x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 对话的可能 United in diversity

This event occurred on
May 15, 2022
Guangzhou, Guangdong



Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510000
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
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凉意 Yi Liang

凉意,非暴力沟通教育工作者,亲密关系教育工作者,“启盒练爱”创办人,播客“超智游戏ComplexGame”主播。 三十岁的他,辞掉了一家全国知名的 NGO 传播总监的工作,他挺起胸膛和父母妻子还有所有师长说,找到了能把剩下的生命都投注其中的事业。这个决定无疑是正确的,他找到了改变世界的突破口——成立亲密关系工作坊。 尽管那时跟妻子异地生活六年,他却一直被称为是“别人家的老公”,因为他把非暴力沟通带进和太太的相处实践里。这和他在公益领域的工作经历有很大关系。另外,凉意是香港中文大学新闻传播学院硕士,有跨学科学习和知识体系,结合十年参与式与体验式学习技艺探索,工作坊应运而生。 如今,凉意成功地帮助大量在亲密关系中困惑的人们,“系统地锻炼出强壮的意识,让照顾自己又关爱他人的非暴力沟通能在日常生活里开花结果”。 Yi Liang, an educator of non-violent communication and intimate relationship, the founder of “Box-Opening, Love-Practicing”, the anchor of the podcast “ComplexGame” At the age of 30, he quit his job as a communication director of an NGO well-known all around China. He raised his chest and told his parents, wife, and mentors that he had found a career to which he could devote the rest of his life. This decision was undoubtedly correct. He found a breakthrough point to change the world — setting up a workshop on intimate relationships. Even though at that time, he and his wife had lived separately for six years, Yi Liang was always praised as a “Model Husband”, since he brought non-violent communication into the practice of getting along with his wife. This has a lot to do with his working experience in the field of social welfare. In addition, Yi Liang holds a master’s degree from the School of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and has interdisciplinary learning and knowledge system. Through the combination of a ten-year exploration of participatory and experiential learning skills, the workshop came into being alongside the path. So far, Yi Liang has successfully helped a large number of individuals who are confused in their intimate relationships. “Cultivate a strong awareness systematically, so that the non-violent communication that cares for both oneself and others can blossom and bear fruit in daily life.”

郭兆凡 Grace Guo

郭兆凡,毕业于清华大学和伦敦政治经济学院,后因兴趣投身教育行业,走访过几十个尝试教育改革的案例,对比不同情境下学生不同的生命状态。在这个过程中,她深感思维教育的重要和缺乏,于是和朋友一同创办思辨教育机构“C 计划”。 After graduating from Tsinghua University and the London School of Economics and Political Science, Zhaofan (Grace) Guo joined the education industry out of interest and visited dozens of cases of attempted educational reform, comparing the different states of students' lives in different contexts. In the process, she realized the importance and lack of education on critical thinking, so she founded Project C with friends.

陈志君 Stanley Chen

投入公益十余年,陈志君不仅是一名教育戏剧推广者,还以“协作者”的身份为公益行动提供支持,多年来促进不同社会阶层的人士对话、理解和共同行动。在社交场合中,协作者是一个让对话更顺畅的支持角色:当人们观点无法统一时,促进大家达到共识;当讨论停滞、无法前进时,破解阻力有效推动。 陈志君认为,协作的背后是相互学习的模式,而不是单向控制;是基于大前提下,通过流程帮助大家达到目标,而非强加思想、行为在对方身上,让沟通与共识成为可能。“我是个哪怕别人拉黑我、我也不会反过来拉黑他、还始终想要跟他好好聊聊看看到底他是怎么想的好奇心分子。”

陈飞樾 Feiyue Chen

陈飞樾毕业于 MIT 建筑学院,是“沙丘研究所”的联合创始人与主要创作者。他从建筑学出发,试图以空间的视角对现有的社交媒体交往结构做出分析和判断。取名沙丘,因这两个字可以让人联想到不断被塑造的流动景象。互联网也具备这样的特征,因各种信息的不断流动、积累,这个虚拟世界的样子不断变化,不断被塑造。 我们如今生活在一个被社交媒体各种网络信息所淹没的时代。统一意见的站队、充满戾气的对话、被淹没的真相,对互联网形成公共领域构成挑战。他在《中文互联网中“讨论”的消亡》一文中曾提及,高质量的对话是公共领域形成的充要条件。他认为,惟有理性的对话才能消解矛盾。没有地方讨论,只会有更多的两极化,更多的简化和污名化,更多无意义的争端。

静远 Jingyuan

静远 1979 年生于广西。在中国国内大学毕业以后,2006 年到蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学艺术系学习并取得艺术本科学位,2008 到芝加哥艺术学院学习,获得艺术硕士学位。 除了拍摄纪录片、画画、做参与式项目以外,她还是“写母亲”的发起人和组织者。这个项目已经进行了五年,出版了五本书。最新一本为“写母亲”五:《住在亲情里的疫情》。她于 2018 年在“写母亲”项目的基础上开始了“汗流浃背”项目,主要着力于协助流动女工群体的文字和视觉创作。她曾在多个公益机构开过写作课。 在“普通人的创作”这个概念下,她不断尝试专业和非专业的边界,也立足以创作力来推动特权和剥削下不同声音互见和互助的可能。 Jingyuan was born in Guangxi in 1979. After graduating from university in China, she went to Montreal to study at Concordia University in 2006 for her undergraduate degree in Fine Arts and at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2008 for her Master of Fine Arts. In addition to making documentaries, painting and doing participatory projects, she is the initiator and organizer of ‘Writing · Mothers’. This project has been running for five years and has resulted in the publication of five books. The latest book is Writing · Mothers V - KINDEMIC: Words and Worlds of Drifting Migrant Female Workers. In 2018, she started the "Sweat, Stop, Rewrite" project based on the "Writing · Mothers" project, which focuses on assisting migrant women workers in their written and visual creation. She has given writing classes at various charity organizations. Under the concept of "ordinary people's creativity", she is constantly experimenting with the boundaries of professional and non-professionalism, and using her creative power to promote the possibility of different voices seeing and helping each other under privilege and exploitation.

Organizing team


Guangzhou, China


Guangzhou, China
  • Jiaxin Situ
  • Josie Chan
  • Leia Chan
  • Liang Minghua
  • Ruixin Liang
  • Victon Lau