x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 糅合的創造力 Blending

This event occurred on
November 27, 2022
Macau, Macao




TEDxSenadoSquare 2022《糅合的創造力 Blending》邀請了來自不同專業領域的講者分享故事,訴說在這段日新月異的日子裡個人的所見所感,與觀眾展現與探討、碰撞與糅合更多創造力的不同可能性。

Living through a pandemic has made our life faster and more unpredictable for the future. While catching up and coping with the ever-changing world, are you desperate for rest and fresh air?

People under this circumstance, quickly grasp these rapid-changing moments, converge, blend and integrate different elements, trying to show sustainability and creativity in life. They aim to combine multiple creative stages and display extraordinary creativity.

Our innate creativity never dies.

TEDxSenadoSquare 2022 has invited speakers from different professional fields to share their stories and feelings and discuss more possibilities for blending creativity with the audience.

Macau Tower
Largo da Torre de Macau
Fourth Floor
Macau, Macao, 999078
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Senado­Square events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Andy Tong

Special Education Teacher
董志文(Andy Tong)是一名特殊教育工作者,從事特殊教育超過二十年,擁有教育哲學博士學位。他日間在特殊學校教導有特殊教育需要的學生,晚上則在大學進行教學,並從事相關實證型的學術研究。目前是協同特殊教育學校的教師、聖若瑟大學教育學院的訪問學者、澳門大學教育學院的兼任教師、澳門城市大學澳門教育發展研究所的客座研究員、澳門特殊教育研究學會理事長,發表學術論文約四十餘篇。 Andy Tong, a special educator, has been engaged in special education for more than 20 years and holds a doctorate of philosophy in education. He teaches students with special educational needs in special schools during the day, teaches in universities at night, and engages in relevant empirical research. Currently, he is a teacher at the Concordia School for Special Education, a visiting scholar at the Faculty of Education of the University of Saint Joseph, a part-time instructor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Macau, a visiting researcher at the Institute of Macau Education Development of the City University of Macau, and the chairman of the Macau Special Education Study Association. He has published about forty academic papers.

Ding Ding

叮叮(Ding Ding)三歲開始投身舞蹈培訓。年紀輕輕的她曾在Dance World Cup舞蹈世界盃澳門區選拔賽出線,代表澳門參加在葡萄牙舉行的全球總決賽,並在小童組別30多名選手中脫穎而出,奪得世界排名第八的成績。叮叮近兩年再分別奪得全球總決賽資格,並代表澳門奪得三面世界賽金牌。 Ding Ding started to devote herself to dance training at the age of three. She has been a representative of Macau in the 2019 Dance World Cup Final held in Portugal, where she ranked eighth in the world among more than 30 world finalists in the children's section. In 2020 and 2021, Ding Ding again qualified for the Dance World Cup Final, and she won three world championship gold medals on behalf of Macao.

Maggie Chiang

Culinary Artist
澳⾨美食藝術家鄭綺雯 Maggie Chiang 專注於以美食維繫⼈與⼈之間的關係,她從澳⾨出發,20 多年來親往台灣、法國、意⼤利等地深造,融合美食藝術家、義法餐廳主廚、廚藝導師,餐飲烘培顧問的種種⾝份與經歷,將她對藝術、美味的堅持透過不同的活動與⼈分享澳⾨的獨有美食⽂化。 Maggie Chiang is a culinary artist. She focuses on the interconnection between people and food. She has traveled from Macau to Taiwan, France, and Italy for more than 20 years. Through identities of culinary artist, executive chef of an Italian French restaurant, culinary instructor, and F&B and baking consultant, she shares her dedication to food and art.


Live Music Band
Náv是一隊澳門的手碟樂隊,成立於2019年中,當時兩位創始成員Dave Wan Kuan Kao和Manuel Variz在一次名為 “Connections – Community Gathering” 的本地活動中首次見面並一起表演。自始之後,他們就開始使用手碟( 一種新時代的原聲樂器)來創作音樂,將敲擊樂的節奏與催眠的旋律互相結合,作為音樂的主要元素。樂隊的創作靈感主要来自對大自然的熱愛以及澳門歷史和標誌並獨特的地點。 Náv is a live music band established in Macao during mid-2019. The two founding members Dave Wan and Manuel Variz met and performed together in a local event named “Connections – Community Gathering”. Since then, they have started creating meditational soundscapes with Handpan, which is a cutting-edge acoustic instrument combining percussive grooves and hypnotic melodies. The love for the basic elements of nature and the historical and iconic places of Macau are their main source of inspiration.

Peter Chang

Founder of Tech company
曾華興 Peter Chang 出生於澳門,旅居海外11年,畢業後從事互聯網行業工作至今。擅長SEO和搜尋引擎的他,近十多年主要通過網絡新聞和社群獲取關於澳門的資訊,他每次向朋友介紹家鄉時,都會概嘆澳門資訊貧乏片面,相關的關鍵字也越來越偏離原貌。2019年返回澳門生活工作,并開始深入探討澳門。 Peter Chang was born in Macau and has lived overseas (Taiwan, the UK, and the US) for 11 years. He has been working in the technology industry for 9 years as an expert in software development and digital marketing. In the last 10 years, the way he got information about Macau was mainly from online news and social media, by which he found that this information and keywords were far different from the real Macau that he knew. Peter came back to Macau in 2019 and started to investigate Macau deeply.


Graffiti Artist
PIBG是澳門最活躍的塗鴉人。他是GANTZ5 、本地薑、Outloud等團隊的成員。他喜愛小動物,有一個可愛的兒子及美麗的太太。創作風格以人物及字為主,作品上總一個帶有小紅心的對話框,喻意喜歡就要勇敢表現出來、是追求的象徵。 PIBG is the most active graffiti artist in Macau. He is a member of GANTZ5, Local Ginger Talents, and Outloud Street Art Festival. He loves animals and he has a lovely son and a beautiful wife. He mainly creates cartoons and letters. You will find his symbol: a speech bubble with a red heart, on all his artworks representing his belief in expressing and pursuing one’s passion.

Tracy Choi

Film Director
徐欣羨 (Tracy, Choi Ian Sin)從小在澳門長大,中學的時候開始接觸影像創作後便喜歡上電影,先後到台灣及香港修讀電影製作課程。首部長片《骨妹》獲選為「第一屆澳門國際影展」其中一部競賽影片,並獲得「澳門觀眾大獎」,亦獲「第三十六屆香港電影金像奬」兩項提名,並在多個國際影展入圍並獲獎。預計第二部長片《我們的十八歲》亦將在今年內上映。 Tracy was born and raised in Macau. She developed a great interest in image and video creation in secondary school and studied filmmaking in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Sisterhood is Tracy's first narrative feature film, which is based on her experiences growing up in Macau. The project received a grant from Macau's Instituto Cultural. It was also got nominated and awarded in different festivals, for example, it was nominated for the 36th Hong Kong Film Awards and received an award at the International Film Festival, Macao.

Xenia Wong

Founder and Chief Designer of O.N.E
黃嘉文(Xenia Wong)是O.N.E.持續時尚品牌創立人及首席設計師,她於2013年創立 En Masse,一家雲集全球 30 多個獨立設計師品牌的時尚生活集合店。基於其對產品設計的獨特觸角及多年手作皮具的經驗,在2016年XENIA成立了皮具品牌O.N.E。而在2019年,Xenia 成為了一名純素主義者,從而意識到環境及動物保護的重要性,並跟隨自身理念將O.N.E轉變成一個可持續性的純素皮具品牌。 Xenia Wong is the founder and chief designer of O.N.E, a sustainable fashion brand based in Macau. In 2013, Xenia founded En Masse, a lifestyle select shop curating over 30 independent designer brands globally. With her unique sense in design and fashion, along with her passion and experience in handmade leather products, Xenia founded O.N.E as a leather handbag brand in 2016. In 2019, Xenia became a vegan, realizing the importance of environmental protection and animal welfare, and successfully pivoted O.N.E to a sustainable fashion brand specializing in vegan leather products in order to align her values to her business venture.

Organizing team


Macao, Macao


Macao, Macao