x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Beyond The Horizon

This event occurred on
June 5, 2022
Samarkand, Samarqand

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Silk Road International University of Tourism
17 University Boulevard, Samarkand
Main Hall
Samarkand, Samarqand, 140100
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Mirzo­Ulugbek­Street events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alikhan Khakberdiev

Social Activist
Education systems are going backward, but whose responsibility is it? One of the most common challenges faced by students these days is cheating, and it continues to have severe consequences on society as a whole. Alikhan Khakberdiev, a 17-year-old student from Bukhara, is eager to present his innovative thoughts on a topic that continues to grow in relevancy. According to Alikhan, what is often regarded as a problem not worth mentioning, might turn out to be a major threat to the many.

Anastasia Lakaeva

Social Activist
Have you ever wondered how the smallest changes affect the things that happen around you? How the decisions you make can turn everything upside down? Anastasia, a 16-year-old activist who decided to address this topic in her speech, "Say "Yes" to changes in your life" and share her story of change, as well as pushing people to take their personal risks. Anastasia herself loves working with people, especially young people. She has been involved in many organizations as a staff member and participant, such as Youth in Policy, Expresser Speaking Club, Nobel Explorers, etc. A couple of years ago she got inspired by Asian culture and decided to go to China and study Chinese, which led her to what you see now. Get involved in her speech "Say "Yes" to changes in your life" To learn how to embrace all the experiences you're having and also to not be afraid to take risks!

Asilbek Amonov

Social Activist
How do conspiracies spread, and why do we believe them? Is there any way to combat conspiracy theories once they're out there? From Flat Earthers to the Illuminati, I want to clear the air how conspiracy theories take root. I often meet with people who seriously believe that astronauts were not on the moon and our world is under the control of the lizards. It's time to tell that this is nonsense.. or not?

Aygerim Urazmetova

Social Activist
I am a social activist and one of the leaders of my community. As a leader, I was an ambassador of Uzbekistan in several international programs such as the CAYLA, and KDB Leadership programs, and became a finalist in the Global UGRAD program. I have achieved all these due to my belief in the power of being an optimist and I am going to present my TEDx Talk on the topic of "The true power of optimism". I found this idea worth sharing because by being an optimistic person, I was able to overcome all the challenges that I have faced in my life. In my talk, I want to share my personal story as well as explain the hidden power of positivity and how to remain optimistic in any situation.

Dhyey Vank

President of the British school’s Resonance Club of Chemistry
Dhyey is a 17-year-old student from the British school of Tashkent, also serving as a social activist, helping locals by teaching English, volunteering for various shelters in need, Organizing Mun’s for the youth of Uzbekistan to participate in, and so on. All of which has also led him to be the first recipient to be awarded the Duke of Edinburgh’s International award in the whole country and numerous prizes in the field of Bio-chemical competitions, currently fascinated by the world of bio-molecular sciences he aspires to pursue a career which is believed to be ever changing in nature, in the following TEDx Event he hankers to spread the Idea of how the deadliest beings on planet Earth can be manipulated to team up with our human race so as to offset the major biological disaster ticking its way to doom, which has the potential to leave all the Antibiotics in human existence to become obsolete and make humans face one of the worst crisis ever incident!

Djahongir Djafarov

Social Activist
My name is Djafarov Djahongir, I am 20 years old and I have been involved in various public performances most of my life. Starting from the school where I have acted as various folklore characters and even Hamlet as many as 4 times, to the fact that I am now the coordinator of the public speaking club at my university. Given my extensive experience, I can mark myself as someone who does not shy away from expressing my thoughts in public, defending and properly communicating my ideas and position. I see my participation in TEDx as a great opportunity to show that doing what I do isn't scary and that absolutely everyone is capable of it.

Feruza Rustamova

"How to understand art. Does it affect on us?" As begginner-artist i'm really interested in this area; also quite often I face the situations when people question themselves why particular art-works are so expensive, valuable and etc. Art theme is much more interesting than it may seem; that is why i also want to speak about what is art-therapy and a real effect of it.

Firuzbek Gulomov

Social Activist
My name is Firuzbek Gulomov, I’m an optimistic person with his crosshairs set on achieving more from one day to the other. I will be a speaker at TEDxYouth@MirzoUlugbekStreet, I want to present intrigue the audience with a speech closely related to the cosmos, and all the virtues it infinitely embodies. Explaining either the Fermi paradox or talking about the scarcity of extraterrestrial life, and the reasons as to why we haven’t come in contact with them. The story upon which I will be presenting my speech will all circulate around the fact that the universe is so hysterically vast and most likely infinite, albeit we still have yet to come in contact with any other similar autonomic or at least sapient species.

Kamola Erkinboeva

Social Activist
Kamola Erkinboeva is a 17-year-old student at university of World economy and diplomacy. She is a positive and enthusiastic girl who wants to share this positivity with whole world. Kamola considers being kind at least with smiling is duty of humanity and not valuing every good word is debt of it. She believes that good community full of optimistic people is not a “utopia”. Everything is possible when we realize ourselves and pay attention what we are saying to people around us. She claims that sometimes silence is the key to all conflicts. Kamola wants to change individual’s mindset that managing to keep reasonable silence is another type of art. She shares her thoughts on art of staying wordless and value of every single word. Tune in to watch her Ted Talk “Speak more in silence!”

Kamola Sunnatullaeva

Social Activist
Sunnatullaeva Kamola is a 20-year-old junior student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages and a mentor with three years of teaching experience. In the search for her passion in life, she realized that educating and supporting people is what makes her life meaningful. Being raised in a traditional Uzbek family and a conservative community, she considers education as the main factor which can enable women to take their rightful place in society and escape social pressure. During her classes she encourages students to be bold, pursue their goals and go beyond gender stereotypes.

Kamolakhon Ermatova

Social Activist
Kamolakhon Ermatova is a student in the Presidential School in Tashkent. She is studying chemistry and biology, and she is interested in genetics and medicine. In TEDx event, she wants to speak about "How genetic engineering can change humanity." She says: "We're at the point where genetic engineering does not seem real, similar to how people couldn't believe it when phones or computers were invented. With new genetic technology, we can literally edit humans. Want your child to have blue eyes? Or want them to be super athletic? Well that's steadily becoming our upcoming reality. We can cut and replace genes and achieve the result that we're looking for. Sounds pretty cool right? Well I believe that it can also stir up a lot of social and political conflict."

Otabek Mirzabekov

Social Activist
Otabek is currently student of Westminster International University in Tashkent and taking Business Information Systems module (IT related subjects). He has always been energetic, curious and creative since his childhood which led to a number of achievements in several spheres such as programming, marketing, teaching and some more. Moreover, he works as an English tutor in learning center which enabled to enhance his empathy and presentation skills. His is enthusiastic about playing video games, thus he wants to change the opinions of people about video games once and for all. The topic of his TEDx speech is unique and it'll reveal the importance of games to develop the skills of 21st century. Stay tuned to derive unforgettable information on the merits of video games.

Shakhrizoda Nasrullaeva, Asal Raimkulova (Duo)

In TEDx event, they want to talk about the "Marriage is a decision of mature person". They say: "Early marriage is a very urgent problem for our society and for many countries of the world as a whole." Together, they decided to show people the negative impact of early marriages for women and men, and how this affects the statistics of education, divorce and mortality in the state and society. With their speech, they want to inspire young people in their early years to devote themselves more to education, self-development, sports, mental health, building relationships with people, career growth, art and many other aspects of life, instead of being victims of early marriages.

Shokhrukhbek Olimov

Social Activist
Shokhrukhbek Olimov is a 19-year-old teacher who guided ~1,500 students in their process of taking the IELTS exam. He has an educational blog of over 18,000 followers and delivers webinars/seminars to hundreds of students weekly. Yet, he is usually the quietest kid in the room. People usually ask him “ Why are you so silent?”. He shrugs his shoulders. Instead of chit-chats, he loves discussing deep topics about life and death, utopia and dystopia - the topics that provoke totally different interpretations, though meaningful images in the mind. In the TEDx, he wants to present a speech on how silence at times can be a powerful tool in building stronger bonds and attaining self-realization. He wants to respond to those people without feelings of guilt “ Why are you so noisy?”

Ulugbek Khojalepesov

Social Activist
Ulugbek is a 22-year-old student, aspiring to pursue an academic career in economics. Since childhood, Ulugbek has had an intense curiosity toward social sciences like history and economics. The way the world functions has always been amazing and fascinating to Ulugbek, resulting in a serious passion for Macroeconomics. Ulugbek wanted to share his thoughts at TEDx on why some countries fail to become economically prosperous and the determinants of wealth and poverty. The ultimate goal is to discuss the reasons lying behind why some nations are poor and others are rich. And after all, what actions and policies should be taken to encourage people to run out of poverty toward prosperity.

Organizing team


Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Akhmad Hurshetov
    Team member
  • Amir Melikov
  • Elbek Yuldashev
    Team member
  • Farzona Sadulloeva
    Team member
  • Firdavs Sagdullaev
    Team member
  • Khushnud Ochilov
  • MaLika Agaeva
    Team member
  • Mirshodbek Eshimov
    Team member
  • Nigina Bochkaryova
  • Sabrina Sabirova
  • Shakhzoda Mirakova
  • Shaxina Muhammadova
    Team member