reconnue pour sa capacité à tisser des fils complexes d'une manière particulièrement humaine et accessible. Les missions de cette conteuse et coach de talent l'ont amenée sur six continents et elle espère toujours le septième !

Organizing team


Cannes , France